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Measurements at arbitrary form signals

In the program Multisim 10.1.1 measurement, including during any form of signals, is carried out using two and four-channel models of oscilloscopes. Tektronix and Agilent oscilloscope models are also used. Unlike the Electronics Workbench program, which has both a simple and an extended oscilloscope model, only the extended versions of these devices are installed in the Multisim program. They are more accurate and convenient for analysis, but they occupy a large area on the working field of the application, which makes it difficult to use them when working with complex models of schemes.

Oscilloscope include in the scheme with the help of his sign, which has three entrances: the entrance channel A, the entrance channel B and the sync input. Each of these inputs also has a shared entrance.

Setting of the oscilloscope (Fig. in the Annex), with use of elements located on the control panel, is as follows.

1. Select the location of the axes on which the signal to be analyzed is displayed.

2. Assign the desired scan axises scale.

3. Set the coordinate origin offset.

4. Select the channel input mode: open or close.

5. Select the timing mode, at changing the front or rear signals, channel A or B, internal or external.

The control panel includes five control fields.

1. Vizier control field.

2. Horizontal scan control field.

3. The fields of the control channels A and B.

4. A field synchronization control.


Two-beam oscilloscope model window


The vizier control field allows you to move them in directions corresponding to the direction of the arrows. The vizier roughly you can move the cursor and LMB.

Buttons oscilloscope Y / T, Add, A / B, B / A determine the type of dependence of the displayed signals.

When the Y / T button is pressed on the horizontal axis, the time is postponed and the voltage on the vertical axis is postponed. The Add button enables the mode in which the voltages of channels A and B are added. When pressing the A / B button, the voltage at the input of the channel A is postponed along the vertical axis, and on the horizontal axis ? the voltage at the input of the channel B and pressing the B / A button ? vice versa. When you press the A / B or B / A buttons, you can observe frequency and phase shifts, volt-ampere characteristics, hysteresis loops using an oscilloscope.

The scan time can be changed in a wide range - from 1 fs / Div to 1000 Ts / Div.

In the horizontal scan control field it is also possible to shift the vertical axis horizontally at ?5 divisions.

The fields of control of channels A and B allow you to change their sensitivity in the range from 1 fV / Div to 1000 TV / Div, to shift the horizontal axis to ?3 divisions, as well as to choose the modes of operation of the inputs: open DC, in which the input passes the constant component, and closed AC, in which the input passes only the variable component of the signals.

When you press the 0 button, the corresponding input of the oscilloscope is connected to the common bus of the oscilloscope, which allows you to determine the position of the beam at the zero input signal. The control field channel B also contains another button ? ? that allows you to change the beam phase of the channel to 1800.

A field synchronization control allows you to assign an internal sync at front or slice of the input signals of channels A or B, or external synchronization, to assign the sync level, determine its type or to refuse synchronization.

The screen button allows you to change the background of the signal image from black to white and back.


Educational edition



Lobunets Oleg Dementievich




Editor O. S. Smirnova


Computer imposition O. D. Lobunets

English translation O. D. Lobunets


Signed in the seal 08.06.2017. Format 84 1/16.

Writing paper. Flat printing. Cond. pr. sh. 5.5.

Publ.-ed.L. 5.5. Circulation 100 copies. Order 311.



Editorial-polygraphic center of the UrFU

620000, Ekaterinburg, Turgenev str., 4


Date: 2018-08-27; view: 28252

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