The purpose of the work:
to study the rules of physical measurement results treatment; to determine the error of the indirect measurements of the cylindrical body density as a result of the repeated direct measurements of its geometrical values and mass
Task 1. Measurement of cylindrical body parameters
1.1. Measure diameter d and height h of the cylindrical body byusing slide-clipper and micrometer. Repeat all measurements 5 times. Enter the obtained results into table 1.
Table 1
Experiment number
Measured value
Average value
Deviation of measured value from average value
Root-mean-square error
Instrumental error
Random absolute error
Absolute error of direct measurements
Fractional error
Mass of sample, m, g
Exp. No
, g
, g
, %
Diameter of sample, d, mm
Exp. No
, mm
, %
Height of sample, h, mm
Exp. No
, mm
, %
1.2. Take values of sample mass from a teacher. Enter the obtained results into table 1.
1.3. Enter instrumental errors of mass, diameter and height measurements into table 1.
Task 2. Determination of direct measurements absolute error. Algorithm for calculation.
2.1. Determine an arithmetic mean value of all measurement results according to the formula:
where n = 5 is amount of measurements. Enter the obtained data into table 1.
2.2. Calculate random deviation of every obtained result according to the formula:
2.3. Determine root-mean-square deviations according to the formula:
Enter the obtained data into table 1.
2.4. Determine random errors of direct measurements according to the formula:
where the Student’s coefficient is tSt= 2,78 (n = 5 and a = 0,95).
Calculations are performed with the accuracy of three or four significant digits.Enter the obtained data into table 1.
2.5. Determine an absolute error according to the formula:
; ;
Enter the obtained data into table 2.
2.6. Determine the fractional error of measurements results according to the formula:
2.7. Calculate the resulting fractional error for density of a body according to the formula: