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*!First generation computers used value technology as




*+vacuum tubes

*integrated circuit chips

*large scale integration chips



*!Second generation computers used value technology as




*vacuum tubes

*integrated circuit chips

*large scale integration chips



*!Third generation computers used value technology as




*vacuum tubes

*+integrated circuit chips

*large scale integration chips



*!Fourth generation computers used value technology as




*vacuum tubes

*+large scale integration chips

*integrated and general circuit chips



*!Fifth generation computers used value technology as




*vacuum tubes

*+very large scale integration chips

*integrated and general circuit chips



*!Why is mathematical coprocessor necessary


*printing information

*for recording data on cd

*reading of the information

*+to help to basic processor in performance of mathematical operations

*permanent storage of the information which is used at work in a computer



*!Device for visual data presentation









*!A hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen




*hard disk





*!Plotter is used for


*printing text

*+printing graphs and pictures

*reading information fro computer

*exchanging information with other computers

*quickly saving information located on harddisk



*!Device for entering text and graphical information into computer









*!Printer is used for


*printing graphs and pictures

*reading text and graphical information

*+printing text and graphical information

*quickly saving information located on harddisk

*information interchange with other computers via a telephone system



*!Processor with the greatest speed


*intel 286

*intel 386

*intel 486


*intel 8086



*!Device for printing






*floppy disk



*!Types of scanners


*laser scanner

*book scanner

*album scanner

*+handheld scanner, sheetfedscanne, portable scanners

*matrix scanners, laser scanners, landscape and portrait scanners



*!Basic components of pc


*microprocessor, keyboard

*processor, keyboard, monitor

*system block, keyboard, monitor, printer

*+system block, keyboard, monitor, mouse

*system block, keyboard, monitor, mouse, printer



*!Types of magnetic storage


*firm and soft

*+floppy and hard

*empty and filled

*input and output

*complex and simple



*!Operating modes of monitors



*graphic and text

*text and a videomode

*+monochrome and color

*black-and-white and color



*!Which of the listed below is hard disk





*floppy disk

*compact disk



*!Internal device






*+hard drive



*!Operative memory is


*information containing on a hard disk

*information containing on a floppy disk

*device for direct perception of the information to the person

*device for long storage of the information on magnetic disks or magnetic tapes

*+device which addresses regularly to machine during performance of operations



*!Device of long-term memory intended for storage of programs constantly used in work




*+hard disk

*floppy disk

*compact disk



*!The capacity of your hard drive is measured in





*!Output device








*!Streamer is a device for


*printing of drawings to a paper

*simplification of input of the information in a computer

*reading of the graphic and text information in a computer

*+quickly saving of information which are being on a hard disk

*information interchange with other computers via a telephone system



*!Winchester disk is


*special diskette

*special application program for work

*+device of store the information on a hard disk

*device of store the information on a floppy disk

*device for connection of computers in a network



*!It is used to store of the information






*system block



*!Streamers concern to


*system block

*output devices

*periphery devices

*+stores of the information

*input and periphery devices



*!Hardware devices that are not part of the main computer but can be added later


*input devices

*output devices

*pointing devices

*+peripheral devices

*basic input output system



*!"The computer science?s dad"


*Tom Alan

*Steve Jobs

*Alen Turing

*Willium Gates

*+Charles Babbage



*!Multi-user operating system






*borland C++



*!Group of files with extension .xls


* .


* xls.


*+ .xls



*!Indicator of a hard disk









*!Program, which is used to run other programs, such as application software



*basis program

*applied software

*+operating system

*programming system



*!Expansion of a file-copy









*!Name of file: Luna.txt









*!Folder is



*flash drive



*compact disc



*!Operating system is a program which


*operates with numbers

*+is used to run other programs

*is used for serves for connection to a network

*sets word length of the processable information

*defines computing opportunities of the computer



*!On the task bar the time is shown in





*start menu

*+notification area or Tray



*!To make a window wider, you would move the pointer until it changes to the horizontal resize shape and then




