| The development of science and culture of the country in 60-s of XX c.Education system development. Khruschev's ideas of an approximation of intellectual and physical work and communication strengthening between school and production led to carrying out at the end the 50-h-beginning of the 60th years of a radical reform of education. In 1958 the allied law duplicated in 1959 by the republican Law "About Strengthening of Communication of School with Life" was adopted. According to it, instead of seven years' and ten years' education compulsory eight years' education on which completion graduates were obliged to work three years at plants or in agriculture was entered, combining work with study or to study at high polytechnical schools with inservice training. Receipt in higher education institutions was caused now by a production experience, instead of theoretical preparation of entrants. In Kazakhstan transition to new system was complete in 1962-1963gg. This reform caused ambiguous consequences. Turnover of staff on production where the number of workers - "tranzitnik" increased by paths in higher education institutions amplified. The prestige of the higher education fell, scientists and the intellectuals were used at physical, unproductive works to the detriment of their professional activity. In 1964 some provisions of this reform were revised, and compulsory average ten years' education was entered, new training programs and plans start being developed, in 1970 the Charter of high comprehensive school under which three steps of tutoring - initial (to 3 classes) were entered, eight-year-old and average (10 years) is approved. Graduates of eight-year schools could continue tutoring at ten-year school or technical training colleges and average express educational institutions then had the right to enter the university. The system of the higher education continued to develop. In 1959 for centralization of management by higher education institutions of the republic the state committee transformed then to the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education of Kazakhstan was educated. The number of higher education institutions increased. If in the fifties in the republic there were 26 higher educational institutions, by 1980 their number increased to 55 in which over 250 thousand were trained human
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1000