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LAST of US – 2


Medical center. everywhere corpses and blood. the survived Cicadas, robbers ruthlessly kill. cut them with hatchets and axes everywhere shouts of the killed. at the head of robbers there is Dzhager. (fat opposite Afro-American)

they find the survived doctor who convulsively áîðìð÷èò something as to them seemed useful.

Dock. don't kill me I ask...

Dzhager. What here occurred? frightening the doctor driving him the blood-stained knife on a body.

Dock. it was made by the person with the little girl, she needs to be found, she is very important.

Dzhager. terribly, I solve it who here is important or not.

Crowd. brutally shouts and laughs.

Dzhager. Tell.

Dock. the man is called Joel with it the little girl by Ales. it has an immunity to a virus, it can stop all this horror.

Dzhager. with a grin and shine in eyes. As it is interesting.


SUMMER. a year later.


near hydroelectric power station power plant. Tommie's house.

Look. Wood beautiful places, splash of water and laughter of the girl. not a big creek with small falls where Joel and Ales ïëåñêàþòñÿ. he as well as promised teaches it to float.

Joel. well stop, float give already itself, will suffice simply to be sprayed.

Ales. starts floating to Joel.

Joel well here give, give the good fellow. catches it and together cheerfully laugh and lap.

Ales. laughs rejoices. I am able to swim now, hurrah!! !

look. Hydroelectric power stations Joel and Ales come back home, which now together with Tommie and Maria a yoke the wife. and all at them while is good. high walls under Electricity. to the people couple of tens children of the woman and simple men who in every way try to survive and while they manage it.

kitchen. Joel, Tommie and Maria at supper discuss plans for the future.

Tommie. here children returned from patrol and speak that came across the thrown military camp in a bottom down the river. so it is advisable to descend to visit and fill up supplies. you as Joel?

Joel. why not.

Tommie. perfectly, on the way we will come into one place at me for you a surprise the brother. smiling speaks.

Joel. with care and kindness in eyes speaks. ooh I don't love these surprises.

Maria. it raises the glass also suggests them to drink. for again rallied family and for that that everything at them is good. all of them amicably drink.

Joel. drank and screws up the face, ooh that this for a poison? ? ?

Tommie. it is a combustible crap work of our madman of Barry. screwing up the face and with a smile speaks to Tommie.

it has in the room whole barrels of this shit.

Joel. having exhaled I drank the rest in a glass.

Joel. and where our Ales? ? ?

Maria. in total in the same place, where still. with a grin speaks.

Joel with Tommie go to a workshop to Barry.




look. on walls axes, blades, self-made guns and so on weigh. there are uncombed dummies. enter Joel and Tommie.

Joel. Ales you here?

shot! ! ! ! Joel and Tommie fall on a floor, over them the steel stake is carried by and beats to a wall a dummy. from shelter from under the turned table, Ales and always poddaty Barry get out.

Joel. what was it? Ales you us slightly....

Ales. interrupts him and all right Joel everything after all managed. you look better that I made. well almost. being confused speaks.

Barry. itself, all. also hiccups.

Tommie. yes the girl has a talent. wrinkling a forehead speaks.

Joel. aha! ! !

Joel. all right, now to sleep tomorrow since morning we move forward.

Ales. and where, without being in time Joel interrupts her. you remain also any but! ! .


separate site of the city, under the name fortress.


Wall on perimeter, 4 floors high. towers with soldiers of the government the entrance huge gate at which is located control check point with soldiers and large-caliber equipment. behind gate a special curfew which lasts from 17:00 and till the morning till 8:00 at this time at fortress only soldiers are on duty. in the center the multistoried building on which roof costs the helicopter. entrance to a tower one more êàïï with protection. at threat at once it is closed by a thick glass board.

the most top floor, buildings. steps along the corridor Dzhager with the suite accompanied by Armed security forces go to the main door.

enter into the room. in which attached bed the sick old man with a mask on a face and all èñòûêàí medical tubes with sensors lies. nearby there is a general of soldiers of the government. Ear. the soldier of the huge sizes all is covered abuses.

Ear. Dzhager! ! ! again your fat ugly face, what is necessary for you this time?

Dzhager. isn't present isn't present, with a grin speaks. at us everything is excellent, well unless with the weapon.

Ear. get outta here .

Dzhager. I know where the maid...

cough. the old man whispers. Ear raise me.

Jagger. the master, I found it. speaks with a smile.

old man. at last. ear give it everything that is necessary also Dzhager, bring her....

Dzhager. I obey and admiring leaves the room.

Ear. rises on a knee before the old man and holding it by a sickly hand speaks. Father! ! ! why to you this degenerate, followed me for it! ?

Old man. not all to us to perform dirty work, we after all the government where the law and an order. and for you I have a special task. Sonny! ! having inclined the head the Ear obeys.

ear and a dzhager go and discuss.

Ear. speak that it is necessary for you?

Dzhager. I need the weapon, it is a lot of weapon.

Wood. morning.

Joel, Tommie and couple of men from their colony. Kiefer and Sean. on horses go to a way, to a bottom down the river. on the way communicate on different subjects, remembering the past and so on.

