1 audience rapport n. relationship of presenter with audience, esp. when good
2 body language n. non-verbal communication through facial expressions
3 Finally . . .Typical word used to signal the last of several points or subjects
4 flip chart n. a pad of large paper sheets on a stand for presenting information
5 For example?Typical phrase used to signal an illustration or sample of a particular point
6 handout n. anything (report, sample etc) handed or given to people at a presentation
7 In conclusion . . .Typical phrase used to signal the summing up or final part of a presentation
8 ladies & gentlemenPolite phrase often used to address an audience of men and women
9 marker n. whiteboard markera pen for writing on whiteboards
10 microphone n. electrical instrument that one speaks into for amplification of the voice
11 O.H.T. abbr. overhead transparency; sheet of film with image for overhead
12 overhead projector n. device that projects an o.h.t. onto a screen - O.H.P. abbr.
13 pointer n. device (rod or electric torch etc) for indicating things on a map, screen
14 screen n. large, flat, reflective white surface on which films, slides etc are
15 signal v. to help the audience understand where one is in a presentation -
signalling n.
16 slide n. small (usually 35mm) photographic transparency - slide projector n.
17 To start with?Typical phrase used to signal the beginning of a particular subject or topic
18 Turning now to ?Typical phrase used to signal a change from one subject or topic to another
19 visual aids n. things that one can look at in a presentation
20 whiteboard n. large, flat, white surface or board on which to write or draw with markers
n. noun(n): a word in a sentence that is an object, person or place, for example apartment, music, cat, Anthony, Paris:adj. adjective(n): a word that tells us more about a noun, for example big, green,
beautiful: 'Tara has beautiful hair.'v. verb(n): the 'action' word in a sentence, for example to speak, to work: 'You speak English.' Irregular verb forms are shown in square brackets [ ].
adv. adverb(n): a word that tells us more about a verb, for example quietly, softly, quickly: 'Ram walks quickly.'
Check yourself
1. Which of the following statements identify advantages of oral presentations over written reports?
A. They limit the amount and complexity of information that can be presented.
B. They are truly interactive.
C. They allow adjustment of one?s presentation according to audience reactions.
D. B and C only.
E. A, B, and C.
Which of the following is NOT an appropriate delivery meth
A. The "ghost" delivery.
B. The memorized delivery.
C. The impromptu delivery.
D. The scripted delivery.
E. The extemporaneous delivery.
Strategies for using wisely PowerPoint or other software include all of the following EXCEPT _______________.
A. having a backup plan in case the system fails.
B. finding a balance between text and visuals.
C. avoiding the mere recitation of the slides.
D. using lots of transition sounds and flashy visuals to focus your reader's attention on the slide.
E. keeping viewers oriented with an opening slide that previews the main topics in the presentation.
The main tasks of an introduction include ______________.