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Geoffrey's memoirs.


when all this began, we with virologists worked over a new virus by request of our government, for the military purposes. the leading doctor Smitt Barens's my colleague, in my opinion so him called and so. I made that that military asked. it was necessary for them that the virus is pollen of a fungus forced enemies to freeze and I blinded them. having allowed to take them without loss. but to the General to the Ford ordering at that time all army and all operations on cleaning then of consequences. I ordered that the virus killed the carrier as he didn't want to potter with the survived captured. but Smith refused to execute the order of the General. and vice versa it started working over a vaccine that though somehow to correct that that did. The general the Ford came with the scientists and completed a virus already itself, without our participation. and since that moment all this horror also happened to epidemic. then Smith and we worked over a vaccine to a fungus virus created by the Ford. and here ten years of work the anti-pillbox was made. about it the General learned the Ford and decided to visit us in this laboratory. by then the family Smitta lived in this small town and that day it at work had a wife with four summer daughter. I don't remember as it called. well here, the general came to catch an anti-pillbox with obvious intention. between them Smittom and the Ford fight as a result of which by Smitt it was fatally wounded was started and with the last bit of strength it stuck to the general a syringe with a virus of a fungus and the small daughter Antidote in the single copy. and covering with itself withdrawal of the wife with the child I shouted them you leave and rushed on the general. mother with the child managed to leave, but whether I know far and they are live now I not in a course. the general having gone mad Smitta started beating and to stick to it that found all ampoules on a table and the anti-pillbox demanded. With Smitt the her to you only answered it instead of medicine and the Ford shot it. then it was accepted to us, killing the doctor for the doctor if it didn't give it some medicine. suddenly the body Smitta started moving and from it fungi got, other word it started turning into something that I at all didn't expect. and I managed to run away to this moment. I saw as the general hastily left the bunker having ordered to seal up it. and it was about ten years ago since that moment I and I guard this elevator. there and from there. that's the way it is.

Tommie. and what you didn't try to go down there? suddenly there medicine and we here suffer all because of this virus.

Geoffrey. with that that outside I know as to consult, but with that that there in a bottom... I and concepts have no.

Ales. what there in a bottom?

Geoffrey. sometimes from the roar and sounds there are distributed. I there not the nude. and electricity it isn't enough to start the elevator.

Ales. so this Smitt it there still, it live?

Joel. Ales! ! ! forget this suicide.

Geoffrey. yes! ! yes! ! Ales, called her Ales.

Ales. whom? having with astonishment asked.

Geoffrey. his daughter.

all with surprise looked at Ales.

Ales. and so from where. the girl reflected.

Joel. Precisely! ! !

Geoffrey. I you almost learned at once Ales. you have eyes of your mother.

the girl costs with full eyes of tears and a lump in a throat. she is approached and embraced by Joel.

Ales. so I turn out only at which immunity to a virus. yes?

Geoffrey. well it turns out so.

Ales looks at Joel and speaks.

Ales. so you to me lay! ?

Joel, simply silently looks at it.

Ales. I understand Joel, I understand everything.

Ales. we have to go down.

Joel. but we can then and not rise.

Ales. but there it is possible to eat still an anti-pillbox and then for me will cease to hunt and all this can be stopped. more shortly I go to a bottom.

Joel. at first we will include electricity. so Geoffrey show.

Joel, so Geoffrey we will take from you here slightly supplies.

Tommie. I think it is necessary to take everything that is.

Geoffrey. yes of course take...

all arm and fill up supplies.

Geoffrey well went.

Ales. but as we will leave there fully Clickerîâ! ?

Geoffrey. well we will leave through other course. also conducts them to ventilation.

Geoffrey. removes a lattice, rises on all fours and all for me not to lag behind, we move as it is possible silently.

Joel. so Ales you remain here and you wait for us and borrow please to me the toy.

Ales gives it Javelin throver .

Joel. to far us to creep?

Geoffrey. the electro panel board is in other end of the building.

began a way. all quietly creep through the room in which not long ago burned down Clickerîâ. through openings in ventilating mine they see how in a bottom potter about Clickers. on mine all creep as a mouse. passed this room and already slightly added in speed.

Geoffrey. so here on mine on the right and to the right. with himself the old man mutters. well here it seems came.

all quietly go down.

Geoffrey. there the panel board. shows a hand for a corner.

Joel looks out from round the corner and sees huge panel board into which the fungus with top to a bottom for a long time grew.

Tommie. hmm. that to there to reach it is necessary to cut down all this fungus axes.

