098. Skin and instrument disinfectant:
a. for skin disinfection: follow instruction on label
b. for instrument disinfection: follow instruction on label
Use only in diluted form!
099. General disinfectant:
To disinfect surfaces (e.g. floors, walls) and objects, (e.g. toilets), wash surfaces and / or objects with a 1,25% solution and allow to dry.
Use only in diluted form!
Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes!
Wear protective gloves when using this disinfectant!
100. General disinfectant:
To disinfect objects such as toilets, swimming-pools, the object can either be strewn with powder or then cleaned with water, or it can be disinfected by means of 1, 20 % solution. To disinfect stool; strew a sufficient quantity of powder onto the stool and let it act for a while. Then flush it through the toilet.
101. Disinfectant for bed:
To disinfect beds, pillows, mattresses, etc., spray the objects in question and allow drying.
Use only in undiluted form! Do not spray in or near open fire! Do not spray objects sensitive to alcohol! Caution: inflammable!
102. Insecticide spray:
To kill flies, wasps, ants and other insects, spray all corners of the room briefly, holding the spray slightly inclined towards the ceiling. Do not spray longer than 10 sec./60 m3 .
Do not spray in or near open fire! Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes!
103. Insecticide powder:
To kill clothes-lice, fleas, bugs, etc., spray the affected area and / or object thoroughly.
Keep away from food!
104. Drinking water disinfectant:
To disinfect drinking water follows instructions on label.
Protection against Venereal Diseases
105. Condoms
106. off market
Cotton-wool, dressing, bandages, surgical sewing material,
nursing aids, surgical instruments.
107. Gauze compress, sterile, individually wrapped, 10 cm x 10 cm.
108. Ointment gauze dressing, sterile, 10 cm x 10 cm.
109. Gauze compress, sterile, individually wrapped, 10 cm x 20 cm.
110. Cellulose compress, 10 cm x 1 m.
111. Gauze bandage with firm side, individually wrapped, 6 cm x 4 m.
112. Gauze bandage with firm side, individually wrapped, 8 cm x 4 m.
113. Gauze bandage with firm side, individually wrapped, 10 cm x 4 m.
114. Gauze bandage with firm side, individually wrapped, 12 cm x 4 m.
115. Elastic bandage, individually wrapped, 8 cm x 5 m.
116. Elastic bandage, individually wrapped, 10 cm x 5 m.
117. Head bandage.
117.1 Roll on bandage for fingers.
118. Metal line compress, sterile, individually wrapped, 10 cm x 12 cm.
119. Metal line bandage, sterile, individually wrapped, 60 cm x 80 cm.
120. Thermo-isolier foil.
121. First-aid dressing, medium size.
122. First-aid dressing, large size.
123. Elastic adhesive bandage, 8 cm x 2,5 cm.
124. Gypsum bandage, 12 cm wide, in waterproof package.
125. Cotton-wool, 100 g.
126. Cotton-wool for pads in roll of 500 g.
127. Cellulose, 100 g.
128. Adhesive plaster, 2,5 cm x 5 m.
129. Hypo-allergic plaster in box, skin-safe, 6 cm.
130. Hypo-allergic plaster in box, skin-safe, 8 cm.
131. Plaster assorted (finger top-bandage-strips).
132. Butterfly closures in box of 10 pcs.
133. Leather fingerstalls, size IV, V, VI.
134. Eye shade.
135. Eye compress.
136. Ear bandage, type “Hartmann”.
137. Tourniquet, type “Martin”.
138. Triangular bandage, 130 x 90 x 90 cm.
139. Suspensory bandage, size V, VI, VII.
140. Splint, type “Cramer”, 10 cm x 100 cm.
141. Inflatable splint: a. for the hooked arm;
b. for the entire leg.
