80.1 General. The Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) shall be the formal examination of the as-built version of a configuration item against its design documentation in order to establish the product baseline. After successful completion of the audit, all subsequent changes are processed by engineering change action. The PCA also determines that the acceptance testing requirements prescribed by the documentation is adequate for acceptance of production units of a configuration item by quality assurance activities. The PCA includes a detailed audit of engineering drawings, specifications, technical data and tests utilized in production of HWCIs and a detailed audit of design documentation, listings, and manuals for CSCIs. The review shall include an audit of the released engineering documentation and quality control records to make sure the as-build or as-coded configuration is reflected by this documentation. For software, the Software Product Specification and Software Version Description shall be a part of the PCA review.
80.1.1 The PCA shall be conducted on the first article of configuration items and those that are a reprocurement of a configuration item already in the inventory shall be identified and selected jointly by the contracting agency and the contractor. A PCA shall be conducted on the first configuration item to be delivered by a new contractor even though PCA was previously accomplished on the first article delivered by a different contractor.
80.1.2 Formal approval by the contracting agency of the configuration item Product specification, and the satisfactory completion of a PCA results in establishment of the product baseline.
80.1.3 Recommendations of configuration item acceptance or nonacceptance to the responsible contract administration office (CAO) are based upon and governed by procedures and requirements outlined in subsequent paragraphs.
80.1.4 A final review shall be made of all operation and support documents (i.e., Computer System Operator's Manual (CSOM), Software User's Manual (SUM), Computer System Diagnostic Manual (CSDM), Computer Programmer's Manual (SPM), Firmware Support Manual (FSM)) to check format, completeness, and conformance with applicable data item descriptions.
80.1.5. Continuing with the results of the Functional Configuration Audit (FCA), review engineering data as defined in para 3.15, as to the suitability for intended use. The review should consider the checklist items discussed in para 100.6, as properly tailored.
80.2 Contract Requirements.
80.2.1 The schedules for the PCA shall be recorded on the configuration item Development Record by the contractor. A current set of listings shall be provided for each CSCI being audited. The contractor shall submit the final draft of the product specification for the configuration item to be audited to the contracting agency for review prior to PCA.
80.3 Contractor Responsibility.
80.3.1 The contractor shall provide the following information to the contracting agency (this information shall be provided in accordance with the general instructions of Section 4 and the contractual requirements):
? a. Contractor representation (the test manager should be in attendance).
? b. Identification of items to be accepted by:
1. (1) Nomenclature
2. (2) Specification Identification Number
3. (3) Configuration item Identifiers
4. (4) Serial Numbers
5. (5) Drawing and Part Numbers
6. (6) Identification Numbers
7. (7) Code Identification Numbers
8. (8) Software inventory numbering system
? c. A list delineating all deviations/waivers against the configuration item either requested or contracting agency approved.
80.3.2 The PCA cannot be performed unless data pertinent to the configuration item being audited is provided to the PCA team at time of the audit. The contractor shall compile and make this information available for ready reference. Required information shall include:
? a. Configuration item product specification.
? b. A list delineating both approved and outstanding changes against the configuration item.
? c. Complete shortage list.
? d. Acceptance test procedures and associated test data.
? e. Engineering drawing index including revision letters.
? f. Operating, maintenance, and illustrated parts breakdown manuals.
? g. Proposed DD Form 250, "Material Inspection and Receiving Report".
? h. Approved nomenclature and nameplates.
? i. Software Programmer's Manuals (SPMs), Software User's Manuals (SUMs) Computer System Operator's Manual (CSOM), Computer System Diagnostic Manual (CSDM), and Firmware Support Manual (FSM).
? j. Software Version Description Document.
? k. FCA minutes for each configuration item.
? l. Findings/Status of Quality Assurance Programs.