Joel. you have an axe? and at me... all right we start the plan B.

Tommie. to what plan of B?

Geoffrey. at us eats the plan of B? hmm. to see I passed something.

Joel. and so give all incendiary mixes that is, we will burn this fungus.

Geoffrey. but then they will hear us.

Joel. and we will hold them all that we have.

and so, gather all cocktails and puts them at a fungus.

Tommie. and why not grenades?

Joel. we don't want to damage Panel board.

in narrow transition stack grenades fragmental and prepare for fireworks.

Joel. so all are ready? we begin. also throws Molotov's cocktail in a fungus on a brush. that starts burning and cracking. in other end of the building, Clickers and all creatures heard this crash and moved to it.

Geoffrey. it seems they come nearer.

Tommie. long still?

Joel. still slightly.

Geoffrey. I see them.

Joel. Fire! ! ! ! also started scorching from all arsenal that is available for them. in ahead simply medley, creatures perish heaps. lumps scatter on all parties. shooters scorch in everything that comes nearer to them. on ñïåõó recharging the weapon.

Tommie. it seems at us it turns out.

Here darkness leaves Fat men (mini bosses) and start throwing towards shooters fungoid outgrowths, breaking from itself. which spray a fungoid dust.

Joel. shoot them on outgrowths.

Tommie. devil Joel, how there with a guard?

Joel. at all there is a lot of. we recede to it.

Joel. give children, keep I already at a guard.

Joel hastily tries to start the generator, including all levers in a row.

Joel. well it seems everything why doesn't work?

Geoffrey. give I.

Joel replaces it and holds heavy fire. Geoffrey. muttering so to do what to do! ! ! starts banging a butt and to kick on a guard.

Geoffrey. be got you a lot of scrap metal.

And here, a miracle the Generator was started and in all building there was an electricity.

Hurrah!! ! all cried.

Joel. early still, we run to a door, back in the conference a hall.

and all rushed there, fat men after rushed for them Clickers.

Joel. Ales, open to us, quicker.

run up to a door and Ales hasty opens and lets in them inside.

Joel. it seems at us it turned out.

in the room light lit up, earned long ago the gone-out computers and the most important earned the elevator.

Joel. fine, we fill up supplies and went. Ales, we don't know what there we will face, you can...

interrupts Ales. any can, there are wound on all questions. I go with you. and all went to the elevator. Geoffrey it is careful, a shivering hand presses the button of a call of the elevator. the elevator opens the doors, inside a web and emptiness. the group comes inside and presses the button of the most ground zero floor. the elevator rushed in a bottom.

Joel. so in a bottom we are waited by the enormous room of a roundish form, it is divided only by partitions, zones for workers. well on extremely measure so was earlier.

The elevator gradually counts floors to the bottom. with 20 ãî and on 4, 3, 2, 1. the elevator stopped and doors opened. and in the elevator pollen rushed. All a move put on masks oxygen. except Elie, it can't catch and pollen. All held breath and without removing a finger from a cock peer into room slightly shined with places.

Jeffrey. it seems purely.

all start leaving the elevator. in a circle the continuous fungus grown over the years. it everywhere, on walls on a ceiling on a floor.

Geoffrey. so èäåìòå for me. all carefully go for the old man attentively looking extensively.

Ales. well and horror! ! !

Tommie. such place and in the most bad dream you won't see.

Joel. more silently all.

Geoffrey. I will understand nothing, right there was a lot of doctors when the elevator was closed for them for ever. where all of them! ! ? ? all right we go to laboratory Smitta.

In the center of all huge hall also there is the main laboratory in which it was killed by Smitt. They come inside.

Joel. neither bodies, nor that.

in the workplace center a huge outgrowth from a set of fungi, and on the top under a ceiling something shines.

Ales. you look, what there?

all started peering on shine. yes there something is.

Tommie. but also how there to get?

Ales. I will be able.

Joel. no, you that, it can be dangerous.

Ales. and what you suggest to do? and all of you heavy, fall down from there. also approaches to a fungus.

Geoffrey. be careful.

Ales in a half-turn through a shoulder it looked on group also started clambering to top. Goes carefully grabbing sticking-out ledges of fungi and slowly is selected to the very top.

Ales. I on top also see any glass flask, it sticks out of a fungus.

the girl gets the knife and starts cutting off a fungus under a flask.

Ales. the pancake something holds it.

Crunch, and flask gave in.

