The communication between team members is held according to the CE Communications Plan. The Communication Officer supervises process of interaction between group members. It will be in the form of face-to-face meetings, during the office hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays.If it is required there will also be additional meetings. Communication officer will post meeting summaries and share them with two groups: team and management team. Google Docs is a good tool for this purpose.
Secondary way of communication is email. It will be used for discussions, transferring documents or any other things related to the project. The shared information is private and not accessible to the non-team members.
Team members also can call each other by phone. However, it is the best way of conversation in urgent case. If any decisions are taken during the conversation, they will be documented and members will be informed. Also, if somebody can’t attend the meeting, he can call and inform the Communication officer. The person, who wasn’t present, receives a link to the meeting memo.
Furthermore, Communication officer collects information about news, challenges, experiences and successes from team members.This will take place every Thursday. All collected information will be included in Weekly Report.
Good external communication between the project team and the clients is crucial for the success of the project. The clients are first contacted via phone/e-mail to offer the services of Fashion JKL. Each client will have one contact person from the team. This person will be the one who made the initial contact with the client. This ensures easy communication flow.
After the client – service provider relationship has been established it is very important that the communication flow is well maintained in order to satisfy the needs of the clients and keep them up to date about the Fashion JKL services. All the communication with the clients must be documented in order to prevent any misunderstandings and to make sure that correct information will be released on the website.
Possible sponsors will be first contacted via phone and afterwards more information will be sent through e-mail. A follow-up phone call will be made a few days after the e-mail has been sent to confirm the possible sponsorship.
Before any external parties are contacted, the Management Team has to give their approval and the Team Leader has to know all the external contacts made. Google Documents will be used to keep track of all the external communication.
Main tools for external communication are:
- Phone & SMS
- E-mail
- Face-to-face meetings
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 964