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Procedure for conducting experiments


Experiment 1. The amplitude-phase relationship for resistor included in the circuit is a sinusoidal varying current

Assemble the diagram to study the properties of the resistor included in the sinusoidal current circuit, which is shown in fig. 4.1.

Start the modeling process. By double-clicking the LMB will receive extended image of the wattmeter and oscilloscope. Adjust the oscilloscope so that two sinusoidal curves appear on the screen of its extended image. Recommended settings of the oscilloscope: horizontal sweep − 10 ms / div; vertical scan: channel A ? 100 V / div, channel B ? 20 mV / div

Fig. 4.1. The scheme for the study of the resistor in the sinusoidal alternating current circuit

The simulation results are listed in the table 4.1.

Table 4.1

The results of the research of the resistor in the circuit sinusoidal curren

Set Measured Calculated
E, V I, A P, W cos ⱷ, ?


Calculate the current in the circuit, the active, reactive and full power of the resistor. Compare the results of calculations and simulations. Draw a vector diagram of the voltage on the resistor and the current through it in the complex plane.


Experiment 2. The amplitude-phase relationship for an ideal inductor included in the circuit sinusoidal varying current

Collect the scheme shown in fig. 4. 2.

Fig. 4. 2. The scheme for the study of the ideal inductor in the circuit sinusoidal varying current

Turn on the scheme for modeling. With double clicks of the LMB on the signs of the wattmeter and oscilloscope, you will get their images expanded. Set oscilloscope settings similar to the previous experiment.

The results of the simulation are listed in the table. 4. 2.

Table 4. 2

The results of the study of the ideal inductor in the sinusoidal current circuit

Set Measured Calculated
E, V I, A P, W cos ⱷ ⱷ, ?


Calculate the current in the circuit, the active, reactive and full power of the ideal coil. Compare the results of calculations and simulations. Draw a vector diagram of the voltage on the ideal coil and the current through it on the complex plane.


Date: 2018-08-27; view: 28083

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