In the absence of a nonconservative force, the mechanical energy of the system has a constant value given by
. (8-21)
Here is the kinetic energy function of the particle (this gives the kinetic energy as a function of the particle's location x). We may rewrite Eq. 8-21 as
Suppose that (which has a constant value, remember) happens to be 5.0 J. It would be represented in Fig. 8-10a by a horizontal line that runs through the value 5.0 J on the energy axis. (It is, in fact, shown there.)
Equation 8-22 tells us how to determine the kinetic energy for any location x of the particle: On the curve, find U for that location x and then subtract U from For example, if the particle is at any point to the right of , then Ê = 1.0 J. The value of Ê is greatest (5.0 J) when the particle is at x2, and least (0 J) when the particle is at xv
Since can never be negative (because v2 is always positive), the particle can never move to the left of ? where is negative. Instead, as the particle moves toward from. x2, Ê decreases (the particle slows) until Ê = 0 at (the particle stops there).
Note that when the particle reaches , the force on the particle, given by Eq. 8-20, is positive (because the slope is negative). This means that the particle does not remain at but instead begins to move to the right, opposite its earlier motion. Hence is a turning point, a place where (because ) and the particle changes direction. There is no turning point (where ) on the right side of the graph. When the particle heads to the right, it will continue indefinitely.
Equilibrium Points
Figure 8-10c shows three different values for superposed on the plot of the same potential energy function . Let us see how they would change the situation. If = 4.0 J (purple line), the turning point shifts from to a point between and x2. Also, at any point to the right of , the system's mechanical energy is equal to its potential energy; thus, the particle has no kinetic energy and (by Eq. 8-20) no force acts on it, and so it must be stationary. A particle at such a position is said to be in neutral equilibrium. (A marble placed on a horizontal tabletop is in that state.)
If = 3.0 J (pink line), there are two turning points: One is between and , and the other is between and . In addition, is a point at which . If the particle is located exactly there, the force on it is also zero, and the particle remains stationary. However, if it is displaced even slightly in either direction, a nonzero force pushes it farther in the same direction, and the particle continues to move. A particle at such a position is said to be in unstable equilibrium. (A marble balanced on top of a bowling ball is an example.)
Next consider the particle's behavior if = 1.0 J (green line). If we place it at , it is stuck there. It cannot move left or right on its own because to do so would require a negative kinetic energy. If we push it slightly left or right, a restoring force appears that moves it back to : A particle at such a position is said to be in stable equilibrium. (A marble placed at the bottom of a hemispherical bowl is an example.) If we place the particle in the cuplike potential well centered at , it is between two turning points. It can still move somewhat, but only partway to or .