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All medicines should be delivered in the smallest possible package.

Both medicines and disposable, sterile appliances should carry the date of delivery.

In case they carry a date of expiry, they should be replaced on the date

mentioned, if not, 5 years after the date

of delivery

Eye drops should not be used longer than 1 month after first opening.



In case of diseases of the respiratory system

001. Cough tablets:

In case of bronchitis, throat-and laryngeal catarrh and mucous catarrh, 1 tablet several times a day. The tablets can either be dissolved in warm water and drunk, or can be allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth.

002. Codeine tablets:

In order to relive more severe forms of the above-mentioned illnesses, especially persistent coughing. Take an average dose of 1 – 3 tablets 3 times a day. See German and International Medical Guide. Avoid alcohol while taking this medicine. This medicine may cause drowsiness.

003. Influenza tablets:

To treat influenza, colds accompanied by fever and catarrh, swallow 1 – in more severe cases

2 –tablets 3 times a day.

004. Asthma tablets:

In case of asthma and asthmatic bronchitis take ½ - 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. See German and International Medical Guide.

005. Asthma aerosol:

To prevent and relieve asthma attacks, use only with the inhaler supplied! Shake well and put inhaler in the mouth, then press and, at the same time, take one deep breath. If necessary, this can be repeated after 1 minute. See German and International Medical Guide.

006. Corticosteroid aerosol:

In case of poisoning caused by inhalation of poisonous gases, also in case of asthma and chronic bronchitis.

General dose: 2 inhalations 5 times, spread evenly 24 hours.

Maximal dose at beginning of treatment: 2 inhalations 8 times in 24 hours.

in case of malfunction of thee heart and blood-circulation

007. Coronary insufficiency tablets:

In case of coronary insufficiency, take 1, 5–2 tablets a day, preferably after meals, using some water. Possible side-effects: lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting.

008. Vasodilative tablets:

To treat coronary heart diseases (disturbed blood supply in the heart muscle) and as a prophylactic treatment against angina – pectoris.

Initial therapy: 1–3 capsules a day.

Continues therapy: 2 capsules 3 times a day, swallowed with plenty of water.

See German and International Medical Guide.

Important: when a longer therapy is discontinued, decrease dose gradually.

Possible side-effects: headache, nausea, vomiting.

009. Capsules to decrease blood pressure:

In case of hypertension, swallow a single dose of 1 – 2 capsules with sufficient water.

Possible side-effects: headache, flush.

010. Tablets to increase blood pressure:

In case of hypotension, poor circulation due to weather-conditions, take 1 tablet once or twice daily, preferably in the early morning or early afternoon.

Possible side-effects: headache, restlessness.

010.1 Short – acting diuretic tablets:

A furosemide tablet is a potent short-acting diuretic, which causes the production of urine by affecting the kidneys. It is indicated in the treatment of excess body fluid (oedema) associated with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, or certain kidney diseases.

General dose: 20 – 80 mg in a single dose in the morning, for 2 – 4 consecutive days each week, followed by a drug-free period. See German and International Medical Guide. Caution: This drug should be used only after getting RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE.


in case of diseases of the digestive organs

011. Stomach tablets:

In case of disorders caused by e.g. pains in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite; also gastric disorders, take 1 tablet 3 times a day with some water, preferable before meals.

012. Tablets against over-acidity of stomach:

To treat heartburn, indigestion, gastritis, stomach-ulcers, take 1 – 2 tablets 4 – 5 times a day. The tablets can either be dissolved in water and drunk, or chewed and swallowed with some water. See German and International Medical Guide.

012.1 Tablets for treatment the stomach-ulcer:

Ranitidine is used in conditions where inhibition of gastric acid secretion may be beneficial, such as gastric and duodenal ulcers.

General dose: 300 mg once or 150 mg twice daily.

013. Extract of chamomile:

External use: inflammation of the mouth and pharyngeal mucous membranes, the gums and conjunctiva; to prepare moist bandages and baths.

Internal use: as a tea in case of stomach and intestinal complaints.