Ales. is! ! ! And at once terrible Roar and a roar was distributed, on all walls the wave and all fungi ran as though recovered. All mountain on which at the top was Ales, scattered on slices as a cover something huge in it. Ales falls in a bottom.

Ales. ààààààà! ! ! ! ! !

Joel jumps and catches the girl, and all of them with horror look at a being.

Huge the person the figurative monster, all covered with a fungus and under the ceiling growth. five meters approximately. The monster stared at a flask in hands Ales and spitefully growls and publishes an awful crash as a set Clickerîâ at the same time.

Geoffrey. Áàðåíñ? Smitt Barens? with astonishment and with horror the old man says.

Yes. this monster also was Smitt Barens after into him entered any all syringes with viruses of a fungus and probably in ten years here in an imprisonment it mutated to this monster.

Ales. fathers! ?

Joel. no, it any more your father. we leave...

and all were developed towards the elevator. Monster, having begun to roar in all mouth rushed behind them, crumpled all partitions on the way. all run and on the run shoot back the persecutor. to a course go both bombs and burning cocktails and all arsenal that they have. only Ales doesn't do any shot and simply silently with tears in the eyes runs to the elevator. and here all already in the elevator.

Joel. the devil the button isn't pressed, convulsively pressing on the most top button.

Tommie. give, give.

Geoffrey. you go, and I will detain him and remember, Antidote probably works only time in ten years and now just such moment.

Joel. how you understood it?

Geoffrey. over it after all we also worked. there is no time to tell, give be cleaned.

Ales. no, we go with us.

Geoffrey. there are no Ales, here my place I had to remain with them from the very beginning.

Joel shows a look that understands Geoffrey and yours faithfully nods.

Geoffrey gives the onions to Joel and pulls out the knife from a sheath. also leaves the elevator.

Doors of the elevator are closed and the elevator goes on top.

Geoffrey. well Smith, you forgive the old man that left you here. and with shout and a knife in a hand rushed on the monster. The monster at one stroke paws smeared Geoffrey on a wall. in the elevator rushing on top on the dial the hardly escaped scaredly wait for counting. well here already 17, 18, 19 and... as the elevator something grasped with a bottom and he sharply got up. panic in the elevator and a crash of the monster Clickerà in mine under it.

Joel. the devil we now will fall down, quicker through a lattice. Tommie give. Joel places Tommie that that pulled off a lattice from a ceiling.

Tommie. is. and the lattice falls on a floor.

Joel. so Ales give you the first.

Ales. I got on top with it Tommie and here the girl already on an elevator roof helps, Tommie afterwards climbs. while Joel, Tommie climbs tries to open doors from mine back to the room.

Tommie, well... it is helped by Joel and two of them open doors. Ales run dives into open doors, behind it Tommie and as soon as Joel as the elevator in a bottom simply broke off prepared it climbs and in it on a half appeared Smitt having seized Joel with a paw by a foot.

Joel. it seized me. very much Joel keeps for shutters of the elevator and it is held by Tommie. Ales are loaded thereby by the javelin thrower and leans out in mine, and an aim shot in a monster sends it a steel stake directly to a forehead. the monster is released by Joela and with shout together with the elevator falls in a bottom. Tommie is worn out by Joel inside.

Ales. this is not my father.

Joel. thanks.

Tommie. excellent shot. all right we are cleaned from here.

Ales. how we will get out from here? after all behind a door a heap Clickers.

Tommie. well after that what we faced there, it will be more than simple.

Joel. take the weapon and we leave.

having filled up the ammunitions they prepared to one meeting with Clickers.

Joel. so, Ales open. Ales sharply opens a steel door and and all expose the trunks inside. with readiness to shoot all that at them is in the enemy. but for a door of anybody...

Tommie. strange and where all?

Joel. we leave, vividly.

and they in a hurry start leaving the building. as soon as they approach to an exit through which came here. Suddenly the earth cracked and the floor started leaving from under feet, the building started falling slowly.

Ales. it that earthquake?

Joel. we run rather. and all ran away from epicenter.

having run off on safe distances they observe as all building and the thrown cars nearby, leaves under the earth. and together with a dust from under the earth disputes and a set of fungoid pollen take off.

Joel. it seems not an earthquake, it something wants to get out on I pull down. we leave home.

and all disappear in the wood.



near the house.

Tommie Elie and Joel approach after a long adventure to the house (hydroelectric power station)

Tommie. something not so, from where a smoke? I catch a smell of fried meat and a smoke. on gate the electricity is disconnected. Maria,

Tommie screamed and was going to run inside as he was stopped by Joel...

