Changes in the spelling system of Middle English
21. the vowel shift

26. Modern English Vocabulary
The Late ME inventory of consonants was established in ME -> recent changes tendency to reisert previously lost sounds in isolated words
By the late MnE period, unstressed vowels have almost been reduced to {ɔ}/ {i}
Morphological categories of late MnE are idertical to those of EMn
Noun: singular, plural: possessive , non possessive
Remained: 7 mutated plurals: feet, teeth, geese, lice, mice
Men, women and 3-n plural, brethren, children, oxen
s plural has become universal for native 1 naturalized words
Adj comporative er and superlative est
The 19th century saw the development of the passive progressive construction, get passive, verb-adverb combination as nouns
28/ Development of English strong verbs
Strong verbs were particularly vulnerable for the following reasons <= irregular
1. More weak verbs than strong verbs
2. Strong verbs were fragmented into 7 different classes with numenous irregularities
3. Sound changes affected negatively on the distinctions within classes
4. In ME , separated but related verbs tended to fall together as a single weak verb
5. New verbs from French almost entered English as weak verbs
29. Development of English weak verbs (regular verb)
There were too many weak verbs in OE, MB so even thong they got lost through of time, there are still a lot of weak verbs came in to ME from Scandinavian and French
30. Development of English vocabulary
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1508