| National Security is put at risk with counterfeit electronic components in military and defence equipment poses a national security risk.Computer hacking - high-tech crime
In recent years counterfeiting has gone from strength to strength. The purpose of the article is to provide insights into the increasing threats posed by counterfeit and illicit trade. Counterfeiting jeopardizes public safety, undermines legitimate businesses and harms national interests. To a great extent the public view of counterfeit products is one of ambiguity, it is often seen as a victimless crime, which of course is far from the truth. This lack of appreciation of the threat of counterfeits actually encourages and supports its continual growth. The three major threats from the counterfeits are :
Consumer safety is jeopardized through counterfeit food, medicines, medical devices, toys, consumer electronics, alcohol, tobacco, automotive parts etc.
2. Economic threat impacts business and governments – reducing the market for legitimate business and reducing revenue for governments – vat, duties and other taxes while increased cost for enforcement.
National Security is put at risk with counterfeit electronic components in military and defence equipment poses a national security risk.
For these reasons global solutions are needed to address the ever-growing threats presented by this flourishing criminal activity.
The internet has the power to be the greatest single force for good in history, the capacity to enable each of us to learn about people, places and events that were previously unimaginable. Daily, billions of people use this remarkable resource to communicate, conduct business, buy and sell goods and services. It’s hard to remember what daily life was like before the internet and equally to imagine life without it. However, surely, with this capacity comes responsibility. How many of us would routinely invite fraudsters, thieves, pornographers, paedophiles, criminal gangs, terrorists and the like, into our homes? All of these inhabit the dark recesses of the internet and, every time we log on, we risk coming across them. There are extremely unscrupulous internet traders who are totally uncaring for their target. They don’t spare a second’s thought for the health and welfare of their ‘customer.’ They don’t care if the customer (potentially every one of us) lives or dies, gets well or manages an illness. These criminals (and that’s exactly what they are) are the manufacturers and purveyors of counterfeit medicines, and their activities pose a significant global threat to public health today. The purpose of this article is not to frighten vulnerable patients. It is to raise awareness and speed the day when the internet is a safe place for the collective good of humanity, and not a free-for-all for criminals.
So, what exactly is counterfeiting ?
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1022