The board of Elecom plc has been having a rough time lately. The share price has plummeted, the financial director has been suspended and a former employee is taking the company to an employment tribunal. On top of this, there is the threat of industrial action. Help may be at hand in the guise of public relations specialist, Colin Payne.
Ray: So you see, Colin, we have a bit of an image problem at the moment!
Colin: Yes, I’ve been following your share price this week. The City certainly
appears to have got the jitters.
Ray: That’s always the first place it shows. We need to bring the value back up to
last year’s level before it goes into a downward spiral. Last night’s AGM
was a public relations disaster. It was a mistake not to call you in
beforehand. Now it’s a case of urgent damage limitation!
Colin: We need to divert attention long enough to give you time to sort things out.
Remember, the public has a short memory. We need to highlight something
positive about Elecom that will enhance your reputation.
Ray: There are two thing we could use. The first is the opening of our new call
centre on Tyneside. The second is the launch of our free Internet service.
Colin: So you have job creation and public service in one hit. How much is known
about these plans?
Ray: Very little. The location for the call centre was only approved this morning.
Obviously there’s been speculation while we’ve been researching locations.
Colin: How many jobs will it create?
Ray: We plan to start with 200 and expand it to 1 000 within three years.
Colin: Will it mean job losses anywhere else?
Ray: None whatsoever.
Colin: And what about the Internet service?
Ray: It’s a combined offer to customers: free Internet access and reduced price
local calls.
Colin: I think we should promote both those items to maximum effect. I’ll draft a
press release and we can discuss timing. Are you free at twelve?
Crisis management is one aspect of public relations that has a high profile in many leading organizations. Deciding on a comprehensive strategy that can be applied in the event of a crisis, will allow senior management to concentrate on tackling the problem rather than simply fire-fighting. A carefully planned and properly executed crisis management plan may make all the difference!
Ex.8. Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
2) Elecom’s share price has ………..recently.
a) plummeted b) pretended
2) It’s now a case of urgent damage …………..!
a) sophistication b) limitation
3) A public relations specialist is going to help Elecom avoid further ……… .
a) disaster b) dependence
4) He suggests highlighting something positive about the company to………its
a) alarm b) enhance
5) Elecom’s new call centre and free internet service represent job creation and
public service in one ………. .
a) hit b) battle
6) The public relation expert is going to promote both items, starting with a ……. .
a) press release b) price tag
Ex.9. Discussing points.
¨ What is Colin Payne?
¨ What do PR specialists do?
¨ What ways of managing the crisis can you offer?
¨ Should every organization or company have PR specialist? Why? Explain your opinion.
Ex.10. Make an announcement of a new Elecom call centre.