80.3.3 The contractor shall assemble and make available to the PCA team at time of audit all data describing the item configuration. Item configuration data shall include:
? a. Current approved issue of hardware development specification, Software Requirements Specification, and Interface Requirements Specification(s) to include approved specification change notices and approved deviations/ waivers.
? b. Identification of all changes actually made during test.
? c. Identification of all required changes not completed.
? d. All approved drawings and documents by the top drawing number as identified in the configuration item product specification. All drawings shall be of the category and form specified in the contract.
? e. Manufacturing instruction sheets for HWCIs identified by the contracting agency.
80.3.4 The contractor shall identify any difference between the physical configurations of the selected production unit and the Development Unit(s) used for the FCA and shall certify or demonstrate to the Government that these differences do not degrade the functional characteristics of the selected units.
80.4 PCA Procedures and Requirements.
80.4.1 Drawing and Manufacturing Instruction Sheet Review Instructions:
? a. A representative number of drawings and associated manufacturing instruction sheets for each item of hardware, identified by the contracting agency Co-Chairperson, shall be reviewed to determine their accuracy and insure that they include the authorized changes reflected in the engineering drawings and the hardware. Unless otherwise directed by the contracting agency Co-Chairperson, inspection of drawings and associated manufacturing instruction sheets may be accomplished on a valid sampling basis. The purpose of this review is to insure the manufacturing instruction sheets accurately reflect all design details contained in the drawings. Since the hardware is built in accordance with the manufacturing instruction sheets, any discrepancies between the instruction sheets and the design details and changes in the drawings will also be reflected in the hardware.
? b. The following minimum information shall be recorded for each drawing reviewed:
3. (3) List of manufacturing instruction sheets (numbers with change letter/titles and date of approval) associated with this drawing.
4. (4) Discrepancies/comments
5. (5) Select a sample of part numbers reflected on the drawing. Check to insure compatibility with the Program Parts Selection List, and examine the HWCI to insure that the proper parts are actually installed.
? c. As a minimum, the following inspections shall be accomplished for each drawing and associated manufacturing instruction sheets:
1. (1) Drawing number identified on manufacturing instruction sheet should match latest released drawing.
2. (2) List of materials on manufacturing instruction sheets should match materials identified on the drawing.
3. (3) All special instructions called on the drawing should be on the manufacturing instruction sheets.
4. (4) All dimensions, tolerances, finishes, etc., called out on the drawing should be identified on the manufacturing instruction sheets.
5. (5) All special processes called out on the drawing should be identified on the manufacturing instruction sheets.
6. (6) Nomenclature descriptions, part numbers and serial number markings called out on the drawing should be identified on the manufacturing instruction sheets.
7. (7) Review drawings and associated manufacturing instruction sheets to ascertain that all approved changes have been incorporated into the configuration item.
8. (8) Check release record to insure all drawings reviewed are identified.
9. (9) Record the number of any drawings containing more than five outstanding changes attached to the drawing.
10. (10) Check the drawings of a major assembly/black box of the hardware configuration item for continuity from top drawing down to piece-part drawing.
80.4.2 Review of all records of baseline configuration for the HWCI by direct comparison with contractor's engineering release system and change control procedures to establish that the configuration being produced does accurately reflect released engineering data. This includes interim releases of spares provisioned prior to PCA to ensure delivery of currently configured spares.
80.4.3 Audit of contractor's engineering release and change control system to ascertain that they are adequate to properly control the processing and formal release of engineering changes. The minimum needs and capabilities set forth below are required of his engineering release records system. The contractor's formats, systems, and procedures are to be used. Information in addition to the basic requirements is to be considered part of the contractor's internal system.(*) (*) Contract Administration Office (CAO) Quality Assurance Representative (QAR) records can be reviewed for purpose of determining the contractor's present and most recent past performance. As a minimum, the following information shall be contained on one release record supplied by the contractor, subcontractor, or vendor for each drawing number, if applicable:
? a. Serial numbers, top drawing number, specification number;
? b. Drawing number, title, code number, number of sheets, date of release, change letter, date of change letter release, engineering change order (ECO) number. The contractor's release function and documentation will be capable of determining:
? a. The composition of any part at any level in terms of subordinate part numbers (disregard standard parts);
? b. The next higher assembly using the part number, except for assembly into standard parts;
? c. The composition of the configuration item or part number with respect to other configuration items or part numbers;
? d. The configuration item and associated serial number on which subordinate parts are used. (This does not apply to contractors below prime level who are not producing configuration items);
? e. The accountability of changes which have been partially or completely released against the configuration item;
? f. The configuration item and serial number effectively of any change.
