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UDC 621.3(076.5)

BBK 31. 2nd 73-5

L 68



the department of general electrical engineering Rus. st. voc.-ped. university;

cand. of phys.-math. sciences Goloborodsky B. Yu.


Scientific editor ? prof., doctor of engineering sciences F. N. Sarapulov


Lobunets O. D.

L 68 Electrical engineering in experiments: a tutorial on modeling electrical circuits in Multisim 10.1.1 application./O. D. Lobunets. Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2017. 105 C.



ISBN 978-5-321-02161-3



The publication is intended for studying of fundamental laws in electrical circuits, DC and AC current using a system of circuit simulation and computer-aided design Multisim. It also examines the elements of the circuits, resonance phenomena in electric circuits, three-phase circuit and transients in linear circuits.

The textbook can be useful to students of technical faculties, as well as for professionals involved in experimental research and computer-aided design electrical and electronic devices.



Bibliography: 9 titles. Table 30. Fig. 37. ADJ. 1.


UDC 621.3(076.5)

BBK 31. 2nd 73-5


ISBN 978-5-321-02161-3 ? Lobunets O. D. 2017




Preface.???????????????????????????. 5

Introduction ........................................................................................... ...... 8

Chapter 1. The Program Multisim 10.1.1 ...................................................... 10

1.1. The capabilities of the software environment Multisim ........................... 11

1. 2. Components of the program Multisim .................................................... 14

1. 3. Instruments program Multisim ............................................................... 19

1. 4. Examples of modeling schemes .............................................................. 21

Chapter 2. Electric measuring devices and measurements .............................. 26

2.1. Ammeters and voltmeters ........................................................................ 27

2. 2. Multimeter ............................................................................................. 35

Chapter 3. Linear and nonlinear DC circuit..................................................... 41

3.1. Linear electric DC circuit..................... ????????????? 42

3. 2. Non-linear electric DC circuit................................................................ 51

Chapter 4. The electric circuit of sinusoidal current ...................................... 57

4.1. Experimental determination of parameters of elements

of AC circuits ................................................................................................ 58

4. 2. The electric circuit of alternating current with series

connection of elements .................................................................................. 65

4. 3. The electric circuit of alternating current with parallel

connection of elements ................................................................................... 70

Chapter 5. Three-phase electric circuit ........................................................... 76

5.1. Three-phase circuit when connecting the consumer

according to the scheme ?star?........................................................................ 77

5. 2. Three-phase circuit when connecting the consumer

according to the scheme ?triangle? ................................................................ . 82

Chapter 6. Transients in circuits with one and two

energy storage ............................................................................................... 87

6.1. Transients in circuits with one energy storage ....................................... 88

6.2. Transients in circuits with two energy storage ........................................ 94

Literature ..................................................................................................... 100

Application.?????????????????????????. 104




Electrical engineering belongs to the field of engineering in which processes of learning and development require the inextricable connection of the theoretical analysis and experimental studies.

The efforts of many specialists, a personal computer became the main tool in the hands of a man who used to penetrate into the mysteries of nature. Moreover, currently, it became apparent that further study of electrical engineering and other sciences, founded on its basis, almost has little meaning without the use of computer technologies.

The present manual is aimed at quite a wide audience of students and professionals who are engaged in research and computer-aided design of electrical systems.

More or less successful attempts of computer modeling and design in various areas of research and development have been undertaken already since the appearance of computing machines that are actually designed to perform similar functions. However, to some extent, universal and powerful, specialized for the solution of problems in electrical engineering and electronics the system Electronics Workbench became widespread only in the mid nineties of the last century. In the following years saw the further development of this productive system.

One of the leaders of the world level ? the National Instruments Corporation, following the accession by the company Electronics Workbench is started the production of effective software product Multisim, designed to simulate and design electrical and electronic circuits, and additional modules to this product. This software can be successfully used, including for the training of students in electrical engineering and electronics, for the design of electrical and electronic circuits, wiring of circuit boards and modeling of microprocessor systems.

The possibility of creating the equivalent electric and electronic circuits in the Multisim program is wide enough, primarily due to more extensive built-in library components and the existence of the possibility of replenishment of the library of the newly created, including users, elements with the specified characteristics. Engineers can use Multisim to interactively create electrical and electronic circuits and simulation of various modes of their work. In the program Multisim, a significant number of functions to perform professional design that represents the modern means of simulation that allows you to increase the range user community.

Environment Multisim allows us to conduct complex experiments, and allows low-cost labour to carry out the replacement of components of the schemes, change the values of their parameters, to predict and display the simulation results. Students who have completed the program Multisim, you have the possibility to pass all stages of the implementation of projects of electrical devices and electronic equipment from the development of their schemes, according to specifications to testing of the finished product. The designed circuits can be partially or fully tested at any stage, on the basis of which they can be made the necessary changes. Thus, the number of identified faults on the physical level, the manufacture of devices and the cost of their removal will be minimal.

Combines the use of the software Multisim and virtual instrumentation to facilitate the accomplishment of scientists, researchers, engineers, teachers electroradiotechnics specialties and students of the challenges they face, which can be related to the study of the theory, creation of digital models of projects and their testing, development of models or actual physical prototypes and their testing.

The need for work to expand the use of modern software environments in the educational process in universities has been felt over the last number of years. When writing this tutorial used the previous experience of such famous universities as the Moscow state technical University (MSTU) named after N. Uh.Bauman, Moscow state Institute of electronic technology (TU), Moscow power engineering Institute (TU), South Ural state University (SUSU), etc.

Tangible support and assistance in the writing of this work had a teaching staff of the Department "Electrical engineering and Electrotechnology systems" Ural energy Institute Ural Federal University, and also students from Mechanical engineering, Construction, physics and technology, Ural energy Institute Ural Federal University, which the author expresses his deep gratitude and appreciation.



Work in the laboratory is one of the important and indispensable components of the process of learning the discipline of electrical engineering. This is due to its specific content, bringing together the scientific achievements in the study of physical phenomena, mainly electrodynamics, advances in mathematics, measurement techniques, and modern performance, and also information technology.

Laboratory workshop for students in the use of modern information technology is more secure than when working with real electrical objects. However, it remains associated with the use as the primary sources of computer power grids that represent a certain danger to health and even life of students. Therefore, before beginning work in the laboratory, conduct training on electrical safety, and fire safety and the safe operation of personal computers is required.

Using the Multisim application when you run the installed amount of laboratory work to a certain extent set forth in the sections of this manual. There is a possibility of more consultation among teachers of the Department.

In experiments they can be considered finished, if the Protocol work is checked and initialed by the teacher, and the journal of accounting made mark about the execution of the task.

When making reports on conducted experiments should fulfill the following requirements:

- the measurement results are expressed in international system of units;

- calculations take the form of sequential write formulas, substituting in them the values of the constants and the arguments and results of calculations;

- the repetition of the calculations by the same formula allowed to write it once;

- the results of calculations to bring in the sections of the manual form of the table;

- build in the selected scale, the necessary charts and vector charts;

- to draw conclusions on the work done and bring written answers to test questions.

The records in the report must be legible, without abbreviations, except standard ones. The dimensions of the axes of graphs and charts ? 100 x 100 mm. The axes must be calibrated in the adopted scale, starting necessarily from zero argument functions.

Records are kept by the students until the end of the cycle of laboratory works and are used to prepare for offset or defense of laboratory works.



Chapter 1. The Program Multisim 10.1.1


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