| Turks in the history of Eurasia. Turkic and Western Turkic Khanates (politic and social history, economy).
Ancient Turkic Empire covered the territory from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea. At that period the ethnic environment began to change – Turkic-speaking tribes became powerful. The centre of the formation of Turkic culture was Altai. The term ‘Turk’ appeared in manuscripts in the second part of the VI century.In 552y a new ‘character’ – Turkic Khanate – came to the social stage of Central Asia. It was found by Bumyn kagan. Turkic khanate changed to a predominant force of Central Asia in the time of the ruler Mukhan-khagan (553-572). It turned into a large state of the Medieval Times in a short period. Reaching its prosperity the state occupied the vast expanses of the region – Mongolia, along the Baikal, particularly the upper current of Yenisey and the upper current of Amu Darya in the south. However, it’s not easy for a state to retain the vast territory. The circumstances in Turkic khanate, such as the complication of political controversies, squabbles within many years, a severe famine, the Chinese plunge into the khanate frontier resulted in the division of all Turkic khanate into two independent East and West khanates in 603. The centre of the latter was Suyab (Zhetysu) and the summer residence of Minbulak. The first person in the Western Turks was Kagan - overlord, ruler of the army. Kagans power transmitted by inheritance, he led all internal and foreign affairs, was manager of all lands. There marital slavery. The bulk of the population consisted of free common-pastoralists. In 630-634 years Kaganat lost their ownership Central to the west of the Syr Darya, the State entered into a crisis whose primary cause was pressure from the exterior and the struggle for power of tribal alliances. Hostility in the Western Turkic khanate, a war ruse of the Chinese Emperor, who tried to build up hegemony in Zhetysu, had an effect on the weakening and becoming unnoticeable khanate. A new power – Tyrgeshes appeared in the khanate.
Date: 2014-12-22; view: 1498