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Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1042

The order pair which satisfy the relation : y = 3 X – 1 is ……………….
If x> y , y > z then X …… z
Half 2 20 = …………………
X 6 × X -9 = ……………
2 n × 3 n = ……………
Quarter of 2 18 = …………………….
The s.s of the equation: 1- 2x = -3 in N is
if 5x = 20 then X + 5 = ……………..
is …………… number
If then
The probability of the certain event = ……………….
The side length of the square whose area is 9 x2 is ……………….
If a die is thrown once then the probability of appearing odd number is ……………….
If then x- 9 = ……………….
The S.S of the inequality X< 2 in N is ……………….
If a > b , c < 0 then ac ………………. ab
( - 1 ) 15 ………………. ( - 1 ) 10
If a die is thrown once then the probability of appearing number less than 7 is ……………….
The probability of a possible event my be equal ……………….
-2 1.2  
The multiplicative inverse of 5 -2 is …………………
4 X + 4 X+ 4 X+ 4 X= …………..
If the probability of success is 85% then If the probability of failure is …………………
The sum of the probabilities of all the possible outcomes of a randomly experiment = …………
A box contains 10 red balls , 5 white, 15 green then If a ball is drawn randomly Then the probability that the chosen ball is not green = …………………..
2) Complete:
  1. 5 6 × 5 -6 = 7 ………..
  2. = ……………..
  3. The S.S of the inequality : 2 > X > 1 in N is ………………..
  4. If the age of wassim now is X then his age five years ago is ………………..
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CANDIDATE OF SCIENCE PROGRAMS | Lesson (3): The relation between the inscribed angles subtended by the same arc
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