The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is responsible for the provision and management of all public authority housing in Northern Ireland. It employs graduates in each of four divisions: Development, Housing Management, Finance and Administration. Development embraces architects, engineers and design and production staff. Housing Management reports on housing need, deals with allocations, transfers and exchanges, improvement grants, rent collections and maintenance and repair. The Finance division is responsible for accounts, salaries, financial policy, loans and internal control procedures. Administration provides personnel services, statistics and research, information, land and property services, work study and organisation and methods and legal advice.
The 26 district councils are responsible for a wide range of local services including the provision of recreational, social, community and cultural facilities; environmental health; consumer protection; the enforcement of buildings regulations; the promotion of tourist development schemes; gas supply; street cleaning; refuse collection and disposal, litter prevention and miscellaneous licensing and registration provisions.
Belfast City Council is the largest of these authorities and provides professional and administrative services on a consultancy basis to other councils requiring specialist help or facilities. It is the only one of the district councils to have a reasonably regular programme of recruitment to the grades of clerical officer and trainee computer programmer. Graduates are only occasionally recruited to other positions or by the other district councils.
All vacancies are advertised in three Northern Ireland daily papers.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1201