Tommie. give everything for me, here nearby. darkens.

Joel. it is advisable to think of a lodging for the night.

Tommie. here also we will spend the night, leave because of turn and see the thrown old farm.

in total. well nevertheless it is better than in the wood. also skip to a farm.

settle down in the house.

Kiefer. all right, I am on duty the first, and you there give make a dinner. I am hungry as a hunter.

Sean while makes a dinner, Tommie speaks to Joel. went the brother I to you something I will show.

go down in garage which is located at the house in a bottom.

Tommie. the brother, you see this cover, remove it. with shine in eyes speaks to Tommie.

Joel approaches and carefully pulls off a cover, with bated breath.

Joel. I stare in disbelief, it and is your surprise... well brother, well brother. enthusiastically speaks.

its look is faced already by almost collected Harley-Davidson.

Joel. well Tommie well.... I have no words. how?

Tommie. well I remember our dream, you and I on Harleys and a wind on a meeting. here only while one bike.

Joel. thanks brother.

Tommie. here remained at all much and fuel of wons in the canister costs.

brothers in an embrace ïîäûìàþòñÿ on a ladder on top also sit down to have supper.

Night. Joela awakes Tommie, the hardware there something is and shows in darkness towards a door.

suddenly from darkness, on them Kiefer runs out, holding a throat a hand pressing the fragmentary bitten wound and choking in own blood falls on a floor. behind it into the house break Clicker and runners infected. Sean jumps and in a fright starts scorching from a sawn-off shotgun extensively. fight on a survival is started. Tommie and Joel remained in hand-to-hand as their backpacks are in other part of the room. Tommie breaks off a pipe from a wall from the battery and strikes the first blow directly to the head Clicker. also carries it in tinkling sounds. Sean scorches in one runner and brings down it then while recharges a sawn-off shotgun it attacks Clicker, but Joel drags it and kicks with a foot in a stomach, pushing it in a fire on which their dinner in a kettle pines. Shchelkun publishes an awful crash and burning aims here and there and falls put off for vividly. Sean doesn't manage to thank the savior as them again attack. Tommie while waves away from two runners, Sean shoots and kills one more, the second beats a butt and breaks to it a head floor. Joel while trims with fists too one runner. but here into a door break Clickers and it is already more serious. Sean shoots at one and two rushed to noise behind it, Sean departs a back on top on a ladder in a bottom there are Tommie with already broken pipe and Joel and with them three more Clickerîâ. Joel without hesitation, suffices one Clicker behind and shouts. Give Tommie. Tommie the rest of a pipe punches a skull Clickeró and here they are two on two and without the weapon. on top shouts and shots are audible. Clickers attack the victim in a bottom. beating off Tommie brings down one and holds him hands on a floor, the second attacked Joel and tries to bite it. Joel holds his jaws at distance but Clickers are very strong and he comes nearer to Joel's throat áðûçæà a saliva closer and closer and clicking.

suddenly shot! ! ! and the steel stake knocks down Clickerà from Joel and pins it to a wall. the rescued but mad Joel with horror looks in darkness.

Tommie. quicker I can't already hold it, Joel runs up to the aid of the brother and a boot crushes on a floor a skull Clickerà. both of them look in door area. and from there leaves Ales with the self-made Gun. (javelin thrower)

Ales. I followed you all road.

Joel. then we will talk, it is necessary to leave.

with top Sean goes down, well all it seems beat off.

Joel. so check itself it is bitten nobody. In total. answer. yes everything is normal.

Dzholel. so we leave.

go outside.

Tommie. it seems we remained without horses...

from the wood sounds, a crash Clickerîâ reach.

Joel. we run quicker... all ran further to the river and in a bottom to the appointed point.

At sunrise.

Tommie. it seems came. leave because of the hill and see ruins the block of a post, for which a lot of the military decayed equipment, for which thrown one-storeyed building. all covered with greens.

Ales for an instant I was dumbfounded from seen as though already it I saw when that. but having stirred up the head I followed Sean Tommie and Joel in a bottom.

go by the block of a post checking skeletons of soldiers and equipment, about something useful. everywhere corpses in cars on the road, everywhere openings from bullets and a sleeve from cartridges.

Ales. rigid skirmish seemed here... hmm...

Joel. the devil, here isn't present anything useful, someone to us here already rummaged around everything.

Tommie. it was necessary to look in the building... we go.

squeezing between the faced cars, they make the way to the building.

Joel. so, inside a sound, there can be infected. also enter through doors, is more concrete through that that from them remained.

and so, having included breast small lamps, they quietly pass in depth of the building. inside picture not better than outside. corpses, corpses and empty sleeves. searching the room behind the room they check all corners of the building. suddenly in a distance in the dark, they see a silhouette of the person. he pants and stands still in a halfbent condition.

Joel. I will deal with it. pulls out from a backpack a self-made knife. from scissors and an adhesive tape and on cards approaches the purpose. comes behind and accurate blow into a neck, brings down the infected. and so, it is in ten steps from other and from the locked door in êîíôåðåíò a hall in three steps.