? g. The standard specification number or standard part numbers used within any non-standard part number;
? h. The contractor specification document and specification control numbers associated with any subcontractor, vendor, or supplier part number. The engineering release system and associated documentation shall be capable of:
? a. Identifying changes and retaining records of superseded configurations formally accepted by the contracting agency;
? b. Identifying all engineering changes released for production incorporation. These changes shall be completely released and incorporated prior to formal acceptance of the configuration item;
? c. Determining the configuration released for each configuration item at the time of formal acceptance. Engineering data shall be released or processed through a central authority to ensure coordinated action and preclude unilateral release of data. Engineering change control numbers shall be unique.
80.4.4 Difference between the configuration of the configuration item qualified and the configuration item being audited shall be a matter of record in the minutes of the PCA.
80.4.5 For HWCI acceptance tests data and procedures shall comply with its product specification. The PCA team shall determine any acceptance tests to be reaccomplished, and reserves the prerogative to have representatives of the contracting agency witness all or any portion of the required audits, inspections, or tests.
80.4.6 HWCIs which fail to pass acceptance test requirements shall be repaired if necessary and be retested by the contractor in the manner specified by the PCA team leader in accordance with the product specification.
80.4.7 The contractor shall present data confirming the inspection and test of subcontractor equipment end items at point of manufacture. Such data shall have been witnessed by Government representative.
80.4.8 The PCA team reviews the prepared back-up data (all initial documentation which accompanies the configuration item) for correct types and quantities to ensure adequate coverage at the time of shipment to the user.
80.4.9 Configuration items which have demonstrated compliance with the product specification are approved for acceptance as follows:
? a. The PCA team shall certify by signature that the configuration item has been built in accordance with the drawings and specifications.
80.4.10 As a minimum, the following actions shall be performed by the PCA team on each CSCI being audited:
? a. Review all documents which will comprise the Software Product Specification for format and completeness
? b. Review FCA minutes for recorded discrepancies and actions taken
? c. Review the design descriptions for proper entries, symbols, labels, tags, references, and data descriptions.
? d. Compare Top-Level Software Units design descriptions with Lower-Level Software Unit descriptions for consistency
? e. Compare all lower-level design descriptions with all software listings for accuracy and completeness
? f. Check Software User's Manual(s), Software Programmer's Manual, Computer System Operator's Manual, Firmware Support Manual, and Computer System Diagnostic Manual for format completeness and conformance with applicable data item descriptions. (Formal verification/acceptance of these manuals should be withheld until system testing to ensure that the procedural contents are correct)
? g. Examine actual CSCI delivery media (card decks, tapes, disks. etc.,) to insure conformance with Section 5 of the Software Requirements Specification.
? h. Review the annotated listings for compliance with approved coding standards
80.5 Post Audit Actions.
80.5.1 Contracting agency acceptance or rejection of the configuration item and the configuration item product specification presented for PCA must be furnished to the contractor in writing by the responsible contract management agency or other designated agency after completion of PCA.
80.5.2 After completion of the PCA, the contractor shall publish and distribute copies of PCA minutes. The contracting agency officially acknowledges completion of the PCA as indicated in paragraph 4.2.4.
80.5.3 The accomplishment of the PCA shall be recorded on the configuration item Development Record by the contractor.