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Chagatai Khanate and Mughulistan in the history of Kazakhstan (area, economy, social organization).

The collapse of the Chagatai ulus in the middle of the XIV century in the territory of South-Eastern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, a new nomadic state. Political history Moghulistan second half of XIV century. remains obscure, especially its inner life. In the sources there is no reliable information about events in the northern areas Zhetisu and the Tien Shan. The most detailed results Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dulat on the history of his tribe. After the death of shagataida Kazan Khan, the nomadic life of the enemy, 'the tribal elite and the Kazakh kyrgizskih birth Zhetisu decides to establish an independent state from shagataidov. However, in all states of the Mongol tradition of supreme ruler could only be Chingizid. Therefore, the Emir of Pu-ladchi, head of the tribal nobility Dulat tribe, made a name-renniem create an independent khanate with protege - Khan of Genghisides. Chingizids, which chose aulaty, was 18-year-Togluk-Timur '' Having Khan, his protege, dulatskie emirs and strengthened its authority as the leading political forces of the country. With the support of the tribal elite Dulats managed to some extent to stabilize the situation in the country, to unite under his rule the whole vast territory Moghulistan, to ubordinate the tribes inhabiting it. Rate Togluk-Timur was in Almalik. The struggle for the unification of all areas under the auspices of the central government was the main content of the internal life of the state. Nomadic know some tribes stubbornly resisted attempts by the Khan to limit its independence. Hiking Timur on Moghulistan. The first campaign of Timur Moghulistan took place in 1371-72 gg. However, it beat the so-called "reconnaissance" trip that took to the demonstration of force and the seizure of captives and booty. More serious campaign began with in 1375 and were directed against the Amir Qamar ad-Din, Hike in 1375 ended in complete victory of Timur, but Qamar-al-Din managed to retain power. In 1376 a new army of Timur acted on Moghulistan, but Kypchak voenona-chalniki mutinied and went over to Orys Khan. The next campaign was undertaken in 1377, when he was captured Sygnak, where Khan was Toktamys. Troops Moghulistan twice defeated, but Qamar-al-Din escaped once again. In the 80's. Kamar-al-Din made an alliance with Toktamysom, Yonge torus and Hizir Hodge v. Khan, Tamerlane. In 1389, Emir Timur took a further hike in Zhetisu. Moghul rulers were unable to organize resistance, and the troops of Timur were all over the country, ruining the pastures and gorotsa. Another hike in 1390 ended in defeat again Moghulistan. In 1404 Timur decided to finally subdue Zhetisu and led a huge army went into the campaign. Only death tremor of the universe "in Otrar in early 1405 withdrew the threat.


43. Kazakh Khanate in the late 17-18vv. Politics Khan Tauke to unite the Kazakh land. "Jeti-zhargy."

Kazakh Khanate in the beginning of XVIII century. Strengthening zhongarskoy aggression. In the 80 years of the XVII century. hiking zhongarskih huntayshi of Kazakh lands were resumed, they sought to seize the South Kazakhstan and the trading towns on the Syr Darya. as well as the territory of which were important caravan routes, Huntayshi Galdan (1671-1699) in 1681-1685 gg. made several raids in southern Kazakhstan, which resulted in the city was destroyed by Sairam. His successor Tsevan-Rabtan (1699-1729) continued the aggressive war. The beginning of XVII! into. many units of the invaders have moved to r.Sary-Su, a part of their troops invaded the north-eastern regions of the Middle Juz. Tauke Khan in 1710 in the Kara Kum brought together representatives of all the Kazakh zhuzes in order to discuss how best to organize resistance. It was created by the army, which managed to throw zhongar to the east. This is especially true in the wake of death of Khan Tauke in 1715. Feeling that the growing danger zhongarskoy role should grow Khan, the sultan's factions began a fierce fight for the seat of the supreme ruler. After much debate, Khan was elected Kaipov (1715-1718). Kazakh-Russian relations in the beginning of XVIII century. At the end of XVI! into. Russia continued its aggressive policy. In the first 50 years of the XVI century. were eliminated Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate. Thus, the south-eastern border of Russia came close to the lands of the Kazakh khanate. At the end of the XVI century, on the russ to-Kazakh border had started the construction of Russian cities, forts, outposts, the Cossacks, redoubts and lighthouses. Some military installations have been built directly on the territory of Kazakhstan. In 1620 the town was laid Yaitsky (Uralsk), in 1645 Guriev (Atyrau). Kazakh Khan Tauke sends the 90-ies. Several embassies in Russia. The main objectives that were set before the messengers, to halt the raids Ural Cossacks and the Bashkir and conclude trade agreements with the Russian merchants. However, the Russian side, who had not seen the benefits of closer relations with the Kazakhs, drawn-out negotiations, arresting Khan's ambassadors, prompting Tauke Khan reluctant to prospects of the Kazakh-Russian alliance. In 1694, Mr. Tauke Khan again sent to Moscow with a letter to Peter I, in which he expressed his hope for the consolidation of trade relations. Peter I immediately appreciated the significance of the Kazakh Khanate in Russia's foreign policy: "All the Asian countries and lands onaya horde key and the gate, and the reasons for onaya horde a suit under the patronage of Russia to be." Zheti Zhargy. Changes in political structure called the urgent need for treatment and legal basis for the organization of the Kazakh society. This work was done all XVIIB. and Khan Tauke are enshrined in the statute books "Zhegi zhargy" (Seven Establishment). This set was developed with the participation of famous biys at the beginning of the XVII century. and included the following main sections: 1. Land Law (Jer dauy), which negotiated settlement of disputes on the pastures and watering places. 2. Family and marital law, which establishes the procedure for marriage and divorce, the rights and responsibilities of spouses, the property rights of family members. 3. Military Law, which regulates the administration of conscription, the formation of units and commanders elections. 4. Regulation of the trial, negotiated order of the trial. 5. Criminal Law, which establishes penalties for various types of crime except murder. 6. Coons Act, which establishes penalties for murder and grievous bodily harm. 7. Law Widows (Zhesir dauy), which regulates property and personal rights of widows and orphans, as well as obligations towards them obshiny and relatives of the deceased.

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