Joel. hardware. silently look. also shows on a tower.

on which robbers cannibals are on duty, these are Dzhager's people.

Joel. there is other way?

Tommie. yes is, we follow me.

the Trinity went to round, for Tommie.

Tommie. there through mine it is necessary to make the way, we specially flooded it so it is necessary to float not much under water.

Joel. looks at Ales. you will consult?

Ales. shrugs shoulders, I think yes.

Tommie. well here came, Joel help to remove a lattice.

and together remove a heavy lattice from a well and get inside. Inside it is wet and it is dark, they make the way everything more deeply, water starts appearing at first knee-deep, then on a belt and then.

Tommie. let's dive here, inhale more.

Joel. so Ales you will float for Tommie I for you and don't lose sight of him. understood?

Ales. aha.

Tommie. takes a big breath dives.

Ales are repeated by everything in accuracy. behind it Joel.

and so, they under water float normally shining a way under water small lamps. Tommie emerges in a small air cavity to resupply oxygen and in íîâü dives, the others make as is faultless. and there was slightly, as their barrier from the plates dumped anyhow. Joel with Tommie rest and together ïîäûìàþò plates under water and release a way for Elie, then Joel shows a head move that Tommie floated, Tommie and does and the plate on the other hand suffices but doesn't hold them and pass fills up already on absolutely. and so, Joel remains on the other hand. air already on an outcome and Ales with Tommie it is necessary to emerge, coughing and swallowing greedy of air they with horror understand that Joel remained under water. Ales tries to dive back but it is stopped by Tommie.

Tommie. cost Ales to it it is necessary not to help to go any more forward to rescue the others. also takes away the girl from water.

Joel on the last breath, looks for a way to rescue though a droplet of air and here finds not a big bubble under a ceiling into which only his face slightly enters and it does a saving drink for it and again under water, back to a lattice.

Tommie and Ales make the way in the dark behind backs of robbers.

Tommie. so Ales you will be able to remove those sentries from a tower?

Ales. I will try. and they disperse. Tommie silently from a back cuts a throat to one and drags off in darkness of the second cannibal. Ales quietly crawls under shops where cannibals sit and guzzle, from a table pieces of meat, human flesh fall on a floor. from above champing and laughter of these pigs is distributed. Ales restrains that it didn't pull out, but it makes the way to an exit and up on a ladder to a tower with sentries. also aims at them with Javelin throver à that one shot to remove at once two. The shot, is also two breathless corpses are tightly beaten to a wall. Ales gets into a viewing tower and waits for Tommie's signal. but it isn't present.

Dzhager sits on top in an environment of the faithful soldiers and in feet at it Maria lies. he observes as his citizens feast.

Dzhager. what it at us there? from round the corner to it bring the grabbed Tommie.

in the opinion of Maria the fear hid.

Dzhager. it likely also is that Joel! ! ? ? well you mean here then here the little girl. Where it?

Tommie. the girl was lost.

Dzhager. yes, yes, yes... well then be lost also you. speak or I will kill her. holding on a platoon a petrolsaw.

Tommie. there is no Maria.

and here from a tower gets out Ales,

Ales. stand, I here.

Dzhager. smiles and speaks so so.

Dzhager. the girl go here and throw the toy and I will release them. whether see I kind when full. also hoots with laughter in all throat and all its gang picks up his laughter. Ales are thrown from a tower by the weapon.

Ales. release them, I made as you told.

Dzhager. by itself, but here not a task I again got hungry. both gets a petrolsaw and raises over Maria.

Tommie. no...

And here. the central gate reveal and from them Joel with the gun runs out and an aim shot shoots and forces down a petrolsaw from Dzhager's hands. also throws a bag with fragmental grenades on a table at which cannibals sit. itself having hardly managed to take cover round the corner. strong explosion and pieces of already cannibals is distributed scatter on all parties.

Ales. with hope in eyes, hardly constraining shout. Yes! ! ! ! !

Tommie. parts forcibly holding it, but for an instant of the taken aback security guards and hurries to take away Maria about a battlefield. while other robbers help to rise to the fat leader. firefight because of shelter begins. while Joel conducts firefight with enemies.

Tommie. Maria how are you? where the others?

Maria. I all right. they ate them with Tommie, it was awful. with tears she speaks to the husband. But they locked the others in the storeroom at Barry to them appeared in time Ales and speaks, we have to pull out them.

Joel. removing one behind another. give quicker here. and they make the way to Barry. having run in a room and having closed a door on a bolt.

