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Read the sentences and make emphatic constructions.


1. Powerpoint is a presentation software package made by Microsoft.

2. It is a versatile program that is able to make a variety of presentations.

3. There is the normal Powerpoint format that can be clicked through at will or automatically, but there are also three other ways to present your information. 4. Powerpoint can also make movies, webpages and even simple PDFs.

IX. Think over and fill in the necessary word from the list given below.

Purposes,handouts, Benefits, beneficial,voice, evidence, present, explain, Academic Presentations, Religious Presentations, persuade, research, key, remaining, concludes

Oral presentations are mini-seminars where people __________ information verbally to the audience. The ____________of the presentations could be either to present ____________-of an argument or give basic information on a certain topic. These presentations sometimes use Power Point slides, __________ or audio clips.


Oral presentations are __________- because they allow the speaker a wider platform to __________ his subject. They're also beneficial because it gives the audience a chance to ____________ their opinions by asking questions or disagreeing with the speaker.


With academic presentations, students conduct ___________ on topics assigned by their teachers. They use this research to either inform or ___________ the class to believe a statement. The presenters then answer questions from the class, and the teachers give a few comments.


During a sermon, the minister starts out with a _________ scripture for his topic. For example, he may refer to 1 Corinthians 13 to discuss the real meaning of love. Then he prays with the congregation before preaching. During the ____________ time, he focuses on his topic. This type of oral presentation ___________ with a benediction.

Task 4 Can you write? Let?s do it!

I. Rewrite the extract filling in the missing letters if necessary.


The no?mal method of making a p?esentation is to sav? it as a Powe?point file. A Powe?point file can be vie?ed on any mac?ine with Powe?point o? a Powe?point reade? applica?ion. The presenta?ion advan?es to the next slid? ever? tim? the spac? bar? or mous? button is pus?ed. Alternativel?, the slid?s can be mad? to advan?e a?tomatically. This is the m?st widel? used presenta?ion fo?mat fo? Powe?point.

II. Watch the video and study some grammar material (Reported speech: http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/reported-speech.html) Rewrite the extract using a ?reporting verb? like ?say? or ?tell?.

Example: Direct speech: ?I like ice cream?.

Reported speech: She says she likes ice cream. She said she liked ice cream.


1. Powerpoint is capable of making a HTML file out of the presentation slides.

2.This HTML file can then be placed on the web as a website.

3.It will automatically play through the slides like the movie.

4. This makes the presentation accessible to anyone who has/to have an Internet browser and not just to those with the Powerpoint software.

5.However, you need to review your presentation on multiple browsers to make sure there are no glitches.

III. Dictate the following text to your group mate. Check it together.


Powerpoint is also capable of encoding the slides as a movie that automatically plays through the slides. This works like any other movie and is the least complicated for people to use. The movie can even be uploaded to YouTube or another movie site to share on the Internet. However, the movie file cannot be edited in Powerpoint; you have to change the original Powerpoint file and make a new movie if you want to make any changes.

IV. The most simple form of presentation is the PDF. Powerpoint can save the slides as individual pages and then compile the pages into a PDF file. Any computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader can then open the PDF file and display the presentation. The user has to scroll manually, as PDF does not allow automatic page-turning. Write an essay in which describe how well does it work.


V. Fill in the table.


Category Ideal Length Structure Style Questions
Sales .
Report presentation (Persuasion)

.Ideal Length: 7 minutes; Up to 45 minutes; Up to 30 minutes & questions; Toast 5 minutes After dinner speech 45 minutes.

Structure:Introduction, Sections, Conclusion; Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion; Introduction, Problem Solution, Questions; Problem Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations;

Style:Depends on event, but likely to be light hearted; Depends on how well you know the client; Formal; Depends on company style;

Questions: Generally at the end of the presentation; At any time; At end of each section; Often no questions.

Date: 2016-06-12; view: 285

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