December Kazakh Congress in 1917. Government of Alash Horde.In order to develop a program of action in the situation existing after the October Revolution of 1917, 5-13 December 1917 in Orenburg held Obschekirgizsky II-nd Congress (Obschekazahsky Congress). It was attended by delegates from all over the Turkestan: formed from 1 July 1917 Bukeyev province (formerly Bukei Horde), Ural, Turgay, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechensk, Syrdarya regions of the Kyrgyz counties Ferghana, Samarkand, Trans-Caspian region, the Amu Darya and the department Kyrgyz townships Altai province (formed June 17, 1917). Among the guests was Prime Minister, and only the Turkestan autonomy Mustafa Shokai. The organizers were his Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Ahmet Baitursynov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov and Omarov, S. Kadyrbaev, S. Doschanov. Chairman of the Congress was B. Kulmanov.
At the opening of the congress delegates made presentations to the places in which said basically that swept south of Turkestan hunger. The people of disparate, local authorities are not able to restore order. After discussing these messages the first paragraph of the resolution called on Congress "to stop people and party struggle for unity"
The central issue at the Congress was the question of autonomy. Report on autonomy was given by A. Bukeikhanov, its report and the issue of Kazakh autonomy were referred to a special committee. On behalf of the Commission made X. Gabbassov. After discussion of the report in view of the fact that the meeting unanimously resolved to form Kyrgyz Authority areas and name it "Alash".
Was formed interim national council Alash Orda of 25 members, of which 10 seats were provided to representatives of Russian and other peoples of the region. The seat of the Alash Orda was determined Semipalatinsk.
At the head of the government - the President of the People's Council Vsekirgizskogo - was elected on an alternative basis Alikhan Bukeikhanov (the party of "Alash"), except it is for the post claimed Kulmanov B. and A. Turlubaev.
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