1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist.
This is a concise description of two cases of canine hyperlipemia. The first case was a 10-year-old male Breton spaniel with the symptoms of violent abdominal pain manifested by frequently changing position, lying down cautiously, and often changing the position of the hind-legs. Attempts to palpate the abdominal wall elicited violent defensive reaction. The temperature was normal.
The second case was a 13-year-old plethoric female Fox terrier that showed the symptoms of pain in the cervical and lumbar regions. It could not jump on a chair and winced with pain when attempts were made to turn its head towards the rear. Abdominal palpation was difficult because of the pain reaction elicited.
The animals were very fat and had milky blood serums. There were no cutaneous lesions. Abdominal pain was the main symptom, but with a subcutaneous injection of 125 cc. of isotonic glucose the pain syndrome disappeared in 6 hours. The status of the liver and spleen could not be determined because of the difficulty of abdominal palpation. There was a leukocytosis and neutrophile granulocytosis, but with further development the symptoms became subdued and the leukocyte count returned to normal.
hyperlipemia гиперлипемия
concise точный
abdominal относящийся к брюшной полости
to manifest проявляться
to palpate пальпировать, прощупывать
plethoric полнокровный, тучный
cervical шейный, затылочный
lumbar поясничный
to wince вздрагивать от боли
serum сыворотка
cutaneous относящийся к кожному покрову
lesion повреждение
status состояние
spleen селезенка
liver печень
leukocytosis лейкоцитоз
neutrophile нейтрофил, нейтрофильный лейкоцит
granulocytosis гранулоцитоз, гранулоцитемия
leukocyte count количество, число лейкоцитов
2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart.
3. Make a summary of the text.
Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1301