Joel. well we will try to enter. quietly gives a hand to the door lock and carefully opens a door. with top on a floor the bucket with banks falls, was attached to a door and creates an enormous roar in this gloomy silence.

Joel. the devil is a trap.

on all building the crash and squeal Clickerîâ started reaching and they yearned rush on noise.

Joel. it is rather all here to me. and the others quickly rushed to it. at first at a door I ran Ales, then Tommie and only Sean came nearer to a door on it with a side attacked Clicker and knocked down him.

Joel. Sean, no! ! ! !

but already late. Clicker seized his neck teeth, death grip.

Joel only managed to close a door and holds it itself, under the pressure of infected from a reverse side.

Joel. let's than prop up quicker. Tommie gives it a chair and they props up a door.

Joel. so it not on long, look round prepare shelter we will beat off.

all rushed in depth of the room to a steel scene a shoulder to a shoulder and prepared for fight.

Joel. so Ales that wouldn't happen be always behind me. Tommie at you as with cartridges?

Tommie. is not much, I told having distorted a lock on a rifle.

Joel. at me too, having got because of a back a shot-gun. well ÷òîæå we will begin.

the chair propping up a door, breaks and into a hall rush Clickers them simply darkness. but to it complicates a way to a scene to production. ranks of seats, climb through them.

Tommie begins aim fire and beats precisely on the heads Clickerîâ. One shot, one corpse. saving each cartridge.

Joel starts throwing incendiary cocktails made as from under manual subjects, fire well constrains burning Clickerîâ. and explosive grenades with a stuffing from nails of scissors and bolts, carries in tinkling sounds of a heap of the infected. but unfortunately stocks of grenades and Molotov's cocktails aren't boundless.

Joel. the devil they are selected, we depart back.

one Clicker already climbed on a scene and rushed to them. Ales holding it on a front sight, firm pressing a cock Javelin throver à, sends it through all hall and nails to a wall opposite. but Javelin throver it is long recharged, but it at this moment is covered by Joel.

Joel. good fellow Elie, so to hold. also clears away a scene from creatures which have again got on it. taking down that a head that trunk that extremities, scorching in them from a shot-gun.

Tommie. their devil is too much, to us not to stand here. and shooting any more so precisely but nevertheless on ïîâàë, brings down one more.

The hall is gradually filled with corpses in front and still hardy and spiteful creatures behind.

Tommie. I finished cartridges.

Joel. keep the brother.

Joel too lets out the last cartridges and already they together beat off butts from creatures.

suddenly on a scene bright light, this illumination of a scene joins and Clickers for an instant stopped.

Voice from not from where, On a floor! ! ! ! all vividly fell to a floor. and from a scene there was a person with a flame thrower in hands and started burning down all infected in near scenes.

Stranger. run get up and quickly for me, there a door. run...

Joel grabs Ales hand and they with Tommie run as it ordered.

The person with a flame thrower frying creatures departs too in depth and closes a door.

On a scene there are charred corpses Clickerîâ and still live are hollowed at the door locked from within.

Person. quicker for me also conducts not forgiven guests in the shelter, along the corridor shining a way with a lamp.

all come into the big room in which this person settled down. in the room there is a bed a table as the workshop a workbench where can repair and make the weapon. and as heap of a military arsenal.

Joel. and so who collected everything at dead fighters.

Person. You who such and what here is necessary to you? holding on a flame thrower front sight terribly asks.

Ales. thank you huge, you rescued us.

Joel and Tommie. yes many thanks.

Person. extinguishes a flame thrower and unmasks. yes well you, now long quietly you won't get out outside. why were secured here?

The person appeared. good-natured the old man with a beard and slightly that. probably from loneliness...

constantly stirring with itself. my name is Geoffrey, not enough old man told.

Ales I ran up and strong I embraced him.

Ales. thanks thanks, grandfather Geoffrey.

and here Heart of the old man absolutely thawed and he for long time smiled for the first time.

Geoffrey. all right it is fine, I here, well am that. I live here. faltering the old man speaks.

Joel. and how you here survive, long ago you here?

Yes years so already ten probably. well I learned to cope with these creatures, the main thing after all silence. showing a knife and getting because of a back onions with arrows. speaks to Geoffrey.

hmm! ! ! having exchanged glances in a voice told Tommie and Joel.

Joel. and all this weapon, with it it is possible to clear away all this place.

Geoffrey. isn't present. with it it is possible to wake that that dozes at the very bottom. main thing silence...

Ales. in a bottom? ? ? well it after all one-storeyed building! ! !

Geoffrey approaches to curtains on a wall and pulls off them.

Geoffrey. indeed!!! and the elevator then for what! ? to go to a bottom and only.

behind the drawn curtains there are elevator doors. drawn by the sealed yellow tape.

Joel. on a tape term of ten summer prescription, holding it âðóêàõ Joel told with astonishment.

Tommie. you that there never went down?

Ales. and what there?

Geoffrey. I also locked these doors, a desperate voice the old man told.

there in a bottom on the twentieth floor, the confidential bunker in it scientists is located developed military viruses for the government and I there when that worked. starts remembering Geoffrey.


Date: 2015-01-12; view: 892

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