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Time, according to the views of Isaac Newton, "in all points of space flowed and flows equally, i.e. in which region of space we place any clock, it will count down the time with one and the same speed".

According to the ideas of Einstein, space and time are not absolute. In keeping with his views, they have the property of variability.

Einstein connected the gravity with the compression of space, and the acceleration or deceleration of time – with a degree of curvature of space: the more it is compressed and the more the mass at this point, the slower time passes there. The more extended and less the mass at this point – the faster the time flows.

Einstein postulated the non-simultaneity of processes in different parts of the Universe.

Time as the value tracking the overall progress of the processes of unification into one of elementary particles of the six Plans is an absolute value – the same for each point of the Universe.

Celestial bodies are born from the compound of the particles of the Physical Plan. In the future, they are "colonized" by the particles of overlying five Plans, beginning from the Astral.

Time as the counter of radioactive decay may stop. However, the time as the value indicating the level of evolutionary development of life in the Universe will not stop until the Creator's Plan will not materialize. There is simply no force capable to prevent it.

In absolute time invariant for all points of the Universe, we, the people, select "segments" of any size (the "length"). So there are "time units".

Time – this is not the fourth dimension of space. By measuring the value of segments, areas and volumes of space, it has nothing to do.

The space has a total of three dimensions – three coordinates – and no more. All other "dimensions" - are figment of the imagination of people.

We, creatures that live on the surface of one of the planets that exist in the universe, associate the concept of "time" with the rotation of the planet on its axis (days) and its moving around the star – the Sun (years).

Life time is too small, and the science still gains strength. This explains why we do not use as a time interval the period of revolution of our solar system around the Galaxy Nucleus or around Nucleus of Super galaxy around the Central Celestial Body of the Universe.

Within each of the three coordinates (dimensions), we can move indefinitely. The time, of course, can’t be considered as a fourth coordinate (4th dimension) that can be used with respect to the bodies in the space.

We are not able to move freely "there - here" between the future and the past. In reality, there is not a separate "future", "past" and "present".

Time – it’s a chain of successive changes of position of elementary particles and their conglomerates, scattered in the space.

In reality, the past and the future do not exist, there is only the present.

We get information about the world, and our "I" fixes it. This stored memory is precisely the "past".

We plan in our mind our own and others' work, we assume what happens in the world around us. These thoughts can be seen as the "future".

However, in the Creative Space that exists independently of elementary particles, there is no future, no past, no present.

And yet they are in the "it", simultaneously as the "ideas of the Creator".

"Eternal Now", not embodied in reality by elementary particles.

Time can’t slow down or speed up.

Let nobody mislead you by such metaphors as "passage of time", "running of time", "course of time".

Time – does not a flow and not a river, washing over us in space. Of course, all these comparisons are very beautiful, but our scientific thinking must resist the urge to take them literally.

Time, like the Space, is absolute, and at any point in the space is the same. It is a reflection of a single course of the processes occurring in the Universe, associated with the movement, association and separation of elementary particles of the same or of the different quality.

If we consider the Universe as a derivative of a single "Monolith" – Space – then we must immediately characterize everything that happens within this Universe.

In the Space there are not some "corners" out of participating in the single process of Manifestation. Also, in the Space there are not some areas, out of following the One Laws of the Universe. This is the meaning of phrase "at the same time".

Everything is shown in accordance with a common Plan. No some of their own "time courses", "twists in time" where there are very different Laws.

However, it should be recognized – everything that humans have ever dreamed of, everything they imagined, has the real implications.

Perhaps, speaking of multi-temporal Universe, people who say it are not perceived information about the Universe today, but of that which once existed in a period of some Manvantara.

Or, our Space is not one in the World, and while at the same time as here, there are such Laws of Nature, which we now know, in other Spaces are quite different Laws.

In this case, in our Universe is one time, and in the manifested Universe of other Space will be another.

So, the time – it is not a spatial coordinate. In addition, to determine the position of the elementary particle in space we do not need a fourth or fifth, nor the second, nor any other extra coordinate. For this purpose, to us quite enough of three coordinates (dimensions). If we wanted to put in graph another coordinates, they simply had no place to enter.

Where must we put the coordinates and why?!






Furthermore, there is no some other space "wedged" in that, in which we live.
How is it possible to imagine?

A number of modern scholars believe that the introduction of additional spaces, built as nesting dolls, in our space, will solve all existing problems in physics.

Not at all. This innovation further complicates the picture of the Universe.

These built-in one to another spaces are called as "parallel worlds". Fantastic literature abounds with them in different variations.

The Space – is a "fabric of the Universe." We call the Space by emptiness. Properties of the Space can be considered virtually unexplored. We study elementary particles. And the space itself – is the unknowable Absolute. You can definitely say about it, that we do not know about it anything.

Even if it is assumed that two spaces coexist somehow in one volume, each of them must be fully occupy this volume. However, they must be absolutely united. It could not be. Probably you should already feel the absurdity and irrationality of such reasoning.

Let's summarize and accept the assertion that the nature of Space is holistic and indivisible.

If to speak about the "parallel worlds", we must say - that they exist. But this term does not refer to the space is divided against itself.

The term "parallel worlds" is most consonant with the concept of "Plans".

Plans – is the real-world spheres of the Space populated by elementary particles. Plans exist in the Universe "in parallel" with our world. During our lifetime, we do not perceive them visually, but nevertheless they do exist.




In occult literature we can found the following concepts - Pralaya, Mahapralaya, Manvantara, Mahamanvantara. What is their meaning?