*left click

*right click




*!Which expansion has executed files


*.ini, .cpp

*.txt, .doc

*+.exe, bat

*.bmp, .jpg

*.wmf, .dll



*!The taskbar will


*+show you all the programs you currently have open

*show you every program you've ever used on the computer

*show you every program you've never used on the computer

*show you only those programs you have installed on the computer

*show you only the programs you used the last two times you were on the computer



*!How many shortcuts can you create on your desktop





*+unlimited number

*you can not create any shortcut on desktop



*!Files are represented by various icons associated with


*the type of flesh drive

*the volume of hard drive

*+the program used to create them

*the type of hard drive used to store the files

*the type of floppy disk drive used to store the files



*!The icons you see on your desktop represent



*only data files

*only programs

*+programs or data files

*only devices attached to your computer



*!Basic elements of software interfaces


*toolbars, rulers

*formatting panel

*rulers, scroll bars

*document area, menu bar

*+document area, menu bar, toolbars, rulers, scroll bars, status bar



*!The most popular operating system is in the __________ family of operating systems





*Mac OS




*!Shortcut "ctrl+esc" is used for


*to close active window

*call of the context menu

*+to switch ?Start? button

*to minimize of an active window

*opening on all screen of an active window



*!Windows XP. The ____ allows you to perform often-used tasks quickly


*status bar

*welcome screen

*right-click task bar
*+standard buttons toolbar



*!Windows XP. A ____ is a pointing device


* monitor
* keyboard

*flash drive



*!Windows XP. Using the mouse to move or copy cells is called


*mouse copy

*cut and paste
*move and drop
*+drag and drop



*!Single tasking operating system




*MS Office

*Windows XP

*SQL Server Database




*!Auxillary level program


*microsoft excel

*+windows antivirus

*windows media player

*basic input-output system

*internet connection firewall



*!Which of the following operating system can work only with one program at current time




*Windows 98

*Windows NT

*Windows XP



*!Which of the following file name extension suggests that the file is backup copy of another file










*!Which of the following type of objects can you search on your computer and on the network, using Windows XP search companion




*+all of these

*windows help

*people in your contact list



*!You can create and edit files using the windows notepad. What is the extension of a file that has been created using notepad









*!Missing slot covers on a computer can cause


*+over heat

*power surges

*computer breakage

*computer will work in the ordinary mode

*incomplete path for Electronic services delivery



*!With respect to a network interface card, the term 10/100 refers to


*a fiber speed

*protocol speed

*hard driver speed

*+megabits per seconds

*minimum and maximum server speed



*!A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided into









*!The capacity of your hard drive is measured in









*!Which of the following is an output device









*!Which of the following is an input device









*!Which device allows your computer to talk to other computers over a telephone line as well as access the internet



*Hard Drive

*CD-ROM drive

*Read Only Memory

*Random Access Memory



*!How much information can a CD (compact disk) usually store


*10 Mb

*1.4 Mb

*150 Mb

*144 MB

*+650 Mb



*!Which of the following is an operating system you would be using on the computer

*Microsoft Excel
*Microsoft Word
*Internet Explorer

*+Microsoft Windows



*!Which of these is an internal device of computer


*operating Systems



*!RAM stands for


*Read Access Memory
*Readily Accessed Mailer
*+Random Access Memory
*Remote Authorization Mechanism

*Random Authorization Mechanism



*!ROM stands for

*+Read Only Memory

*Read Only Mechanism

*Readily Outlook Mailer

*Random Operate Memory

*Random Operate Mechanism



*!Physical components that make up your computer are known as





*Web Browsers

*Operating Systems


*!Which of the following will you require to hear music on your computer




*Joy Stick

*Video Card

*+Sound Card


*!Which of the following companies is famous for manufacturing computer processors









*!Linux is


*A Web Server

*A network site

*A Web Browser

*+An Operating System

*An non profit organization



*!Core speed


*memory size

*computer sizes

*+microprocessor speed

*volume of disk memory

*information transfer speed



*!Random access memory is


*cash memory

*video memory

*+operative memory

*the constant memory

*semipermanent memory



*!Hardware is



*hard drive

*compact disk

*information support

*+computer configuration



*!The streamer is intended for


*output of drawings to paper

*reading of graphic and text information

*+fast saving of information in the hard drive

*exchange of information with other computers

*simplification of input of information in the computer



*!The central processor serves for


*information output

*input of information

*storage of information

*visual representation of data

*+calculations and information processing



*!Hard drive is


*zip disk


*high capacity floopy disk

*+high capacity integral disk

*the device of input-output for floopy discs



*!Device of temporary storage of information









*!Special program for control of the device





*expanded memory

*additional memory



*!Founder of logic algebra


*+George Boole

*Wilhelm Leibniz

*Herman Hollerith

*John Von Neumann

*Alan Matheson Turing



*!The device which is managing operation of the computer and carrying out calculations


