Cultured Vegetables 
Carrots, Jicama, Daikon
Cultured vegetables what are they? They are one of my secret weapons. I am crazy for these foods. They are more than food to me. They work like magic. Here is my story of cultured veggies and there magic they have preformed for me and my family.
First it was my daughter Maci’s, and her terrible IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). She had cultured vegetables at every meal, about a heaping spoonful. They help heal her gut and help her digest her foods. They were huge in her recovery, and she eats them everyday to this day.
It was many years ago and my husband, Maci and I ate some bad artichoke dip and food poisoning ensued. It was awful. As I laid in bed moaning I began to get mad and decided that I was not going down without a fight. I dragged myself to the kitchen and ate 2 big spoonfuls of cultured veggies then went back to bed. It was about 30 minutes and I was up doing dishes. Maci and Ron were almost crying as they asked me how I could walk around and behave normally. It was those veggies. They work like a swat team inside your body. They will fight off all kinds of virus, and bacterium. Did you know they gave these vegetables to the chickens with birdflu and the chickens recovered. It’s because these veggies are awesome!!! This is always in my arsenal for any sickness. Colds, flu what ever, just take them they work.
Now my latest discover is what they do for seasonal allergies. I have had allergies to pollen since I was 15. Every spring I stay inside and suffered. These last few years since I discovered cultured foods my allergies started to get better. Every year my 8 weeks of misery was getting smaller and smaller. Last year it was cut down to 4 days. One of the things I discovered was that the more cultured veggies I took, the better it got. I take about 1/2 cup 2 to 3 times a day and I do great. I also take a lot of dessicated liver and kombucha and those are important too. I can go outside and enjoy the spring time. It is a beautiful thing. Those veggies are loaded with vitamin c and they fight inflammation both very important for your immune system when it is struggling with pollen.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1302