1. External (diluted):

a. Irritation or inflammation of the mouth and gums: pour 10 drops into a glass of lukewarm water and gargle.

b. To prepare moist bandages, compresses (instead of using the common but damaging alumina acetate): 1 tablespoonful in 1 litre of water.

c. To prepare eye-baths and wound-baths: 1 tablespoonful in 1 litre of water and bathe the affected parts several times a day.

2. External (undiluted):

In case of acute inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth, paint the affected parts of the mouth, using a small brush or some cotton-wool. According to needs, this can be repeated several times a day.

3. Internal:

In case of digestive complaints, flatulence, gastritis, and colitis, dilute 30 drops in a cup of warm water and drink. This can be repeated up to 4 times a day, according to needs.

014. Carbon tablets:

In case of gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, poisoning and intestinal flatulence:

minor disturbance – 1 tablet several times a day,

in more severe cases – up to 8 tablets a day,

in case of poisoning – a single dose of up to 20 tablets as indicated.

The tablets should be swallowed with water and not chewed.

015. Dehydration therapy in case of permanent diarrhea:

To dehydrate the body of severe diarrhea, dissolve the contents of 1 sachet in 200 mi of boiled, cooled water or tea. According to necessity, adults can be given up to 20 sachets (4 litres) a day. See German and International Medical

016. Capsules against diarrhea:

In case of diarrhea and disorders of the stomach, at first take 2 capsules, if necessary followed by 1 capsule after each liquid defecation. The capsules should be swallowed with some water.

Maximum dose: not more than 6 capsule a day.

017. Castor oil:

A powerful laxative to be used in case of constipation and diarrhea clears the bowels in case of dysentery and poisoning, drink 1 – 2 tablespoonfuls in cup of hot coffee in the morning before breakfast, preferable on an empty stomach.

018. Liquid paraffin:

In case of chronic constipation, take 0, 5 – 1 tablespoonful in the morning.

019. Laxative tablets:

In case of constipation, in mild case – 1 tablet, otherwise up 3 tablets a day. If taken at night the desired effect will occur the next morning.

020. Bladder-kidney tea:

As an additional treatment, in case of acute or chronic inflammation of bladder and/or kidneys:

1 cup of tea 2–3 times a day. Put the tea-bag in 150 ml of boiling water and allow drawing for about 15 minutes.

021. Tablets against inflammation of the urinary tract:

In case of inflammation of bladder and/or the urinary tract:

- take 4 tablets 3 times a day on the first,

- take 3 tablets 3 times a day on the second,

- take 2 tablets 3 times a day on consecutive days.

The Tablets should be taken after meals with some liquid.


Pain relieves


022. Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) tablets 500 mg:

To relieve minor pains of all sorts, e.g. headaches, toothaches; also colds accompanied by fever. Take 2 tablets 2 or 3 times a day, preferably during meals and using plenty of water. See German and International Medical Guide.

023. Analgesic tablets with codeine:

To relieve more severe forms of the pains mentioned in ¹ 22, take 1 –2 tablets 3 times a day.

Avoid alcohol while taking this medicine! This medicine may cause drowsiness!

024. Strong pain relieves:

To relieve severe pains due to e.g. wounds, colic, ulcers. Take an average dose of tablets 3 times a day. The dose can be adjusted according to severity of pain and can vary between 1 time 3 and 3 tablets a day.

Possible side-effects: nausea, stomach-disorders, vertigo, fatigue.

This medicine can impair driving and the handling of machines!!

025. Antispasmodic suppositories:

In case of stomach and intestinal spasms, colic, insert 1– 4 suppositories a day, according to the spasms. Before using the suppository, dip it in water to dissolve its covering.

026. Mild, sleeping-pills:

To treat mild cases of sleeplessness, take 1, at most 2, tablets ½ - 1 hour before going to bed.

Possible side-effect: dryness of mouth.

This medicine can impair driving and the handling machines!

027. Baldrian sedative tablets:

In case of nervousness, restlessness and mild sleeplessness, take 1 – 3 tablets several times a day, according to needs.