*disk drive

*graph plotter


*random access memory

*internal memory of the processor



*!The logical element which is carrying out the operation "disjunction"









*!The compact disc for the disposable data recording





*+CD R




*!The device intended for input of graphic and text information









*!Monitor is


*data storage device

*input equipment of data

*the device for data exchange

*+an equipment of visual representation of data

*an input equipment and conclusion of graphic data



*!The keyboard belongs to


*the system unit

*information stores

*peripherial devices

*+the input equipment

*the output equipment



*!Types of magnetic disks


*hard and soft

*empty and filled

*input and output

*+floopy and hard

*difficult and simple



*!For acceleration of access to random access memory it is used


*video memory

*+cash memory

*additional memory

*random access memory

*semipermanent memory



*!Constant memory of bios is used for


*storage of text data

*initiation of loading of OS

*checking of loading sector

*checking of the hard drive volume

*+checking of the computer equipment



*!He offered the modern organization of the computer


*N. I. Vavilov

*George Boole

*Ada Lovelace

*Norbert Wiener

*+John Fon Neumann


*Mathematical and logical fundamentals of informatics*2*23*2*



*!Decimal number 2 represents in binary system as









*!What it the sum of addition 111011+101010 in binary system









*!What is the decimal equivalent of binary number 101011









*!What is the binary equivalent of decimal number 72









*!The maximal number in which concluded no more than 8 bites of information









*!The SUM of addition 1001+1011 in binary system









*!The decimal equivalent of octal number 17









*!The decimal equivalent of octal number 25









*!The decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number 21









*!What is the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number 15









*!Product of binary numbers 000010*0100000









*!The SUM of addition 111+101 in binary system









*!The SUM of addition 10101+11011 in binary system









*!The binary equivalent of decimal number 19









*!The decimal equivalent of octal number 35









*!The octal equivalent of decimal number 18









*!Product of binary numbers 001010*0100000









*!Product of binary numbers 101*1101









*!Subtract following numbers 11011-10111 in binary system









*!Subtract following numbers 11100-10101 in binary system









*!The octal equivalent of binary number 11110101001









*!The decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number 27









*!The decimal equivalent of octal number 47








*Mathematical and logical fundamentals of informatics*3*9*2*



*!The window which shows icons for things like the mouse, sound, and display is _____





*+control panel

*my computer or computer




*!To see help for windows itself you would _____


*press alt

*press alt + enter

*click on the taskbar

*click on help in the menu bar

*+click on the start menu and then on help or help and support




*!What action should be done for closing window


*to click shortcut Alt+Tab

*to click shortcut Shift+Tab

*to click shortcut Caps Lock+Tab

*+to click on a dagger in the right top corner of a window

*to double click on a dagger in the right top corner of a window




*!Which shortcut is used for switching from one application to another






*alt+ shift



*!On F1, F2, F3, F4 and etc. Keyboard keys the letter "F" means








*!Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer









*!Which statement about the recycle bin is correct


*only text files can be restored from the recycle bin

*all deleted files except audio files are sent to the recycle bin

*more than one file at a time can't be restored from the recycle bin

*the recycle bin stores files for 1 day before permanently deleting them

*+you can restore any selected files from the recycle bin folder by right clicking and then selecting restore




*!From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up




*Central processor unit

*Random access memory

*+Read only memory BIOS



*!What could cause a fixed disk error


*bad ram

*slow processor

*No-CD installed

*No-DVD installed

*+Incorrect CMOS settings



*Review of the modern applied software*1*156*6*



*!MS Word 2007. On the tab page layout there are commands, intended for


*inclusions of tables in the text of the document

*inclusions in the text of references and their editing

*a choice of various modes of viewing of the document

*+creations and changes of a marking of pages of the document

*spellings, addition of comments and protection of the document



*!MS Word 2007. A set of the commands grouped in a certain place of the screen called to









*!What kind of underline appears below the word if you type a word that is not in word's dictionary








*!MS Word 2007. The ____ bar presents information about the document, the progress of current tasks, and provides controls for viewing the document





*!MS Word 2007. The ____ feature in word allows you to type continually without pressing the enter key at the end of each line


