| The heroic defense of Otrar from Chengys Khan army.At the end of XII-XIII centuries early. the territory of Mongolia formed the large nomadic state under the authority of one of the representatives of the tribal elite - Temujin. It was originally founded in the river valleys Kerulen and Orkhon, followed by association of kindred tribes and the Mongol conquest of neighboring countries to have become a powerful empire, not only in Central Asia, but worldwide. In 1203 they were defeated Kereitskoe, then the neighboring Naiman Khanate in 1207-1211 gg. were subjugated peoples of Siberia and East Turkestan. In 1215g. was taken by Beijing, and by 1217 the Mongols conquered all the land north of the Yellow River. In 1206 Temujin was proclaimed vsemongolskim Hagan and received the title Genghis Khan. Education Mongolian State contributed to the consolidation of previously malosvyazannyh tribes into a single ethnic group and an end mezhdusobnyh wars. Conquest Zhetysu. State of the Kara-Khitan in Zhetysu and southern Kazakhstan underwent a political crisis. Cities Maverannakhra gradually freed from the power of the Gur-khan. Karlykskie Qarakhanid and rulers began to go in citizenship Khorezm. In 1207 the Kara-Khitan lost Bukhara, then Taraz. In addition, strained relations with the rulers gurkhan Koylyka and Almalyk. Finding himself in a quandary gurkhan Chzhilugu appealed for help to Kiichliig Khan Naiman. In 1218g. units Zhebe together with the forces and the rulers Koylyka Almalyk opposed Kuchliig. At the same time the Mongols allowed Muslims to worship in public, before banned Naiman, which helped the transition of the settled population to the side of the Mongols. Kiichliig, unable to organize resistance, fled. Living Balasagun opened the gates to the Mongols, for which the city was named Gobalyk - "good city". Before Genghis Khan opened the way to the limits of Khorezm and Movarahannahr. . The war in September 1219. began with the siege of Otrar. Dividing his army into several parts, one part of Genghis Khan left for the siege of the city, the other, led by his eldest son Zhoshi, sent down the Syr-Darya, and he himself went to Bukhara.
Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1241