028. Strong tranquillizer:

In case of great anxiety, agitation, fear and tension, take ½ tablets 2 or 3 times a day. If the effect is not strong enough, 2 or 3 tablets may be taken, divided over the day. See German and International Medical Guide.

Possible side-effects: tiredness, sleepiness, nausea, vertigo.

This medicine can impair driving and the handling machines!

029. Medicines to relieve psychic disturbances:

In case of severe disturbances caused by schizophrenia, manic disorders, in state of confusion after brain injuries, brain damage due to oxygen deficiency, and inflammation of the brain or cerebral tumors. Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!

030. Medicine to relieve side-effect of ¹ 029:

In case of disturbance of muscle activity, get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!

031. Capsules to treat delirium (Distraneurin):

In case of delirium, great agitation and unrest, severe sleeplessness, get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!


Anti-allergic medicines

032. Antihistamine tablets:

In case of allergic reactions to e.g. drugs, dyes, solvents etc, hay fever, nettle rash, eczema etc.

Take 2 – 6 tablets a day, preferably during or after meals. See German and International Medical Guide.

These tablets may cause drowsiness. In this case fewer tablets should be taken.

033. Corticosteroid tablets:

In case of severe allergic reactions, rheumatism, as an initial treatment 4 – 10 tablets a day. If this treatment fails, the corticosteroid injection (¹ 056) should be used. In this case: Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!


In case of seasickness


034. Seasickness tablets:

To prevent seasickness, take 1 tablet 1 – 3 times a day. The first tablet should be taken 30-60 minutes before setting out.

In case of seasickness ¹.035 should be used. See German and International Medical Guide.

Possible side-effect: tiredness.

035. Seasickness suppositories:

In case of seasickness, according to severity and duration, insert 1 suppository 1–3 times a day.

Possible side-effect: tiredness.


Chemotherapeutics and Antibiotics


036. Broad-spectrum Chemotherapeutic:

In case of infections of the respiratory system or the uro-genital tract, also gonorrhea, take 1 tablet twice daily after meals, using plenty of water. See German and International Medical Guide.

Possible side-effect: (unimportant): headache, nausea, vomiting.

037. Broad-spectrum Antibiotic (Penicillin: Amoxicillin):

To treat infections caused by bacteria sensitive to Amoxicillin or Amopicillin, esp. infections of the uro-genital tract, the respiratory tract, or ear, nose and throat, also gonorrhea. Take 1 tablet 4 times a day. In chronic cases or frequent relapses the dose can be doubled.

Possible side-effect: (unimportant): nausea, vomiting.

038. Broad-spectrum Antibiotic (no Penicillin: Doxycyclin):

To treat infections caused by bacteria sensitive to Doxycyclin, esp. infections of the uro-genital tract, the respiratory tract, the biliary ducts. Take 2 capsules on the first, 1 capsule on the second and following days. The capsules should be swallowed with plenty of liquid during meals. See German and International Medical Guide.

Possible side-effect: (unimportant) nausea, vomiting.

039. Sodium bicarbonate tablets:

All – purpose treatment in case of electrical accidents, solve 20 tablets in 1 liter, give only the conscious patient every hour 100 ml 24 hours long; additional solve 5 teaspoonful NaCl and 8 teaspoonful in the litre water.




040. Multivitamin capsules:

In case of vitamin deficiency, in conditions which require extra vitamins, e.g. special diets, take 1 capsule a day.


In case of Malaria

041. Chloroquine tablets 250 mg:

To prevent and treat malaria

Adult dose: 2 times weekly 1-2 tablets continue treatment after leaving behind malaria – region 4 weeks long. See German and International Medical Guide.

042. Treatment of Malaria: (Lariam tablets)

See German and International Medical Guide - , get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!


In case of resistance against Chlorquine

043. Quinine hydrochloride tablets 250 mg:

To treatment not prevention of acute attacks of malaria 3 times 2 tablets after meals until a doctor comes. See German and International Medical Guide, get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!