*click and type



*!MS Word 2007. If existing text moves to the right with new text as you type, you are probably in ____ mode




* moveover



*!MS Word 2007. A saved document is referred to as a ____





*!MS Word 2007. ____ characters display somewhat thicker and darker than normal

*arial black

*new times roman



*!MS Word 2007. The process of changing the appearance of a paragraph is called paragraph ____





*!MS Word 2007. To find a synonym, click the thesaurus on the ____ tab





*!MS Word 2007. When your fingers are already on the keyboard, it is sometimes more efficient to use ____ to format text

*the mouse
*the menu bar
*function keys
*+shortcut keys

*the formatting toolbar



*!MS Word 2007. To enter a page number in a header, click the ____ button on the insert tab

*add footer

*display number

*add page number
*header numbering
*+insert page number



*!MS Word 2007. If you use the same text or graphic frequently, you can store the text or graphic in a(n) ____




*text block

*block section

*+building block


*!MS Word 2007. A ____ is similar to a form with prewritten text


*short text
*cover letter

* resume wizard



*!MS Word 2007. To specify a different point size and color for a paragraph border, you use the ____ dialog box



*border arrow

*format border

*point and color

*+borders and shading


*!MS Word 2007. You insert dots and other symbols, such as letters in the greek alphabet, using the ____ dialog box








*!MS Word 2007. Which of the following is the file format that is used by acrobat reader









*!MS Word 2007. A container for text that allows you to position the text anywhere on the page is called a(n) ____








*!MS Word 2007. A ____ informs the reader where to look for the rest of the article or story



*lead line

*status line

*+jump line

*contents tab


*!MS Word 2007. A column break displays on the screen with the words column break separated by


*thin solid line

*thick solid line

*thick dashed horizontal line

*+thinly dotted horizontal line

*thinly dotted double horizontal line



*!MS Word 2007. To change the shape of WordArt text, click the ____ button on the format tab



*modify text

*insert shape

*change an autofigure

*+change wordart shape



*!MS Word 2007. Click the ____ button on the home tab to remove any existing formatting


*clear frames

*insert normal

*undo formatting

*+clear formatting

*delete formatting



*!MS Word 2007. Which button is used to save documents


*View Button

*Insert Button

*Home Button

*Review Buttun

*+Microsoft Office Button



*!MS Word. What is the smallest and largest font size available in font size tool on formatting toolbar

*8 and 82

*8 and 68

*6 and 72

*6 and 68

*+8 and 72



*!MS Word. By default, on which page the header or the footer is printed


*on last page

*on first page

*+on every page

*on alternate page

*it can?t be printed



*!MS Word. On which tab we can change character size and typeface






*page layout



*!MS Word. What is the extenslon of files created in MS-Word 97- 2003









*!MS Word. The minimum number of rows and columns a Word table can have is



*1 row and 2 column

*2 rows and 1 column

*2 rows and 2 column

*+1 row and 1 column



*!MS Word. What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap









*!MS Excel. A basic element of spreadsheets is



*a line

*a leaf

*+a cell

*a column



*!MS Excel. What cell in Excel is active


*any cell reflected the screen

*a cell which specifies the cursor

*the active cell in excel is not present

*a cell in which you carry out calculations

*+the cell, which contents is displayed in a line of formulas



*!MS Excel 2007. The group of the diagram is located on the tab






*page layout



*!MS Excel. A mistake in record of the formula of the SUMS (?7:?10)


*such function is not present

*the wrong range of cells is set

*insufficient quantity of arguments

*+there is no a sign "=" at the beginning of the formula

*there are no one more brackets near function of the sums



*!MS Excel. Occurrence of symbols "####" in a cell means that


*the cell is protected

*contents of a cell are hidden

*the text does not hold in a cell

*in the formula there is a mistake

*+the number in it too big also cannot be completely displayed



*!MS Excel. What action will be done by formula =product(F8:F9)


