| III –3. Dialectical and metaphysical understanding of negation Dialectics
| Metaphysics
| 1. a nature
| of negation
| internal negation (self-negation): means that liquidation of old quality and origin of new take place on the basis of self-contradictions of phenomena and objects.
| external negation. There is no connection between new and old.
| 2. a role of negation,
| a result
| a moment of connection and development
The philosophical category of «skimming». Hegel, exposing it’s maintenance, wrote that the skimming had dual sense: it means, 1) to store and at the same time 2) to halt, to put an end to.
| an elimination in general
| 3. à character of
| connection of new and old
| forward (- ness), transition from below to higher step /stage
| ignoring of forwardness
| H/ T. The German philosopher and sociologist T. Adorno proclaims so called negative dialectics. What is it?
III –4.To the system of certain type is peculiar the definite behavior and the characteristic development.
| Behavior is
| Development is
| Lifeless
| reactive conditioned by an environment
| destruction, degradation (a mountain, a doors)
| Living sphere
| adaptive (+ function of self-regulation)
| active, conditioned by own aims (they are the «aim’s»- systems) see sinergetica and Solovyov V. Mèð ô. ×. 1, Ñ. 310-313, or Ñî÷. â 2 òò. T. 2.Ñ. 14²-144.
| Soñ. sphere
| Self-organized (-ing)
| Transformation of world, creation of new, creation
| III –5. H/T. What are 5 basic theses of synergetic about development (cathedral textbook, P. 2, p. 4)?
What are the criteria of progress (= lines and features of forward character of development) - in textbook of Spircin, 1988, P. 254?
III- 6. Po- As for development in Ukraine, is there he? Yes. No. Is it
ten better – or worse... And what to compare with? Earlier we compared
tial with 1913 year...
What result have we at concrete bases in 1985 – 2003?
Public thought sees: in the economy, material levels of life
there was a slump, now - deceleration of development, and in national consciousness - there are progress, detotalitarianism.
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1080