Part (a) (i) Christian teaching on wealth and poverty
Christians believe that wealth is something which can be used for good or evil, and so, in itself, is not a bad thing. However, Christians believe, if you are rich, it’s not just because you’ve worked very hard. It is also a gift from God and, if you are rich, you must remember that and help to the poor people. If you have an ability, you should ‘feed hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked or visit those who are sick or in prison.’ In a parable about the end of the world it says, that in the end everyone will be judged. In Matthew 25:31-46 it says that one time Jesus said that the good and bad people would be separated just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. In Christianity, if you help to the other people, you help to the God, and so you show that you love God. The good people would be sent to the heave and bad people would go to the hell. “The commandment to Christians to love God and love their neighbour means they must help anyone who is in trouble whether they live next door or far away”-based on Luke 10:25-37. Christians believe that God blesses and thank those who come to the aid of the poor and rebukes those who turn away from poor people. Therefore, Christians believe they must share their wealth with the poor. Also, Christians believe that wealth can be a big danger, if you focus just on it. “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.” -1 Timothy 6:9-10. Christians believe that all humans are equal in the eyes of God and that all the things of earth have been to humans by God to use to help each other. Christians also believe that they should help not just to the people from their own country, but to the people from all over the World. “Rich nations have a grave moral responsibility towards those which are unable to ensure the means of their development by themselves.” - based on the Catholic Church. Christians believe that, if you wish to someone to be well and healthy, it is a dead action as long as you don’t do anything for this person. There are lots of countries in the World and some of them are poor or developing countries, such as: Africa, Brazil, Peru, and most of Asia countries. All these countries are located in the South. And of course we have rich countries, such as: America, Europe Russia, Japan and many others, which are located in the North. So according to the statistics let’s just imagine that whilst we in the North worry about our diets, thirty five thousands of people every day starve to death, because they don’t have enough food to survive. It is ridiculous if rich countries don’t help to the poor ones. I know that is difficult, but I think they must help and change this situation.
Muslim teaching on poverty and wealth
Islam teaches that wealth is something given by God (in Islam Allah) for the benefit of humanity and, therefore, is something to be shared. Beginning from the childhood, Muslims are taught to care for the poor and for those in need. Muslims believe that all wealth and everything they have belongs to Allah, so they must give Zakah to the poor, which means they purify the money they have. There are three main forms of giving: Sadaqah, Zakah and Zakat-ul-Fitr. Sadaqah is any good that Muslims do for someone in need. They may give it at any time they want. It can be anything, beginning from the prayer or time and ending by giving some money and material help. Muslims don’t have to give Sadaqah, but they believe that Allah will appreciate it. Muslims believe that by giving money to the other people, they become rich in their souls. Zakah is another form of help. In Arabic Zakah means purification. Muslims pay Zakah every year based on two and a half percent of all their savings and income. Also, there’s a special time, when Muslims pay a special zakah, it is a festival of Id ul’Fit’r. For Muslims paying Zakah is not compulsory, but if they don’t pay Zakah, it is the same like stealing from Allah, because it belongs to him. Zakah is a test of the Muslim and therefore, the more wealthy the person is, the more they give. Zakat-ul-Fitr is the last form of payment. It is an additional payment and Muslims pay it in the end of Ramadan. The amount of this payment is usually stated by the local mosque. So Muslims differ to each other by the amount of help they give to the poor.