Only for ships operating in sub-tropical or tropical regions

044. Salt tablets:

In case of deficiency of salt due to excessive perspiration, severe cramps due to deficiency of salt. Swallow 2 tablets several times a day, using plenty of water. See German and International Medical Guide.


In case of women’s diseases and obstetrics

045. Ergotamine tablets:

In case of excessive menstruation, bleeding during and after birth, see German and International Medical Guide.


Preparations for injection


In case of breathing – or circulatory problems

046. Asthma injection:

To relieve asthma attacks, inject the contents of 1-2 ampoules intramuscularly (i.m.)


047. Circulatory stimulant:

In case of circulatory collapse (due to e.g. poisoning), the dose should be adjusted to the patient’s weight; 0, 14 mg/kg, which is equivalent to ampoule for 70 kg patient.

Injections (i.m.) should be given slowly and carefully!


Pain relievers

048. Strong pain reliever:

Relieves various sorts of severe pains (anesthetically) which cannot be relieved by any other medicine, inject the contents of 1 ampoule under the skin (s.c.).

Do not inject more than 5 ampoules in 24 hours!

Maximum single dose: 2 ampoules (4 mg).

Maximum daily dose: 5 ampoules (10 mg) for adults.

This is a controlled drug and underlies the drug regulations!

049. Local anesthetic:

To produce a local anesthesia, up to several ampoules inject slowly subcutaneously (s.c.) with frequent aspirations to guard against accidental intravenous injection. See German and International Medical Guide.

Do not give in case of history of hypersensitivity to any local anesthetic! Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!


Anti – allergic injection

050. Antihistamine injection:

In case of allergic reactions to drugs, e.g. anaphylactic shocks, for treating as hay fever, urticaria 1-2 injections a day. See German and International Medical Guide.

Possible side-effects: drowsiness, mouth-dryness, blurred vision, nausea and sweating.





051. Strong tranquillizer (also muscle relaxing):

In case of severe sleeplessness, anxiety, psychosomatic/psychoneurotic disturbances, muscular tension in cased of cramp, adult dose: 10 mg deep into the muscle. The dosage may be repeated in 1-4 hours. See German and International Medical Guide. Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!


In case of women’s diseases and obstetrics

052. Ergotamine injection:

In case of excessive menstruation, bleeding during and after birth. See German and International Medical Guide.



053. Penicillin injection (4.000.000 I.U.):

For all infections caused by bacteria sensitive to penicillin e.g. venereal diseases, tonsillitis, inject 1-2 ampoules a day deeply and slowly and only intramuscularly (i.m.).

Important: see to it, that the alcohol used to disinfect the skin has completely evaporated!

054. Special treatment for gonorrhea:

In case of acute or chronic gonorrhea, inject the contents of 1 ampoule (in persistent cases 2 ampoules) intramuscularly (i.m.).

Preparation of injection: after joining powder and solvent shake well for some time. The injection should be given immediately after having the disposable syringe. Use needle size 1.

See German and International Medical Guide.


Other preparations

055. Infusion, 500 ml:

In case of severe lack of blood or body fluid, also collapse, infuse under the skin (s.c.) using an infusion set. Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!

056. Corticosteroid injection:

In case of shocks, severe allergic reactions and intoxications. Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!

057. Tetanus injection:

For protection against tetanus (lockjaw), see German and International Medical Guide.

Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE! Store in refrigerator between 2-8 degree. Shake well before use!

058. Tetanus injection:

For protection against tetanus (lockjaw). To be used in case of an injury together with ¹ 57 and only if no previous tetanus injection has been given. See German and International Medical Guide. Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!

Do not inject ¹ 57 and ¹ 58 from the same syringe! Store in refrigerator between 2-8 degree. Shake well before use!


Only for ships operating in tropical or other Malaria infected regions:


059. Chloroquine ampoules:

In case of Malaria, only for treatment of malaria see extra notes on malaria and the latest leaflet of Sea-BG. Get RADIO MEDICAL ADVICE!

Advice in every case!


