Theme 1: The basic ideas of the Conception of the Development of Foreign Language Education in The Republic of Kazakhstan.
Case study #1
In accordance with the Conception there are 3 varieties of profile education:
1. Humanitarian in specialized schools
2. Economic profile in lyceums and colleges
3. Natural- mathematic profile in lyceums and colleges
· How do you evaluate the perspective of the development of each of the given profile? (Shortages – 21, 23 P. – CLIL). AIM – B1 level.
· Discuss this problem in groups of 3-4 and make your presentation.
Lack of books and not
relevant program to
Lack of native speakers
lack of materials which can be
interesting and involving pupils Lack of qualified teachers
| | The teacher of English Language through the subject
| |
Case Study # 2.
Profile education has many advantages and disadvantages. Give them:
| Disadvantages
| - Comprehensive knowledge
| 1. Absence of native speakers
| - There is no need to learn language and material separately
| 2. pupils’ language levels are not appropriate for studying profile subject
| - All subject are in target language
| 3. Lack of methodological programs
Task 5
Seminar 3/ Case Study # 1
• Take one unit (you are given the certain unit by the teacher) from New Insights into Business and make a scheme of work (as in the sample).
• Condition: Lessons Monday and Friday; 45 minutes/a lesson
• Unit 3: Retailing
| Learning
| Context
| Language
| Skills
| Task activities
| Resource materials
| Home work
| Monday
| Can talk about retailing, shops, stores, outlets. To know the types of stores
Parts of speech
Listening and reading
Listening tasks at pages 25-26
at page 27
| Friday
| Can talk about locating objects at the store
Compound nouns
| Vocabulary development listening and writing
| Language focus at page 30
| Course book
| Writing 2 at page 33
Case Study # 1 (from Lecture 4)
Write down the necessary information about your students and reasons to know about them.
| Why
| Names of students
| So you can get them right!
| Age
| Choice of topics
| Abilities
| In order to know what do they already know and what do they need to learn more
| Characteristics
| You will know how to organize activities what type of activity to organize
| interests
| Ways of motivation
| Types of learners
| To define the types of learners, ie for kinesthetic learners try to do something from experience
Seminar #4
Case study #2
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Unit goal: to be able to describe what is retailing and how to use new vocabulary relevantly
Cognitive level
| Objectives
| Knowledge
| The students will be able to define the types of marketing
| Comprehension
| The students will be able to classify, translate and explain the reading texts
| Application
| The students will be able to define the parts of speech
| Analysis
| The students will be able to classify the types of marketing and customers
| Synthesis
| The students will be able to answer customers’ attitude to mail order and e-commerce
| Evaluation
| The students will be able to defend the quality of trades and to assess them
Task 8
Seminar 5/ Case Study #1
In the space provided, give the pros and cons of every type of lesson planning.
Lesson planning type
| Pros
| Cons
| Logical line
| Increases the students attentiveness
| Students can guess what will be the next task
| Topic umbrella
| Students will know a theme completely
| Students become bored
| Jungle path
| Keeps students involved
| Not concrete lessons
| Rag-bag
| Good for young learners with a short attention span
| There is no overall objective
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1481