70.1 General. The objective of the Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) shall be to verify that the configuration item's actual performance complies with its hardware Development or Software Requirements and Interface Requirements Specifications. Test data shall be reviewed to verify that the hardware or computer software performs as required by its functional/ allocated configuration identification. For configuration items developed at Government expense, an FCA shall be a prerequisite to acceptance of the configuration item. For software, a technical understanding shall be reached on the validity and the degree of completeness of the Software Test Reports, and as appropriate, Computer System Operator's Manual (CSOM), Software User's Manual (SUM), the Computer System Diagnostic Manual (CSDM).
70.1.1 The FCA for a complex configuration item may be conducted on a progressive basis, when so specified by the contracting agency, throughout the configuration item's development and culminates at the completion of the qualification testing of the configuration item with a review of all discrepancies at the final FCA. The FCA shall be conducted on that configuration of the configuration item which is representative (prototype or preproduction) of the configuration to be released for production of the operational inventory quantities. When a prototype or preproduction article is not produced, The FCA shall be conducted on a first production article. For cases where configuration item qualification can only be determined through integrated system testing, FCA's for such configuration items will not be considered complete until completion of such integrated testing.
70.1.2 Recommendations of configuration item acceptance or non-acceptance to the local contract management agency are based upon and governed by procedures and requirements outlined in subsequent paragraphs.
70.1.3. Continuing with the results of the Critical Design Review (CDR), review engineering data as defined in para 3.15, as to the suitability for intended use. The review should consider the checklist items discussed in para 100.6, as properly tailored.
70.2 Contract Requirements.
70.2.1 The schedules for the FCA shall be recorded on the configuration item development record by the contractor. A configuration item cannot be audited without the contracting agency authentication of the functional and allocated baseline. In addition, the contractor shall submit the final draft Product Specification for the configuration item to be audited to the contracting agency for review prior to FCA.
70.3 Contractor Responsibility.
70.3.1 Prior to the FCA date (for configuration items to be audited), the contractor shall provide the following information to the contracting agency (this information shall be provided in addition to the general requirements of Section 4.):
? a. Contractor representation (the test manager should be in attendance).
o b. Identification of items to be audited:
1. (1) Nomenclature
2. (2) Specification identification number
3. (3) Configuration item number
4. (4) Current listing of all deviations/waivers against the configuration item, either requested of, or approved by the contracting agency.
5. (5) Status of Test Program to test configured items with automatic test equipment (when applicable).
70.4 Procedures and Requirements.
70.4.1 The contractor's test procedures and results shall be reviewed for compliance with specification requirements.
70.4.2 The following testing information shall be available for the FCA team.
? a. Test plans, specifications, descriptions, procedures, and reports for the configuration item.
? b. A complete list of successfully accomplished functional tests during which pre-acceptance data was recorded.
? c. A complete list of successful functional tests if detailed test data are not recorded.
? d. A complete list of functional tests required by the specification but not yet performed. (To be performed as a system or subsystem test).
? e. Preproduction and production test results.
70.4.3 Testing accomplished with the approved test procedures and validated data (witnessed) shall be sufficient to insure configuration item performance as set forth in the specification Section 3 and meet the quality assurance provisions/ qualification requirements contained in the specification Section 4.
70.4.4 For those performance parameters which cannot completely be verified during testing, adequate analysis or simulation shall have been accomplished. The results of the analysis or simulations will be sufficient to insure configuration item performance as outlined in the specification.
70.4.5 Test reports, procedures, and data used by the FCA team shall be made a matter of record in the FCA minutes.
70.4.6 A list of the contractor's internal documentation (drawings) of the configuration item shall be reviewed to insure that the contractor has documented the physical configuration of the configuration item for which the test data are verified.
70.4.7 Drawings of HWCI parts which are to be provisioned should be selectively sampled to assure that test data essential to manufacturing are included on, or furnished with, the drawings.
70.4.8. Configuration Items (CIs) which fail to pass quality assurance test provisions are to be analyzed as to the cause of failure to pass. Appropriate corrections shall be made to both the CI and associated engineering data before a CI is subjected to requalification.
70.4.9 A checklist shall be developed which identifies documentation and hardware and computer software to be available and tasks to be accomplished at the FCA for the configuration item. See Pre-FCA checksheet.
70.4.10 Retests or additional tests shall be performed to assure compliance with paragraph 70.4.3.
70.4.11 Acknowledge accomplishment of partial completion of the FCA for those configuration items whose qualification is contingent upon completion of integrated systems testing.
70.4.12 For CSCIs the following additional requirements shall apply:
? a. The contractor shall provide the FCA team with a briefing for each CSCI being audited and shall delineate the test results and findings for each CSCI. As a minimum, the discussion shall include CSCI requirements that were not met, including a proposed solution to each item, an account of the ECPs incorporated and tested as well as proposed, and a general presentation of the entire CSCI test effort delineating problem areas as well as accomplishments.
? b. An audit of the formal test plans/descriptions/ procedures shall be made and compared against the official test data. The results shall be checked for completeness and accuracy. Deficiencies shall be documented and made a part of the FCA minutes. Completion dates for all discrepancies shall be clearly established and documented.
? c. an audit of the Software Test Reports shall be performed to validate that the reports are accurate and completely describe the CSCI tests.
? d. All ECPs that have been approved shall be reviewed to ensure that they have been technically incorporated and verified.
? e. All updated to previously delivered documents shall be reviewed to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the documentation set.
? f. Preliminary and Critical Design Review minutes shall be examined to ensure that all findings have been incorporated and completed.
? g. The interface requirements and the testing of these requirements shall be reviewed for CSCIs.
? h. Review data base characteristics, storage allocation data and timing, and sequencing characteristics for compliance with specified requirements.
70.5 Post Audit Actions.
70.5.1 After completion of the FCA, the contractor shall publish and distribute copies of FCA minutes. The contracting agency officially acknowledges completion of the FCA as indicated in paragraph 4.2.4.
70.5.2 The accomplishment of the FCA shall be recorded on the configuration item Development Record by the contractor.