Exercise 5. Ways of greeting.1. Great to see you again. I haven't seen you ......... ages.
a) By; b) from; c) of; d) for.
2. Welcome to our house. Come in and make yourself ..........
a) Comfortable; b) easy; c) relaxing; d) comforting.
3. How do you do? I don't think we've met ..........
a) After; b) since; c) then; d) before.
4. Hi, Mary. Where have you been ......... yourself all this time?
a) Discovering; b) hiding; c) finding; d) looking.
5. Good morning, sir. I hope you will have an enjoyable ......... in our hotel.
a) Stay; b) halt; c) stop; d) sojourn.
6. Good evening to you all. Let me find you a(n) ......... near the window.
a) Corner; b) angle; c) table; d) part.
7. How are you, David? I must ......... you're looking very well.
a) Declare; b) recite; c) state; d) admit.
8. Hello there. I just don't believe it. You haven't changed a ......... since we last met.
a) Bit; b) piece; c) little; d) section.
9. Ah, you must be Mary's husband. Do come in and ......... everyone.
a) See; b) look; c) find; d) meet.
10. Here you are at last! I hope your ......... here wasn't too horrible.
a) Travel; b) journey; c) trip; d) voyage.
Exercise 6. Ways of saying goodbye.
1. I'm afraid it's ......... we left.
a) Occasion; b) time; c) opportunity; d) hour.
2. If you don't ........., I think we'll be cutting along.
a) Care; b) think; c) believe; d) mind.
3. I'll be seeing you then in due ..........
a) Path; b) direction; c) course; d) route.
4. Well, as they say all good things come to an ..........
a) End; b) conclusion; c) finale; d) finality.
5. Thank you so much for ......... us you must come to us next time.
a) Taking; b) getting; c) making; d) having.
6. Good bye then and ......... me to all your family.
a) Remind; b) remember; c) recall; d) repeat.
7. If we don't leave now I'm afraid we'll ......... the last train.
a) Forget; b) fail; c) miss; d) turn.
8. It's been great meeting up again and we mustn't ......... it so long next time.
a) Leave; b) take; c) wait; d) lose.
9. Looks ......... we ought to be going really as it's got so late.
a) As; b) like; c) when; d) for.
10. Well, there's ......... for it but simply to wish you well and say goodbye.
a) Something; b) everything; c) anything; d) nothing.
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