As she said she is being ill from 8 o’clock when sudden symptoms appeared. Patient is admitted by emergency ambulance to ÁÑÌÏ.
Objectively: skin and mucous are common color. In lung the respiration is vesicular without rales, cardiac sound are muted, pulse 76/min, BP 110/70 mm Hg, tongue is wet, abdomen is soft, sharp pain in right iliac region, weakness, excitability, symptom of peritoneum is absent. Kocher’s, Rovzing’s, Sitkovsky’s, Vosckresensky’s, Bartomier’s symptoms are absent. Stool and diuresis are not changed.
DS: acute appendicitis
Name of operation: Appendoctomy
Date: 28/03/13
Method of anaesthesia: IV DA
Complications: no
Preparation for anaesthesia: S. Cetamini 5%-5.0, S. Bruzepami 0.5%-2.0
Beginning: 14.00
End: 14.30
Special notes
Allergic anamnesis: not burdened
Epidemiologic anamnesis: without particularities
Individual features: without particularities
Past illnesses: Botkin’s disease, tuberculosis, venereal diseases are denied
28/03/13: examined by surgeon on duty at 11:15 o’clock with complaints on pain in right iliac region.
Justification of preliminary diagnosis
Complaints: pain in right iliac region, vomiting, fatique.
Anamnesis: As she said she is being ill from 8 o’clock when sudden symptoms appeared. Patient is admitted by emergency ambulance to ÁÑÌÏ.
Objectively: Kocher’s, Rovzing’s, Sitkovsky’s, Vosckresensky’s, Bartomier’s symptoms are positive.
Preliminary diagnosis: acute appendicitis.
Examination by head of surgical department
At 12.30 28.03.13 DS: acute appendicitis. She was directed to operating room.
Plan of Laboratory-instrumental investigation
1. CBC
2. Urine analysis
3. Ultrasound of abdomen and kidneys
4. Analysis of feces on helminthes eggs and simplest
Results of Ultrasound of abdomen and kidneys (28.03)
Kidneys: form and size are edematous. Contour is straight. Parenchyma is saved. Calyx- pelvis system is not dilated, without deformations.
Abdomen: intestinal loop are not dilated. Peristalsis is present. At scanning of right iliac region there is region of intestine (width 1.7 sm) with liquid and thickened hyperogenic wall (0.4 sm) around of which there is a little amount of liquid. In lower part of abdominal cavity between loops of the intestine is little amount of liquid.
Conclusion: Symptoms of acute appendicitis, liquid in abdominal cavity.
Analysis of feces on helminthes eggs and simplest (29.03)
Helminthes : no
Simplest: no
Temperature chart
28/03/13 at 17.30
Transmitted from reanimation and intensive therapy department. Condition after appendectomy. State is moderate severity. Skin and mucous are common color. Cardiac tones are rhythmical. BP 110/70 mm Hg. Pulse 80/min. Tongue is wet. Abdomen is symmetrical, soft, painful at wound. Diuresis is not damaged. indications are made. Symptom of peritoneum irritation is absent.
29/03/13 at 6.00
State is moderate severity. Skin and mucous are common color. Cardiac tones are rhythmical. BP 110/70 mm Hg. Pulse 84/min. Tongue is wet. Abdomen is symmetrical, soft, painful at wound. Diuresis is not damaged. indications are made. Symptom of peritoneum irritation is absent.
at 10.00 complaints on pain in wound and fatigue. Was prescribed Sol. Promedoli 2%-1.0 and Sol.Dimedroli 1%-1.0 IM to relieve the pain.
30/03/13 09.00
State is moderate severity. Skin and mucous are common color. Cardiac tones are rhythmical. BP 110/70 mm Hg. Pulse 80/min. Tongue is wet. Abdomen is symmetrical, soft, painful at wound. Diuresis is not damaged. indications are made. Symptom of peritoneum irritation is absent
31/03/13 -
01/04/13 at 9.00 Examination by professor Botabayev S.K.
Loops of intestine are not damaged. Peristalsis is present. No liquid in abdominal cavity on ultrasound examination.
State is satisfactory. Skin and mucous are common color. Cardiac tones are rhythmical. BP 110/80 mm Hg. Pulse 71/min. Tongue is wet. Abdomen is symmetrical, soft, moderate painful at wound. Diuresis is not damaged. Symptom of peritoneum irritation is absent. No complaints.
02/04/13 at 9.00
State is satisfactory. Skin and mucous are common color. Cardiac tones are rhythmical. BP 110/70 mm Hg. Pulse 75/min. Tongue is wet. Abdomen is symmetrical, soft, moderate painful at wound. Diuresis is not damaged. Symptom of peritoneum irritation is absent. No complaints.
Justification of clinical diagnosis
Complaints: pain in right iliac region, vomiting, fatique.
Anamnesis: As she said she is being ill from 8 o’clock when sudden symptoms appeared. Patient is admitted by emergency ambulance to ÁÑÌÏ.
Objectively: Kocher’s, Rovzing’s, Sitkovsky’s, Vosckresensky’s, Bartomier’s symptoms are positive.
Laboratory-instrumental data:
Results of CBC (28/03/13)
Hb 141 g/l
Er 4.4*1012/l
Color index 0.9
Leu 8.8*109/l
Seg 86%
Eos 1%
Monocytes 2%
Lymph 8%
ESR 4mm/h
Hematocrit 4%
Biochemical analysis of blood (28/03/13)
Urea 3.8 mmol/l
Glucose 6.6 mmol/l
Alt 0.2 mccat/l
Ast 0.16 mccat/l
General Bilirubin 18.18 mcmol/l
Results of urine analysis (28/03/13)
GLU negative
BIL negative
KET negative
SG 1.020
BLD negative
PH 5.0
PRO negative
URO 0.2
NIT positive
LEU negative
COLOR yellow
Results of ECG
12. P-Q 0,14 sec
13. QRS 0,08 sec
14. QT 0,36 sec
15. R-R 0,80 sec
16. Rhythm: sinus
17. Frequency of heart contractions: 75/min
18. Electrical axis of heart: vertical
Operation: appendectomy 28/03/13
Macropreparate of appendix: length 10 sm, enlarged, with fibrin fibers.
Based on the above data the clinical diagnosis: Acute phlegmonous appendicitis. Complication: local-limited serous peritonitis.