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Young people of your age complain that they are short of free time. Can you think of ways to economize some time for rest?

In my opinion it is always better to plan our free time because there are lots of things that need to be done and not all of these things are for fun. Leisure time is not only about waking up late, spending the whole day in bed or in front of the television and reading some magazines. In fact if it is well planned, free time can be used to meet our friends, go to a club, go to the cinema, go shopping or even read a nice book. Also I may use it to do more important things such as taking up a new hobby or visiting a museum or an exhibition hall. Thus my free time needs to be organized very well. By making a careful plan I can do more things, because I am more organized and I do not waste time. Moreover, with a plan I can enjoy myself more. If I have planned ahead I am fully prepared for the activities I wish to engage in, and I have nothing to worry about. So I prefer to plan my free time and take into consideration some aspects: my mood, the time I have, the plans of my parents and so on.

Nevertheless, sometimes I will go over the advantages of not to making any plans for my free time. Then I do not feel restricted by a preset routine, and my activities can be more spontaneous. In addition, when I have no plans of my own, it is easier to adapt to what my friends and family members may be doing. For instance, if I find out that a friend wishes to go to the cinema or to the beach, I can adjust myself to his or her plans with perfect freedom.

Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday that marks the traditional birthdate of Jesus of Nazareth. It is celebrated on the 25th of December in Europe and on the 7th of January inRussia andBelarus. Although the actual date of Jesus Christ’s birth is not known. Christmas combines the celebration of Jesus’ birth with various other traditions and customs. Christmas traditions include the display of Nativity scenes and Christmas trees, the exchange of gifts and cards, and the arrival of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

Germans began bringing Christmas trees indoors and decorating them with candles. After Queen Victoriamarried Prince Albertwho was a German, he popularized the Christmas tree in Britain. Prince Albertput up the 1st Christmas tree atWindsorCastle in 1840 and it was decorated with candles. The lights symbolized rebirth. Peter the Great introduced the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree inRussia. The most famous Christmas tree inLondon stands inTrafalgar Square. It is a present from the people ofNorway.

Santa Claus (also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas or St. Nikolaus, Sinterklaas, Joulupukki, Weihnachtsmann, Saint Basil) has become the most beloved of Christmas symbols and traditions. He is a jolly old elf; he has a long white beard and is dressed in red. He flies in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and leave toys and gifts for every child in long socks “Christmas stockings” by the chimney.

The custom of sending Christmas Cards appeared in the 19th century. Sir Henry Cole an innovator sent out the 1st Christmas card in 1843. It was handmade and very expensive.

The traditional Christmas food inBritainis roast turkey with vegetables, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake or pies. Turkeyscame toEnglandfromMexicoin 1526. Yorkshireman William Strickland bought six from American Indian traders and sold them inBristolfor tuppence each.



Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1381

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