In case of resistance against chloroquine

060. Quinine ampoules:

For treatment of acute attacks of malaria, when the patient is unable to tolerate oral medication, intramuscularly in the inner aspect of the upper outer quadrant of the buttock, every 8 hours, until the patient can take oral medication. See German and International Medical Guide.



Preparations for external use

For the treatment of wounds and skin diseases

061. Alcohol 70% (isopropanol):

To disinfect the skin and prepare cooling bandages, see German and International Medical Guide.

062. Benzene in unbreakable aluminium container:

To remove adhesive plaster.

Caution: explosive!



063. Skin disinfectant:

To disinfect a patient’s skin before surgery (e.g. before opening an abscess), swab the affected area, using some cotton-wool.

064. Skin disinfectant (different combination than ¹ 063):

To disinfect a patient’s before surgery (e.g. before opening an abscess), swab the affected area, using some cotton-wool.

065. Ethyl chloride:

In order to produce local anesthesia, spray the area in question.

Do not use in or near the face! Caution: explosive!

066. Heparin ointment:

To treat injuries such as bruises, scars, contusions, sprains and inflammatory diseases of joints.

Apply thickly once daily, if necessary also apply an elastic bandage. For scars and muscular pains: massage gentile during application.

067. Potassium permanganate:

To prepare compresses, dissolve 1 or 2 crystals in enough water to give the solution a pale red color. See to it, that the crystals dissolve completely, since in not dissolved state this substance can damage the skin. See German and International Medical Guide.

068. ph 5 Eucerine ointment:

In case of mild skin irritations like dry skin, mild eczemas, apply in a thin layer several times a day.

069. Corticosteroid ointment with antibiotic:

To treat inflammatory or allergic conditions of the skin,

Initial therapy: apply sparingly 2-4 times a day. In case of improvement 1 application a day as usually sufficient.

070. Corticoid lotion:

To treat skin conditions like: psoriasis, dermatitis, various eczemas, first or second degree burns. Apply some lotion onto the affected parts once or twice daily. Massage gently.

071. Soft zinc paste:

A protective ointment in case of various skin conditions (e.g. wounds, burns) apply according to needs. See German and International Medical Guide.

072. Zinc suspension:

In case of acute or chronic eczema (both dry and wet), redness of skin, allergic reactions, apply twice daily, using some cotton-wool or wooden spatula. Allow to dry.

Shake well before use!

073. Antibiotic powder:

In case of infected wounds and eczemas; also burns, ulcers and purulent inflammations, powder the affected parts once or twice daily. Cover the thin layer of powder with a bandage.

074. Antiallergic gel:

To treat itching skin and minor wounds like wounds like abrasions, sunburns, minor burns. Apply into the affected parts several times a day.

075. Antibiotic ointment:

In case of wounds or abrasions, burns ulcers and eczemas, all accompanied by infections, apply thinly 2-3 times a day.

076. Antimycotic ointment:

In case of fungal infections of the skin, apply thinly 2-3 times a day.

077. Antimycotic solution:

In case of fungal infections of the skin, apply thinly 2-3 times a day.

078. Antimycotic powder:

In case of fungal infections of the skin, powder the affected areas of the skin. Also used as prophylactic (scabies) and their nits, use according to directions. See German and International Medical Guide.

079. Antiparasitic emulsion:

In case of skin parasites, esp. head-and crab-lice, itch mites (scabies) and their nits. Use according to directions. See German and International Medical Guide.

In case of rheumatism

080. Antirheumatics:

a. Antirheumatism ointment

b. Antirheumatism liniment

To soothe rheumatic, ischemic or neuralgic pains, apply one or more times daily by patting on with the fingers or soft cloth or cotton. Do not rub the area! The medicine rapidly stimulates blood circulation, bringing warm relief and helps against muscular aches, lumbago and arthritis. Avoid contact with eyes!


In case of diseases of the eye

Important: do not use eye drops longer than 1 month after first opening

(except: disposable units)


081. Anesthetic eye drops (in disposable units):

In order to produce a local anesthesia of the eye, e.g. before removal of a foreign body (debride), instill 2 drops between eyelid and eye, waiting some minutes between each drop. See German and International Medical Guide.