142. Aluminium finger splint, 18 cm wide, 50 cm long.
143. Leg splint, type “Braun”, size 1.
144. Splint, type “Volkmann”, 75 cm.
144.1 Collar, cervical, 8 cm x 1,8 m.
145. Safety pins, stainless, size 2.
146. Waterproof foil, 45 cm x 100 cm.
147. Waterproof bed sheet, 1 m x 1,5 m.
148. Hot water bottle, 2 litres.
149. Irrigator, complete.
150. Ice bag, ca.25 cm.
151. Ice bag for the throat, ca.7 cm/33.
152. Tongue depressor.
153. Applicator wood with cotton end.
154. Graduated plastic cup.
155. Feeding cup.
156. Eye wash.
157. Bed pan with lid.
158. Urine bottle for men.
159. Urine bottle for women.
160. Disposable sterile catheter, type “Nelaton”, individually wrapped, Charriere 12 and 16.
160.1 Urine-collecting bag.
161. Nail brush.
162. Measuring glass.
163. Medicines bottle, round, brown, 50 ml.
164. Dispensing envelope.
165. Glass sticks for eye ointment.
166. Hot air sterilizer electrically heated, thermo-regulated till 180 degree.
167. Disposable kidney dish, 24 cm.
168. Syringe in metal case, sterilisable 2 ml.
169. Syringe in metal case, sterilisable 5 ml.
170. Disposable syringe, sterile, individually wrapped 2 ml.
171. Disposable syringe, sterile, individually wrapped 5 ml.
172. Disposable syringe, sterile, individually wrapped 10 ml.
173. Needles for injection, sterilisable, size 1, 2, 12.
174. Disposable needles, sterile, individually wrapped, size 1, 2, 12.
175. Needle for bladder puncture, 1,8 mm and 12 cm long.
176. Clinical thermometer in container.
177. Low body temperature thermometer in container.
178. Disposable scalpel 16 cm, convex blade.
179. Disposable scalpel 16 cm, pointed blade.
180. Nail cleaner.
180.1 Razor, disposable.
181. Scissors, type “Lister”, 18,0 cm.
182. Scissor, type “Cooper”, 14,5 cm.
183. Scissor, straight, 14,5 cm.
184. Anatomical forceps, 14,5 cm.
185. Dressing forceps, 14,5 cm.
186. Splinter forceps, 11,0 cm.
187. Eye spud for removal of foreign body.
188. Artery forceps, type “Kocher”, 14,5 cm.
189. Needle holder, type “Mathieu”, 14,5 cm.
190. Suture and needle pack, sterile,
absorbable catgut 0+1 small.
Suture and needle pack, sterile,
absorbable catgut 0+1 medium.
Suture and needle pack, sterile,
non-absorbable silk 1+2 small.
Suture and needle pack, sterile,
non-absorbable silk 1+2 medium.
191. Disposable operating gloves, sterile, wrapped in pairs, size 7,5.
192. Disposable plastic gloves.
193. Drape with small and medium apertures, sterile.
194. Disposable cover, sterile, individually wrapped, 80 cm x 80 cm.
195. Suture set in metal case.
196. Dental forceps (so-called “universal forceps).
197. Dental mirror, medium size.
198. Excavator, double end.
199. Tooth probe.
200. Tooth-filling spatula, double end.
201. Disposable vaccinating needle.
202. Filter paper.
203. Urine test strips: sugar, albumin, blood.
204. Microscope slides.
205. Rubber ear syringe.
206. Flotable stretcher licened by SeaBG.
207. Padded handcuff.
208. Plastic corpse cover.
209. Truss, left and right.
210. Oxygen set according to MFAG/RMOO3, only for tankers and ships carrying dangerous goods.
Emergency case (bag) comprising the following:
¹ 211, 212, 213, 214.
211. Mouth – to mouth resuscitator.
212. Guedel tube, size 4, 5, 6.
213. Ball resuscitator.
214. Suction apparatus
215. Infrared lamp.
216. Blood pressure apparatus (Sphygmomameter).
217. Stethoscope.
218. Otoscope.
219. Esmarch bandage.
220. German Medical Guide.
221. Controlled drug register.
222. Patient’s register.
223. Leaflet for patients with venereal diseases.
224. Temperature charts.
225. SeaBG leaflet: “Prevention of accidents”.
226. SeaBG malaria leaflet.
227. Instruction for use the stretcher.
228. Leaflet for patients excreting typhoid-, paratyphoid-, and dysentery.
229. Block of leaflet: “Radio Medical Advice”.
230. Medical first aid guide for use in accidents involving dangerous goods (MFAG).
000. Prescription according German Medical Guide.
Date: 2015-01-12 ; view: 897