*!HTML has a set of rules under which it operates. What is it called
*!HTML basics if you put a <title> tag in the head section of your page, it will appear in bold, large print at the beginning of your page. Select one
*It depends on the browser
*It depends on the background
*Only if the CSS makes it display that way
*!HTML basics. If you want to have the browser open a new window for a link to an outside page, which attribute would you use
*!What is the HTML feature that divides a web page into two or more scrollable parts
*Split Page
*!HTML basics. Which filter converts the text horizontally
*!HTML basics. Filter which creates the negative image
*!HTML basics. What tag defines a way of a shading of the line as continuous
*!HTML basics. Which filter converts the text vertically
*!HTML basics. Which tag (filter) is used to make wavy text
*!HTML basics. What tag (filter) is used for the shining text
*!HTML basics. What tag (filter) is applied for the black-and-white image
*!Internet services
*MS Access
*!HTML basics service www is based on
*HTML, Delphi 7
*+HTML, hyperlinks
*HTML, Turbo Pascal
*WordPad pages, hypertexts
*Files of *.html and *.xls formats
*!HTML basics. Is it possible to link within the current page
*Only in tables
*Only in framesets
*It depends on abilities of browser
*!HTML basics. Which section is used for text and tags that are shown directly on your web page
*!HTML basics. What tag tells the browser where the page starts and stops
*!HTML basics. What is the most important tool for adding colors to certain areas of the page rather than the entire background
*!HTML basics. The <I> tag makes text
*!HTML basics. Besides<B>, another way to make text bold is what
*!HTML basics. Colspan=n can be added to only what tag
*<table td>
*!HTML basics. When making bulleted lists what options do you have
*+disc, circle, square
*square, disc, triangle
*square, disc, polygon
*disc, circle, rectangle
*triangle, square, circle
*!HTML basics. What is cell padding
*Used to unite table cells
*Used to provide width to a cell
*Used to provide height to a cell
*Used to set space between cells
*+Used to separate cell walls from their contents
*!HTML basics. What are met a tags used for
*To store information about internal links
*To store information about external links
*To only store information about search engines
*To only store information usually relevant to browsers
*+To store information usually relevant to browsers and search engines
*!By means of what template constructors are created web sites
*Setup.ru and HTTP
*Setap.ru and Setup.ru
*+Setup.ru and Ucoz.kz
*Setup.ru and Google.ru
*Setup.ru and Internet Explorer
*!HTML is used to
*Solve equations
*Solve logical tasks
*+Author of web pages
*Plot complicated graphs
*Translate one language into another
*!The "HTTP" you type at the beginning of any site's address stands for
*Hyper Text Transfer Page
*+Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
*HTML Transfer Technology Process
*Hyperspace Terms and Technology Protocol
*Hyperspace Techniques and Technology Progress
*!Google (www.google.com) is a
*Web browser
*+Search Engine
*Number in Math
*Directory of images
*Chat service on the web
*!Internet explorer is a
*News Reader
*+Web Browser
*Email account
*Graphing Package
*Any person browsing the net
*!Modem stands for
*Monetary Demarkation
*+Modulator Demodulater
*Memory Demagnetization
*Mechanism of Demodulation
*Monetary Devaluation Exchange Mechanism
*!On which of the following sites can you set up your e-mail account
*!Yahoo (www.yahoo.com) is a
*email account
*super computer
*website for consumers
*organization that allocates web addresses
*!A computer on the internet that hosts data, that can be accessed by web browsers using http is known as
*Web Rack
*Web Space
*+Web Server
*Web browser
*Web Computer
*!At which of the following sites would you most probably buy books
*!A domain name ending with "org" is
*social site
*A network site
*+An organization
*A commercial website
*A site which has very high traffic
*!E-mail address of the electronic government web portal of Kazakhstan
*!Web portal of the electronic government of Kazakhstan was created in
*!Second stage of the electronic government development in Kazakhstan
*Democratic society
*Information society
*!First stage of the electronic government development in Kazakhstan
*Democratic society
*Information society
*!Third stage of the electronic government development in Kazakhstan
*Democratic society
*Information society
*!External contour of the electronic government of Kazakhstan
*G2B, G2G
*G2C, G2G
*+G2C, G2B
*!Internal contour of the electronic government of Kazakhstan
*G2B, G2G
*G2C, G2G
*G2C, G2B
*!The service which is rendered by means of information communication tools
*E - banking
*+E - service
*E - government
*Suppliers of ? - services
*Consumers of ? - services
*!An E-business that allows consumer to name their own price for products and services is following which E-business model
*!E-commerce is not suitable for
*None of these
*+Online job searching
*Sale/Purchase of mobile phones
*Sale/Purchase of branded clothes
*Sale/Purchase of expensive jewelers and antiques
*!Amazon.com comes under the following model
*!Citizens, government agencies, organizations and other economic entities utilizing the services of e-government
*E- service
*E-service providers
*+Consumers of e-services
*!A set of digital symbols created by means of electronic digital signature and electronic document confirming the accuracy of his belonging and permanence of content is called
*E - banking
*E - government
*+Electronic signature
*Information inequality
*Regulation of e-services
*!Information system that provides a single point of access to all electronic services and electronic information resources called e-government
*Electronic document
*Information inequality
*Electronic digital signature
*+Web portal of e-government
*!Using a virtual space to improve models services and improve the efficiency of government and government agencies is called
*E-service consumer
*Supplier of e-services
*!State bodies, organizations and other economic entities providing services ict tools
*+E-service providers
*Consumers e-services
*!G2G means
*Interaction with the citizens of the state
*Private business interaction with citizens
*+State interaction with the state apparatus
*Private business interaction with the government
*Interaction between the state and private business
