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Regional tourism developing».

Conference languages – ukrainian, russian, english.



To the technical design of the articles

The Organizing Committee accepts articles up to 5 – 10 pages after 1 interval, fully prepared for printing. Typing text is formatted by Microsoft Word (*doc, *rtf) font ¹ 12 (Times New Roman) on paper format À-4; all margins (top, bottom, right and left) — 3,8 cm; top footer — 1,25 cm, bottom — 3,2 cm.

Articles in the collections should be posted by headings.

In header posts: Announcer LNU Taras Shevchenko ¹** (***), 2013 (for “Visnik” collection only)

Information about the UDC is located in the upper left corner without spaces (normal font). Initials and author’s surname are indicated in the upper left corner (a line from UDC) is indented 1.5 cm (first line indent), bold font.

Name of the article is typed in a line in capital letters (bold font). Contents of the article should be according to the plan: statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasksanalysis of recent research and publications, which discuss this issue and are relied upon by author; emphasis on the unsolved aspects of the problemdiscussed in this article; formulation of the objectives of the article (problems); summary of main results with definite justification of scientific results; conclusions from this study and perspectives for further research in this area. All these elements must be stylistically presented in the text, but graphically it is not neccesery to highlight them. Links to quoted sources should be given in brackets after the quote. The first digit is the number of the sources in the bibliography, which is attached to the article, and the second - the page number, eg: [1, p. 21] or [1, p. 21; 2, p. 13–14].

Bibliography and notes if necessary shall be submitted at the end after the word "Literature" or after "Bibliography and notes" (without colon) in order of citation and issued in accordance with generally accepted bibliographic requirements. Bibliographic sources presented in succession, without separation by subparagraph, the author of the work (or the first word of its title) is bold. Bibliography sample:



1. Bezpalko O. V. Organozation of social-pedagogical work with kids and youth in the territorial community: theory-methodical basics : monography / O. V. Bezpalko. — K. : Scientific world, 2006. — 363 p. 2. Stishov Î.A. Ukrainian vocabulary at the end of ÕÕ century (on the material of media language) / Oleksandr Anatolievich Stishov. — 2-nd edition., processed — Ê. : Pugach, 2005. — 388 p.

Article in professional “Visnik LNU Taras Shevchenko” conclude 3 annotations in Ukrainian and Russian languages (content 8 rows) and in English (content 20 rows) that includes surname, name and patronymic of the author, name of the article and key words (3-5 terms)

Article from conference materials, has three rows of 8 annotations in Ukrainian, Russian and English with the surname, name and patronymic of the author, article title and key words (3 - 5 terms).


Sample of annotations:

Krokoshenko O. The role of pedagogical practices in the development of pedagogical competence of future engineering teachers.

The article is an analysis of the results of pilot studies evaluating the factors affecting the development of pedagogical competence of future engineering teachers during the preparation in higher education establishment. Also the composition of it's structural components had been clarified and the dominant role of the pedagogical practices had been highlighted. Areas of improvement of training, content, organization and methods of it's implementation for students specializing in "Professional training" have been determined.

Key words: competence, pedagogical practices, engineering teachers.

Article postgraduates, undergraduates and students are accompanied by a review by the supervisor (assistant professor, doctor, professor).

On a separate sheet feds information about the author:

1. Last name, first name.

2. Position, title, academic degree.

3. Address of the institution of the department.

4. Home address.

5. Phone numbers (work, home, mobile).


The article should be sent by e-mail–

E-mail: tourism@luguniv.edu.ua or tourism.lnpu@mail.ru).

Materials, that do not match the above requirements and submitted after May 15 will not be accepted.

Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1086

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