Tommie. this door long won't detain them.

Joel. so Maria Elie, untie the others and I that be I will think up.

Joel starts pulling down Barry alcohol stocks in a heap.

Joel. this crap well means burns! ? here also we will check.

Joel. shouts, all get out through a window and run in the wood. and we will detain them.

Maria, Tommie I love you and you will be a father. I wanted still then at a table to tell.

Tommie blossoms with happiness.

Ales. let's leave Maria, all already went down.

Joel. well brother only you and I.

Tommie. yes the brother, we still will sweep on Harleys.

and here the edge of a petrolsaw punches a door and will deeply wound Tommie.

Joel. no! ! ! ! ! keep the brother I will pull out you, you have to live, you will be a father. I have to be on your place.

Tommie. choking with the blood. take care of my family Joel and bring the matter to the end. go. and Joel with full eyes of tears runs up to a window. the entrance door falls under the pressure of the enemy and to the room cannibals fill up. Joel takes a table in hand and takes cover from bullets. Tommie on the last breath directs the sawn-off shotgun at barrels with an explosive mix and with words.

Tommie. Maria I love you. shoots at barrels.

Explosion! ! ! ! blast wave the covered table in a window Joela takes out and it saves to it life. all enemies in the room scatter on slices and their burning bodies fall in a dead faint . on explosion turn around survived in the wood. with hope.

Maria. Tommie...

the part of platinum is completely destroyed by explosion and already water whips through it.

Look. the smoke and picture, fragments and the destroyed platinum through which a big pressure water roughly flows dissipates. from under small a fragment coughing and carefully Joel gets out.

Ales. carefully Joel! ! ! !

near it I stood having threatened a petrolsaw, on a half the scorched Dzhager.

Dzhager. here who means... having smiled a burned smile and from all move beats a petrolsaw on a wooden plate which covers lying under it Joel.

Joel. having managed to turn over under a plate also I became the face to Dzhager, rested very much against a plate and keeps her from myself at safe distance. but his hands are bent, under power and Dzhager's weight. Which with a smile presses weight in moment pleasure when edges of turning teeths of a saw, will pierce in Joel as pierced in Tommie. But, to it on his head the brick fragment that allows Joel to send from itself a plate here arrives and to push away him. It. Ales I helped the workmate.

Joel. thanks, and now you go to the wood. I have here not ended business.

Ales, grabs hand Maria and takes away it and the others in the wood.

Joel. I will catch up with you.

Ales. I will be at Geoffrey. the girl cried out and disappeared in the wood.

There now. now only at ruins Joel and the scorched Cannibal with a petrolsaw.

Joel. you will be responsible for the Brother a creature.

Dzhager. I will find the little girl later when I will send you to the brother.

also rushes on Joel waving a saw extensively and shouting terrible roar. from the first attack Joel evaded, having hardly managed to jump aside aside. then, Dzhager again rushed on him, here Joel grabbed a piece of fittings which rolled near a heap of fragments and reflected attack, blow to a saw. then still the blow and so that beat off while the fittings didn't break. then he again seized another and having beaten off from a saw, manages to strike blow to Dzhager's feet. but from one blow of such healthy fellow not to dump. then Joel began to turn aside and beating off, to manage to beat the cannibal on feet while that didn't fall down the earth. and when Dzhager fell. in strong blow to his hands Joel beat out a petrolsaw from his hands and having picked up it threatened over it with words.

Joel. it to you for Tommie. and as soon as to finish off the fat man. suddenly suddenly receives from outside in butt blow in head area. drops a saw and falls on hunkers. The blow was from a back from Stevie it is improvised the Ear. which as appeared in the field of fight. having seized Joel with one hand by breasts and having lifted opposite to the person, other hand it pulled out the fighting knife (machete) and having pressed it to Joel's throat asked.

Ear. and you who such?

Dzhager. choking with own blood, coughing manages to tell.

Dzhager. stand, he knows where the little girl.

Ear releasing Joel slowly turns towards Dzhager.

Ear. means you don't have it! ?

Dzhager. I had it in hands, then it suddenly from where don't undertake appeared and I interrupted all my people and still I blew up platinum. I and so fairly suffered, it is time to pay me compensation.

Ear. yes! it is time and from one move splits Dzhager's head on in half, machete.

Stevie. and with these that? powers on Joel's front sight.

Ear. to the father...

and again the blow of a butt to Joel's nape, cuts down it.


Date: 2015-01-12; view: 835

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