Educational policy of Kazakhstan in first half of Х1Х century.In the first half of the XIX century on the first place among the Kazakh poets there is a name Makhambeta Otemis-ula (1804-1846), the poet soldier, the bright spokesman of national expectations.
Makhambet Otemis-ula was born in 1804 in the present Urdinsky region of the Ural area. The father of the poet was the well-to-do, influential person in the Internal Horde. Zhangir han Makhambeta with the son Zulkarnayn sent to Orenburg (1824-1829) for study as the tutor. In 1829 for participation in performance шаруа Makhambeta concluded in the Kalmykovsky fortress where he was under examination. It took part in Isataya Tayman-ula's revolt as one of leaders. On October 20, 1846 by Makhambet it was killed. Verses Makhambeta are a peculiar chronicle of revolt, help to see the reasons and the purposes of national movement.
One of the best texts of the epos "Kozy Korpesh — Bayan-sulu" is written down by Sh. Ualikhanov at Zhanak and at Shozhe. Abyl kept an epic cycle "Forty nogaylinsky batyrs". Zhanak, Tubek, Shozhe and Orynbay, and then Suinbay were outstanding masters айтыса. Destinies and Doskozhi's works and Nysanbaya are closely connected with Kenesara's revolt.
Sherniyaz Zharylgas-ula (1807-1867) participated in revolt of 1836-1838 in the Internal Horde. It improved art of poetic improvisation. Its accusatory address to the sultan Baymaganbeta is known.
Shozhe Karzhaubay-ula (1808-1895) since the childhood it is deprived of sight, played on кобызе. In poetic competitions - айтысах - Shozhe did not know defeats. The version of the national epos "Kozy Korpesh — the Bayan Sula" best in the art relation was written down from Shozhe.
Dulat Babatay-ula (1802-1871) was one of the most educated people of the time. Subjected to severe criticism existing orders, spoke about lawlessness of the people, deterioration of customs of society. Its tolgau-thoughts "Akzhaylau and Sandyktas", to "Suleymen", "Oh, the Barrack young" are that. Dulat was recognized during lifetime as one of the best Kazakh poets of all times. Its poetic collection "Osiyet-nam" in 1880 was published in Kazan and soon forbidden by imperial censorship.
Shortanbay Kanay-ula (1818-1881) speaks about a public inequality, people oppression, condemns colonial orders. The poet urges not to aspire to the power and enrichment, and to adhere to moral installations of religion. Poetic manuals of Shortanbaya and its reasoning "Our ancestor – prophet Adam", united in the collection, were published in 1888 and further were repeatedly republished.
Suinbay Aron-uly (1822-1895) was born in the territory of the present Zhambylsky region of Almaty area. Participated in айтысах and became the most popular poet in Semirechye. Суинбай brought up the successors from whom Zhambyl (Dzhambul) was distinguished.
Among musical instruments the most widespread were домбра, кобыз, сыбызгы and сырнаи. Often author and the performer acted in one person as singers and instrumentalists. Кюй - the tool composition of a traditional form. Zhyr, толгау, a term - a poetiko-piece of music.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 933