| Ii) The need for world development
All countries in the World depend on each other. We all import and export different products, and it’s impossible to imagine that all countries can be independent from the rest of the World. However, there three types of countries in the World: developed, developing, and less developed countries. Also, it was very popular to divide countries by North and South, where North means rich and South means poor. The examples of developed countries can be: USA and Western Europe. Such countries as: Brazil, Mexico, India and Malaysia are developing countries. And finally less developed countries, like: Sudan, Bangladesh, Mali and etc. Unfortunately we still have some poor countries in the World, and it shows that we have a lot to do about it. Now, let’s look why countries become poor. First of all, the poverty in the country may be caused by war. For example Livan wasn’t a rich country, but nowadays, day by day this country becomes closer to the debt. Livan and Israel could solve this problem by different way, but they preferred war. But let’s imagine how many years will it take to recover from this war. Israel used to be a type of tourist country, but today nobody wants to go there. Nobody wants to die. This war between Livan and Israel has a very negative effect on the attitude from the other countries. At the wartime, many people die and usually it takes twenty or more years to begin have new, young families. It also affects people minds very much. It’s easy to explain. Who wants to have a child at the wartime? The answer is-nobody. Nobody wants to present such a ‘nice’ childhood to their children.
What about earthquakes, floods and other catastrophic disasters? They also cause many problems. It takes a lot of time and money to rebuild new schools, houses and etc. Sometimes a less developed country takes a loan from the developed one, but it still have to return this money back. It’s impossible to imagine how such countries as Peru or Asia can return all the money at the right time. I think, that rich and developed countries must understand it, and lend money to such countries with minimal or no percent to return.
The question was, there’s a need for world development. Here the answer. From my point of view, all countries need to develop first of all for the good of its citizens. If the country managed not to have this problem, it can also help to the other less developed countries. Development is the only way we can change a situation. Therefore, I think we must develop for the good of ourselves as well as for the good of others.
(iii) A religious agency working for world development
Now I want to write about the CAFOD religious agency. I chose it, because from my point of view it is one of the best religious agencies in the World, which works with more than 5000 thousand different organizations and helps communities to build a better future for them.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1128