Title of the article (s) indicating to the collection___
Name of the section(s) ______________________
I’m planning to speak in the on-line mode *
- at the plenary session (yes/no) ____________
- at the section (yes/no) ___________________
Skype address ___________________________
I’m planning to come and make a presentation
- at the plenary session (yes/no)_____________
- at the section (yes/no)___________________
date of arrival ___________________________
Facilities required for the report _________________________________
Name of the report______________________________
Please reserve place to stay (indicate: number of places from «__» _____ 2013 to «___»_____ 2013 in student hostel _________, in hotel ________.)
Participation in excursions (yes/no) _____________
*After THE APPLICATION registration additional information for speech in on-line mode will be sent to your e-mail address.
Organizing Committee
SÅ “Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University”
Oboronna st., 2, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91011.
Telephone: (095) - 311-39-93 (Kobzova Svetlana, executive secretary of the conference), (8-0642) 59-90-08 (connect to 35-15, tourism cathedra) or (050) - 614-42-16 (Solomina Alla, senior assistant), (050) 280-91-73 (Sorokina Galina, Acting Head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management).
The conference results will be published:
- collection of the conference materials;
- collection of Pedagogical Sciences VAC "Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University."
Participants receive collections prior to the plenary session. Correspondence participants of the conference get collections by mail.
- 150 grn. ($20 for CIS participants and participants from abroad,) – mandatory fee for participants who come;
- 25 grn. ($3 for participants from CIS and for participants from abroad) – for each (complete or incomplete) page of the article for the collection of conference materials;
- 30 grn. ($4 for participants from CIS and for participants from abroad) – for each (complete or incomplete) article page for the VAK collection for of Pedagogical Sciences, "Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University".
Money (organizing fee + payment for the article) are sent by postal order at: Solomina Alla, post office ¹31 Luhansk, 91031.
A copy of payment is to be sent by e-mail.
E-mail: tourism@luguniv.edu.ua
(recommended adress) or tourism.lnpu@mail.ru).
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Luhansk Regional State Administration, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko national university, Institute of Trade, service technology and tourism, Luhansk regional center of youth tourism and regional studies, Mediterranean University (Turkey),
Gannan Normal University (China)
V²I² International
Scientific-practical conference
Ukraine, Luhansk,
SE «Luhansk National Taras Shevchenko
September 19 – 20, 2013
The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the VII-th International Scientific Conference "Tourist Industry: Current Situation and Development Priorities ", that will be held on march 15–16 2012 in Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko university.