One of the most interesting aspects of the theory of transfer is the problem of transfer of stylistic receptions in accepting language. The good translator uses ways of transfer of some stylistic receptions used in the original to give to the text big brightness and expressiveness. The translator has the following choice: or to try to copy original reception, or if it is impossible, to create own stylistic means possessing similar emotional effect in transfer. It is the principle of stylistic compensation about which K.I.Chukovsky spoke, what not the metaphor should be transferred a metaphor, comparison by comparison, and a smile - a smile, I will get down - a tear, etc. For the translator it is important not only a form, but also function of stylistic reception in the text. It means a certain freedom of action: it is possible to transfer grammatical means of expressiveness lexical and vice versa; having lowered inexpressible into Russian the stylistic phenomenon, the translator will repay "debt" to the text, having created in other place of the text - where it is most convenient - other image, but a similar stylistic orientation.
As marks out I.S.Alekseev "metaphor and metonymy use in modern scientific and technical texts approaches them on style to art, does them more interesting and "live", however, when translating figurativeness is most often lost owing to discrepancy of pictures of the world of two languages or because of impossibility of its preservation within scientific style of Russian". [9;97] It is necessary to understand semantic free combination of words which is made in speech as the phraseological unit as something whole from the point of view of the semantic contents and lexical and grammatical structure (to idle - twiddle ones thumbs). [2;12] When translating phraseological units it is necessary to observe stylistic and genre uniformity with FE of the original, to look for FE which is characteristic for a similar environment. The phraseological (not free) phrases, which quantity it is quite great (over one thousand units, from them about two hundred are the most widespread). Translation of FE demands from the translator of big knowledge, experience, ability and in all cases of removal of figurativeness, the translator has the right to use compensation reception. To us the following examples of phraseological units met: To make default - не. Practically in all articles introduction turns meet: it is reported, due to, and as steady combinations: generation gap (the conflict of generations), government reshuffle (shift in the government), bridge building exercise (peacekeeping exercise), labor market (the labor market), to lose job, the bare truth, financial market, global capital, financial crises, economical problems, economic bubble, central bank. Apparently from the examples, many set expressions are borrowed in Russian from English (for example, the Central Bank, financial crisis, economic problems). Some researchers very interpret loosely the concept "cliché". Eric Partridge suggests meaning under a cliché:
1. idioms which became clichés
2. other set expressions and speech stereotypes
3. set of ready phrases and widely known set phrases from other languages;
4. Sayings from English literature.
It is necessary for the translator (for achievement of full-fledged transfer) to know special cases of the use of this expression. It is taken from the American advertizing in which the phrase of where it's at is used often. Its situational sense such: 'where there are such important issues where you can make business where it is rather interesting where the main point'. Thus, the most various situations can be understood as where it's at. The answer is given such: This is where it's at. In this case under the word this it is possible to mean a certain firm. Along with this phrase cliché the synonymous phrase is used also: What's happening? what is going on? It too advertizing slogan cliché. The answer is similar: This is what's happening, or: This is where the action is. - The presents I put... there (for example, the shop is specified). This example brightly shows, how the knowledge not only in itself language realities, but also extra linguistic information is important for the translator.