*divides value of cell f8 on f9

*multiplies arguments in brackets

*+multiplies values in cells f8 and f9

*summarizes values in cells f8 and f9

*will give out a mistake as such formula is not present



*!The relative address in Excel, is


*such address is not present

*the address containing cyclic references

*the address depending on type of data in a cell

*the address to which it is impossible to refer in the formula

*+the address which is corrected at moving formulas from one cell to another



*!The absolute address in Excel, it


*such address is not present

*the address of the cell containing constants

*the address, not dependent on type of data in a cell

*the address to which it is possible to refer in the formula

*+the address which does not vary at moving formulas from one cell to another



*!MS Excel. In $A2 address absolute is


*number of a line

*a name of the range

*+a name of a column

*number of a line and a name of a column

*neither number of a line, nor a name of a column



*!MS Excel. In $A$2 address absolute is


*number of a line

*a name of a column

*a name of the range

*+number of a line and a name of a column

*neither number of a line, nor a name of a column



*!MS Excel. The element of the diagram showing the name of markers of data


*a file

*a kind

*a format

*+a legend

*a command



*!MS Excel. The category of logic functions includes functions



*find, text

*+if, true, lie

*??x, min, sin

*time, year, day



*!MS Excel. The category of mathematical functions includes functions




*true, lie, if

*+log, cos, exp

*year, day, time



*!MS Excel. A command for protecting of working sheets, books


*Data - To protect a sheet

*View - To protect a sheet

*Home - To protect a sheet

*+Reviewing - To protect a sheet

*Page Layout - To protect a sheet



*!MS Excel. For automatic construction of the diagram on the allocated data the function key is used









*!MS Excel. In a line of formulas it is showed




*the formula

*+value of cells

*the address of a cell



*!MS Excel. Function ??S concerns to a category of functions










*!MS Excel. For construction of schedules and drawing up of formulas it is necessary to use the master









*!The document created in Excel, is called









*!MS Excel. Each worksheet has a sheet name that appears on a(n) ____ at the bottom of the workbook

*title tab
*active tab
*status bar

*+sheet tab

*name indicator


*!MS Excel. Each worksheet in a workbook has ____ rows





*!The ____, located near the top of the excel window, is the control center in excel


*status bar

*mode bar
*home tab
*control bar



*!MS Excel. The number of worksheets that you can add to a workbook is ____



*+Limited by the amount of memory on the computer



*!The ____ on a worksheet is one in which you can enter data


*home cell
*+active cell
*absolute cell
*reference cell



*!By default, excel positions text in a cell ____






*!MS Excel. Use the ____ function to determine the lowest number in a range



*range finder



*!Excel has over approximately ____ functions for you to use





*!MS Excel. Which of the following comparison operator means greater than or equal to





*!MS Excel. A cell reference with only one dollar sign before either the column or the row is called a(n) ____

*relative cell reference
*+mixed cell reference
*absolute cell reference

*complete cell reference

*incomplete cell reference



*!MS Excel. When the background formula checker finds a rule that might be in violation, it places a ____ triangle in the cell





*!MS Excel. To add borders to a range of cells, right-click the selected range, select ____ on the shortcut menu, then click the border tab


*+format cells
*border contents
*borders and shading



*!The file extension for a microsoft excel 2007 workbook is ____





*!The absolute link is









*!The relative link is









*!The mixed link is









*!The size of a worksheet in Excel 2007/2010


*66 536 rows and 512 columns

*65 536 rows and 16 384 columns

*65 536 rows and 256 256 columns

*+1 048 576 rows and 16 384 columns

*1 626 536 rows and 165 484 columns




*!MS Excel. For an illustration of continuous data use the following type of charts


*dot charts

*ring charts


*dot schedules

*circular charts



*!The Excel 2007 binary file format (BIFF12)









*!MS Excel. What kind of data found in a spreadsheet


*Data, words, numbers

*Numbers, data, words

*Words, numbers, labels

*Equations, data, numbers

*+Numbers, formulas, labels



*!MS Excel. To merge the cells which tab do you use from the format, cells menu


*Font tab

*Merge tab

*Number tab

*Paragraph tab

*+Alignment tab



*! MS Excel. Where a row and a column meet, what do you call that


*A box

*+A cell

*A table

*A block

*A range



*!MS Excel. In an excel sheet the active cell is indicated by


*A simple border

*A dotted border

*A blinking border

*A dark blue border

*+A dark wide border



*!The statistics studies


*periodic events

*single phenomena

*+mass phenomena

*properties of the studied phenomenon

*single signs of the studied phenomenon



*!Origin of the term "statistics"






