| Kazakhstan during post-war years (1946-1953).Command-administrative system, developed in the 1920-1930's, achieved in a given period of its peak. With the return to civilian life authorities tried acting often brutally, to regain control over the mind. The treatment of prisoners of war repatriated to the Soviet Union since summer 1945 testified about tightening mode. Overall, only about 20% of 227tys. repatriated prisoners of war were allowed to return home. The majority were sent or to camps or in exile, or forced labor to rebuild the war-torn areas. Party dictatorship, the suppression of individual freedom, dissent, unsanctioned initiative, the political passivity of society, people's alienation from the means of production have become dominant features of this period.
In a country dominated by the cult of IV Stalin. The ideology of "Stalinism" has become the ideology of the Soviet state. As before, all the spheres of life were determined by the general line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The activities of all the other elements of the system - government agencies, trade unions, the Komsomol, and other public organizations coordinated, regulated and controlled by party organizations.
In February 1945, 1 secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan became the JA Shayakhmetov (1945-1954 gg.). The Government of the Republic headed by ND Undasynov (1938-1951 gg.).
In Kazakhstan, as in the USSR as a whole, it is accompanied by a decade of repressive measures against both the Party and government employees, as well as in relation to the intelligentsia. On the territory of Kazakhstan is still functioning whole penitentiary system - the Gulag camps.
During the years 1948-1952 on the territory of Kazakhstan was organized by four special camps - in the Karaganda region ("Steppenwolf camp MIA» ¹ 4, "Sandy" camp number 8 and "Meadow" camp number 9) and in the Pavlodar region ("Far Camp MIA »¹ 11). On January 1, 1953 in Kazakhstan were 974,900 deportees, of which 13,143 people were imprisoned in camps, colonies and prisons.
A new stage of repression began with the adoption of the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on August 14, 1946 "On the magazines" Zvezda "and" Leningrad ". In the context of this decision began to build their work and party committees of the republic. In January 1947, was accepted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Kazakhstan "On the grave political errors in the work of the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR." It defined as reactionary and anti-people almost all works of oral and written literature of pre-revolutionary Kazakh society. Wholesale rejection of the work has undergone major Kazakh poets, writers and thinkers.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1688