All these terms we can meet in Hindu literature.

Pralaya (from Skt. Pralaya) – is a «destruction». Accordingly, Mahapralaya (from Skt. Mahâ-pralaya) – is a «great destruction".



Manvantara (from Skt. Manvantara) – is a «period of Manu".

Mahamanvantara (from Skt. Mahâ-manvantara) – is a «great period of Manu."



What is the difference between Pralaya and Mahapralaya and between Manvantara and Mahamanvantara?

As you can see, the words "Mahapralaya" and "Mahamanvantara" contain the root "maha", which translates from Sanskrit as "a great, big".

During Mahapralaya Spirit and Souls are absent, because Pralaya - is Peace, Relief from the Manifestation.

Manifestation – it’s Manvantaras, and Unmanifestation - is Pralaya.

It says here as about Pralayas, and about Mahapralayas, about as Manvantaras and Mahamanvantaras.

What's the difference?

Pralaya – is the Inhale of Brahma. Brahma – is the Spirit. And Manvantara – is the Exhale of Brahma.

The Inhale and exhale of Brahma – is constantly a flowing process of creation and destruction of the Spirit (of the impulse of creation).

This process occurs in every elementary particle at every moment of time until there is this Universe. While Mahamanvantara lasts. And stop only with the onset of Mahapralaya.

This is the difference between simple Pralaya and Mahapralaya.

During Mahapralaya disappears all the Manifested Universe. Pralaya – it’s the term which refers only to the disappearance of the Spirit in a particular particle.

Exactly the same difference is between Manvantaras and Mahamanvantara.

Mahamanvantara - is the emergence of the entire Manifested Universe. While Manvantara - it's Exhalation, the birth of Brahma, the emergence of the Spirit, of the impulse in the particles.

In esoteric writings, for example, in the books of A. Bailey, E. Blavatsky, and N. Roerich you can find such expressions as the "Day of Brahma" and the "Night of Brahma." What is it?

It is natural to assume, by analogy with the human way of life, that the Day of Brahma – it’s a period of activity, and the Night – is a Rest time.

But what do we call by the Day and Night of Brahma – by Manvantara and Pralaya or Mahamanvantara and Mahapralaya?

The answer – apparently, you can call by the Day of Brahma as the Manvantara and Mahamanvantara, and by the Night of Brahma – and Pralaya, and Mahapralaya.

The same can obviously be said of the exhalation and inhalation of Brahma. The Exhalation – this is the Day of Brahma, and the inhalation –it’s the Night. With the help of inspiration and expiration can be characterized the common period of the Manifestation and Unmanifestation of God – it's about Mahapralaya and Mahamanvantara. And private, specific act committing within a single soul (elementary particle) – it’s Pralaya and Manvantara.

At the same time, the Night of Brahma, his inhalation – it’s a period or a moment of residence of the Space in a state of Non-Being. Accordingly, the Day of Brahma, Exhale – it’s a period or a moment of Being, of the Manifestation of the Universe.

During Mahapralaya the Manifested Universe is missing. There is no Ether (Spirit), or elementary particles (souls), there is only pure Space (Matter).

There is no one chemical element. Celestial bodies also there are not, and so there is not the usual process of the development of life on planets. The space is empty.

But this emptiness does not mean that it stops those underlying processes of consciousness, of mind, of which presence we guess, but know absolutely nothing.

The concept of "Being" refers only to the manifestations of God-Space, to two of its Hypostases – to the Spirit and Soul – and their combinations. The Space itself (the Matter) exists always and does not disappear.

In the state of Mahamanvantara in the Space appears all of what it dreamed and thought in its sleep "at night," in a state of Pralaya.

It is likely that only this Mahamanvantara marked by the presence of Ether and elementary particles.

It is possible that in the next Mahamanvantara familiar to us now the face of this Manifested Universe will change beyond recognition, and all the Laws of Nature will be quite different.

The end of Mahamanvantara and the beginning of Mahapralaya is marked by the process of "dilution", the disappearance of all that was displayed during the Mahamanvantara. For example, this Mahamanvantara, during which we now exist, will complete of disappearance of the Ether and elementary particles. And with them will disappear and all that exists.

The transition of the Universe from Manifested state to Unmanifested, from Manvantara to Pralaya is called in the Stanzas of the Books Dzyan as the "Great Day “Be with Us”, and in the Bible – “Last Judgment "(or "Day of Judgment").

"It is the Ring called "Pass not" for those who descend and ascend; who during the Kalpaare progressing towards the Great Day "Be With Us"..." (Stanza 5.6).

"The Swift and the Radiant One produces the seven Laya Centres, against which none will prevail to the Great Day "Be With Us"" (Stanza 6.2).

"In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. ..." (The New Testament, "The Epistle to the Romans St. Paul the Apostle").

Otherwise Day "Be with Us", Judgment Day can be called as “the end of the world”, as the Light - is synonymous with the Spirit, and stop the manifestation of the Absolute is to be linked to the disappearance of the Spirit - that is, Light. This is - the End of the World.

How many times the Mahamanvantara has already been and Pralayas replacing them, no one knows. At least no one is in this world.

If you use computer terminology, it can be compared the Mahapralaya with Restart, after which will be presented a new version of the Universe.

Do you remember when we described the structure of elementary particles? There we talked about the Zone of Destruction – an area on the periphery of any particle, where there is the destruction of Ether (Spirit). So, Pralaya (from Skt. - Destruction) - this is the destruction, dissolution, disappearance of Ether, Spirit.


Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1174

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