*the stately



*!The term "satistics" was introduced by


*A. Quetelet

*G. Konring

*A. Byushing




*!Statistical set is


*casual events

*a set of the studied diverse objects

*group of the recorded diverse objects

*+a group of the recorded casual events

*a set of units of the studied phenomenon



*!Statistical supervision


*work on collecting mass primary data

*organization of information registration

*extensive program of statistical researches

*+scientific organization of information registration

*an assessment and registration of the studied set signs





*quantity of units of the studied object

*quantity of units of the studied phenomenon

*+measurements' results of the studied object properties

*result of the studied phenomenon in physical units of measurement

*the size of the studied phenomenon in physical units of measurement



*!The values of the sign repeating with the greatest frequency









*!Variance indicator


*a deviation from an average

*average square of deviations

*deviation of an average square

*+square of an average deviation

*a deviation from a general average



*!Value of correlations in statistics









*!The significance level which is applied in medicine









*!Confidence level which is applied in medicine










*!MS Access. Database design refers to the arrangement of data into ____

*html and reports

*+tables and fields



*!MS Access. The ____ is the small box or bar that selects the entire row

*none above
*row manager
*+row selector
*column selector

*column manager



*!MS Access. The most common type of relationship you will encounter between tables is the ____

*none of the above
*one-to-one relationship

*many-to-one relationship
*+one-to-many relationship
*many-to-many relationship


#309 344pen Birge

*!MS Access. You create a parameter by enclosing a value in a criterion like this example ____

* value




*!MS Access. By default size of a text field


*5 signs

*55 signs

*15 signs

*500 signs

*+50 signs



*!MS Access. Field memo may contain


*65 signs

*650 signs

*65 000 signs

*65 0000 signs

*+65 536 signs



*!MS Access. Connected fields can have


*One file, but different type of data

*Two files, but different type of data

*Identical names, but different type of data

*Different names and different type of data

*+Different names, but identical type of data



*!MS Access. Expansion of the file of MS Access program









*!MS Access. MS Access program









*!MS Access. The created filter can be saved as









*!MS Access. The file with *.mdb expansion belongs to the appendix



*Microsoft Word

*Microsoft Excel

*Adobe PhotoShop

*+Microsoft Access 2003



*!MS Access. To change the structure of the created table it is necessary


*To create the new table

*+To enter in a design view

*To enter in a datasheet view

*To use a mode of the Master of the table

*To open the table and to change the name of fields



*!MS Access. Data in cells of one column have to be



*One value

*Are equal

*+One type

*Mutually exclusive



*!MS Access. In Access lines of the table are called









*!MS Access. In Access columns of the table are called









*!MS Access. The symbol * designates


*New file

*New field

*New column

*New number

*+New record



*!MS Access. Records are sorted by increase


*12, 144, 245, 53, 94

*+$10, $25, $35, $50

*Lily, Rose, Carnation, Aster

*Folder, Directory, Container

*10/12/96, 02/12/98, 02/11/97, 14/10/99



*!MS Access. Records are sorted by decrease


*$10, $25, $35, $50

*12, 144, 245, 53, 94

*Lily, Rose, Carnation, Aster

*+Folder, Directory, Container

*10/12/96, 02/12/98, 02/11/97, 14/10/99



*!MS Access. The type of a field is set in





*+Design View

*Datasheet View



*!MS Access. ____ represent formatted printouts of data in a database










*!MS Access. ____ allows you to make changes to the table, but does not show the actual table


*Form view

*Layout view

*Print preview

*+Design view

*Datasheet view



*!MS Access. ____ are collections of actions designed to carry out specific tasks









*!MS Access. There are three types of data found in a spreadsheet


*Data, words, numbers

*Words, numbers, labels

*Images, words, numbers

*Equations, data, numbers

*+Numbers, formulas, labels



*!Which of the following is not a valid data type in MS Access









*!MS Access. Text data type may contain maximum character of






*No Limit



*!MS Access. Which of the following data type is used to store logical value in MS Access


*Exists/Doesn?t exist




*All of these



*!Which of the following data type is used to store picture in MS Access




*+OLE Object

*Lookup Wizard

*Picture cannot be stored



*!MS Access. Which data type is appropriate to store large text and numbers




*Large Text

*OLE Object

*Lookup Wizard



*!MS Access. Which query do you use to answer the question "which employees earn more than 5000$ a month"