082. Antibiotic eye drops:

To treat infections like conjunctivitis and keratitis, instill 1 drop into the affected eye 4-6 times a day.

Length of treatment: normally 2 weeks with a maximum of 3 weeks. See German and International Medical Guide.

083. Eye drops to reduce ocular pressure:

In case of intra-ocular pressure, instill 1-2 drops between eyelid and eye. Close the eye to allow the medicine to spread over its surface. Remove excess fluid with some cotton-wool. See German and International Medical Guide.

This medicine should be applied in the evening, shortly before going to bed. This medicine may cause defective vision and as such impair driving and handling of machines.

084. Eye ointment:

In case of injury and/or irritation of cornea and conjunctiva; also to ease pain after removal of foreign body. Insert ca.5 mm of the ointment between eyelid and eye 1-4 times a day.

Do not use more than 2 days, since this medicine may harm the cornea if taken over a longer period.

085. Antibiotic eye ointment:

To treat infections like conjunctivitis and keratitis, insert ca.1 cm of ointment between eyelid and eye 2-3 times a day. See German and International Medical Guide.

Length of treatment: normal 2 weeks with a maximum ca. 3 weeks. Possible side-effect: slight burning of the eye. This medicine may cause defective vision and as such impair driving and handling of machines.


In case of diseases of the ear

086. Antibiotic eardrops:

To prevent infections, in case of inflammation of the external and middle ear. Also in case of chronic purulent infections. Instill 8-10 drops 3 times a day. Close the ear by means of a cotton- wool wad. See German and International Medical Guide.

087. Antibiotic eardrops with a corticosteroid:

To prevent infections in case of inflammation of the external and middle ear. Also in case of chronic purulent infections. Instill 8-10 drops 3 times a day. Close the ear by means of a cotton- wool wad.

In case of diseases of mouth, throat and gums

088. Astringent mouth water:

In case of inflammation of throat, mucous membranes of the mouth or gums; also in case of angina, pour 10-15 drops into a glass of water and gargle. According to needs, this can be repeated up to 3 times a day.

089. Antiseptic lozenges:

To treat infections and inflammations of mouth and throat, suck 1 lozenge several times a day.

090. Nose drops in disposable units:

To shrink the nasal membranes in case nasal breathing is obstructed due to a cold. Also as an additional treatment in case of hay fever. Spray the contents of 1 unit into the nostrils. This can be repeated, according to needs up to 4 times a day.

Possible side-effect: slight burning sensation in the nose.

091. Oil of cloves:

To ease tooth nerves (e.g. in case a piece of tooth is broken off) soak a small piece of cotton- wool with several drops of oil and put it into the cavity. See German and International Medical Guide.

092. Temporary tooth filling:

Remove the cap and use it to open the tube. Slide the key onto the end of the tube and squeeze out the necessary quantity by the key. The hardening process sets in after a few minutes. Do not expose filled cavity to any pressure for about 15 minutes.

Replace cap immediately after use!


In case of diseases of the urinary tract

093. Catheter lubricant:

A local anesthetic, disinfectant and lubricant, in case of probes, see German and International Medical Guide.


In case of diseases of the rectum

094. Haemorrhoid ointment:

In case of haemorrhoid, inflammation of the skin around the rectum and fissures in the rectal mucous membrane. Apply the ointment in the morning, in the evening and after each defecation. Wash the rectum and its surrounding thoroughly before application.

095. Haemorrhoid suppositories:

In case of haemorrhoid, fissures in the rectal mucous membrane and protitis, insert suppository in the evening, preferably before going to bed. In severe cases an additional suppository can inserted in the morning.


Other preparations

096. Body powder:

In case of slight burns, sunburn and lichen tropics, powder the affected parts of the skin several times a day.

097. Antiseptic heat powder:

To treat and prevent inflammation and / or irritation of the skin due to excessive perspiration, powder the affected / endangered parts of the skin several times a day.


Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1001

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