*!G2B means
*Interaction with the citizens of the state
*Private business interaction with citizens
*+Interaction of the state and private business
*Interaction of the state with the state apparatus
*Private business interaction with other governments
*!G2C means
*+State interaction with citizens
*Private business interaction with citizens
*Interaction of the state with the state apparatus
*Interaction between the state and private business
*Private business interaction with other governments
*!Main stages of e-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan
*+Information, interactive, transactional
*Democratic society, the information society
*Bridging Digital Divide, information society
*E-government portal, a single transport medium
*Payment gateway, a national identification system
*!Networking. What software does allow you to view internet sites
*A modem
*A network
*+A browser
*A cyber cafe
*Your Computer
*!Networking. "WWW" is an acronym for what
*Wide World Web
*Web Wide World
*World Web Wide
*Wide World Web
*+World Wide Web
*!Networking. The name of data receiver in computer science
*Work station
*!Networking. Which of the following network covers the largest geographical area
*!Networking. A network model where there is no server computer is
*Client Network
*Server Network
*Centralized Network
*+Peer to Peer Network
*Client /Server Network
*!Networking. Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation
*Fiber optics
*Coaxial cable
*!Networking. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as
*!Networking. Who owns and governs the internet
*Internet NIC
*+None of these
*!Networking. Website is a collection of
*+All of these
*Video files
*Audio files
*Graphics file
*Html documents
*!Networking. A network computer that shares resources with and responds to request from other computer is known as
*Sharing center
*!Networking. Which of the following network topologies has each computer connected to a central point
*All above
*!Networking. Which of the following network topologies is the most fault tolerant
*All above
*!Networking. What does FTP stand for
*File Trust Protocol
*File Thread Program
*File Thread Protocol
*File Transfer Program
*+File Transfer Protocol
*!Networking. The separate documents which make space of Web are called
*Web knots
*Web server
*+Web pages
*Web documents
*!Networking. The geometrical scheme of computer association is called
*Tire topology
*Local network
*Ring topology
*Local topology
*+Network topology
*!Networking. Name of the domain representing Russia in system of the addresses internet
*!Networking. Name of the domain representing Republic of Kazakhstan in system of the addresses internet
*!Networking. Rules of an exchange of information between computers through a network
*Text editor
*Standard programs
*The executed program
*!Networking. Local networks are subdivided into the following types
*Global and Peer
*Local and Global
*World and Usual
*Tire and Star-shaped
*+Client/Server and Peer to Peer
*!Networking. The software which finds and displays web pages, including the text, graphics and other multimedia contents, for example music
*!Networking. The computer in a network which stores all information and resources, and also provides access to them from other computers in a network
*Post network
*Peer network
*Global network
*!Network in which the allocated computer contains all information and resources, providing access to them to other computers which are in a network
*Post network
*+Client server
*Global network
*Network adapter
*!Networking. The computer in the network, which is connected to the server for obtaining information
*Client server
*Post network
*Global network
*!Networking. E-mail (electronic mail) or e-mail is
*Text navigator
*Information archive
*Worldwide local network
*Letters made on the computer
*+A method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one
or more recipients
*!Networking. Set of pages and sites in the internet, created for viewing by the web browser
*Post network
*Global network
*+World Wide Web
*Local network of users
*Association of telephone networks
*!Networking. What is the difference between a switch and a hub
*None of these
*+Switches operate at data link while hubs operate at physical layer
*Switches operate at data link layer while hubs operate at transport layer
*Switches operate at transport layer while hubs operate at physical layer
*Switches operate at physical layer while hubs operate at data link layer
*!Networking. Telnet used ? protocol for data connection
*!Networking. What is the full form of URL
*Uniform Router Locator
*Uniform Routing Locator
*Unique Resource Locator
*Universal Resource Locator
*+Uniform Resource Locator
*!Networking. A network point that provides entrance into another network is called as
*!Networking. Token ring is data link technology for
*!The modem and the fax-modem are used for
*conversation with users
*effective work with office equipment
*+connections to satellite communication
*information output on paper or on computer
*exchanging information with other computers
*!Internet. Which of the following devices modulates digital signals into analog signals that can be sent over traditional telephone lines
*!Internet system of E-learning
*credit system
*operating system
*traditional training
*pedagogical method
*+innovative approach
*!Basic elements of E-learning
*evening course
*pedagogical education
*correspondence conference
*+information transfer environment
*international scientific and practical conference
*!E-learning classes forms
*discussion, debates
*open lesson, master class
*traditional lesson, Conference
*seminar, practical and laboratory research
*+chat-occupation, web occupation, teleconference
*!Information security. What is a computer virus
*A text editor
*A funny picture
*An email address
*A program that saves files
*+A program that damages computer programs and data
*!Information security. What can a computer virus do
*Delete files
*Write you a letter
*Change passwords
*+Crash your computer
*Give you loads of pop ups
*!Information security. In 1983, this person was the first to offer a definition of the term ?computer virus?
*!Information security. Which of these is a document hoax virus
*Merry Xmas
*+McDonalds screensaver
*!Information security. In what year did the Symantec corporation first release Norton antivirus
*!Information security. Antivirus programs can be divided into following main groups