*Search query

*Update query

*+Select query

*Cross tab query

*Query with calculation



*!MS Access. To rename the table press









*!MS Access. How do you rearrange the date in ascending or descending order


*Data, table

*Data, filter

*Data, form

*+Data, sort

*Data, subtotals



*!In MS Access lookup wizard is used to


*Not a valid Data Type

*Automatic filling table data

*To select from previous values

*To select values from Excel Sheet

*+To select value from another table



*!The appropriate data type to store time in MS Access



*Time Only



*Time cannot be stored



*!MS Access. Which of the following is not a data base application









*!MS Access. Database design refers to the arrangement of data into ____

*Html and reports

*+Tables and fields



*!MS Access. ____ are the details about a file

*Database views
*Database sheets
*Database objects

*Database certificates

*+Database properties


*!MS Access. Database properties are also known as ____

*Database objects

*Standard properties

*Database certificates


*!MS Access. A table is represented as a collection of rows and columns called a ____





*!MS Access. You create a parameter by enclosing a value in a criterion like this example ____

* value




*!MS Access. If your criterion for filtering is that the value in a particular field matches or does not match a certain value, use ____

*Filter by Form
*Common Filter
*+Filter by Selection

*Advanced Filter/Sort



*!MS Access. A form typically has ____ sections





*!MS Access. ____ allows you to make changes to the form, but does not show the actual form

*Form view
*Table view
*Layout view
*Print preview

*+Design view



*!MS Access. The arrange tab button called ____ opens the object's property sheet to set its properties


*Scroll Tab
*+Property Sheet
*Control Margins
*Control Padding



*!Power Point files formats are


*.bmp and .png

*.xls and .xlsx

*.doc and .docx

*+.ppt and .pptx

*.mdb and .accdb



*!PowerPoint 2007. A presentation is also called a ____


*+Slide show



*!PowerPoint 2007. ____ allows you to point to a gallery choice and see its effect in the document

*Active tab
*+Live preview
*Quick Access preview

*Microsoft Office Button



*!PowerPoint 2007. The ____ shows the number and title of the slide you are about to display

*Scroll bar
*Status bar
*Slide menu
*+Slide indicator

*Slide dialog box



*!PowerPoint 2007. ____ defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols






*!PowerPoint 2007. The ____, on the scroll bar, indicates the location of the slide in the document window

*Slide icon
*Status bar
*Slide arrow
*Slide menu

*+Scroll box



*!PowerPoint 2007. Video, music and sound files are examples of ____

*Clip art




*!PowerPoint's ____ allows you to advance through the slides with your timing recorded

*Try it feature
*None of these
*Timing feature
*+Rehearsal feature

*Presentation feature



*!PowerPoint 2007. To select sequential slides, click the first slide, press and hold down the ____ key, and then click the last slide





*!PowerPoint 2007. The entrance, exit, and emphasis animations are grouped into categories that do not include





*!PowerPoint assumes you want your bulleted list to appear ____ of your slide

*In the center
*On the width
*On the right side

*+On the left side
*None of the above



*!The ____ slide transition uses blinds and checkerboard patterns

*Push and Cover
*+Stripes and Bars
*Falls and Appears

*Fades and Dissolves



*!Clips that reside on a shared network file server are part of ____

*Gallery styles
*My Collections
*Web Collections

*Office Collections

*+Shared Collections



*!____ Are defined combinations of formatting options

*Quick Points
*+Quick Styles
*Quick Options
*Quick Formats

*Quick Selections



*!The ____ slide transition gently uncovers one slide to reveal the next

*Push and Cover
*Stripes and Bars
*Entities and labels

*Fades and Dissolves



*!MS Access. How do you rearrange the date in ascending or descending order


*Data, table

*Data, filter

*Data, form

*+Data, sort

*Data, subtotals



*!Database. Which of the following is a data base application








*!MS Access. You can use input mask and set the data as ______ to make sure all data are valid to enter and not duplicate





*+Primary Key

*Lookup Wizard



*!MS Access. Which data type can store more than 255 character





*Long Integer

*Lookup Wizard



*!MS Access. There are 3 type of relationship that valid in MS Access 2007, except


*One to One

*One to Many

*Many to One

*Many to Many




*!MS Access. What queries are used to summarize data in tables









*!MS Access. What type of queries is a queries that select records from tables based on criteria


*Action Queries

*+Select Queries

*Cascade Queries

*CrossTab Queri

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