| Development prsvescheniya. I. Altynsarin.The development of the education system. At the end of XIX century. many towns, villages and mountain villages offers many schools, was the beginning of polytechnics and female education. In many schools were boarding. By the end of XIX century. Kazakhstan was more than 100 two-year schools with an enrollment of over 4 thousand students. I. Altynsarin. Organizer of public education in the second half of XIX century. was a prominent Kazakh educator Ibrahim Altynsarin (1841 -1889). He was born near Kostanai family known beating Balgozhi, in 1857, he graduated from Kazakh seven-year school in Orenburg. As a result of systematic self-education he became a highly educated man of his time. A deep study of the history and current state of Russian pedagogy enabled him to become an educator of the native people. With the help of the people he succeeded in January 1884 in Torgau, in 1888 in Irgiz in 1884 in southwestern Moscow to open Kazakh schools. The name I. Altynsarin connected and the beginning of female education in Kazakhstan. He opened several schools for girls in boarding schools, which in 1886 enrolled 211 students. Its merit is also the opening of agricultural, trade schools, the development of didactic principles of training and education of children, the creation of learning and teaching aids. He had written "Kyrgyz reader", "Training Guide Kyrgyz Russian language", "Maktubat" had great significance in the history of Kazakh culture. In these textbooks for Kazakh schools to use the Russian alphabet. "Only with the use of the Russian alphabet Kirghiz (Kazakh) language to get rid of the Arab, Tatar words that are inappropriate to include in the Kyrgyz language. Only use the Russian font Kazakh books will be written correctly," wrote I. Altynsarin. School he believed the key to true enlightenment of the people. "Schools - Education is the mainspring of the Kazakhs on them, especially on their promise, in which only the future of the Kyrgyz people", - wrote the educator. Given the nomadic life of the Kazakhs, he proposed to open boarding schools for schools.
Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1260