1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist.
This disease is observed most frequently in cattle and other ruminants. It is an accumulation in the digestive tract of foreign bodies such as nails, bolts, pieces of wire and other hard substances.
In ruminants these foreign bodies are almost always present in the reticulum, and in swine in the true stomach. Many of these foreign bodies, as a result of partial solution or corrosion, become needlesharp. They penetrate the wall of the digestive tract in which they are lodged, travel in various directions leaving a train of inflections in their wake. Abscess formations (pus pockets) are not uncommon in different parts of the body including the abdominal and chest walls. In cattle there is a very close anatomical relationship between the reticulum and the heart and its surrounding sac. As a sequence of the normal stomach contractions, it is very common for the sharp-pointed foreign body to be forced in a forward direction so that its tip ultimately penetrates the heart sac (pericardium), or it may actually enter it in its entirety. The latter case is usually followed by the death of the animal. This heart involvement is known as traumatic pericarditis.
Veterinarians can successfully remove the foreign bodies from the digestive tract by surgical means, and operations on the heart sac have been performed. Unfortunately, in the early stages of the disease the clinical symptoms are not so pronounced that a diagnosis is clear-cut.
traumatic pericarditis травматический перикардит
accumulation накопление
foreign bodies инородное тело
reticulum преджелудок (жвачных)
true stomach собственный желудок, железистый желудок
to lodge (временно) находиться
train цепь, ряд
in the wake по следам, по пятам
pus pocket гнойная полость
sac мешочек, сумка
entirety полнота, цельность
involvement вовлечение, поражение
clear-cut (ясно) очерченный, точный, четкий
2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart.
3. Make a summary of the text.
Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1463