XVI. Give complete answers to the following questions. Support your answers with the illustrations presented in the Unit:
1. What parts of the human body belong to the axial skeleton?
2. Does the pelvis girdle belong to the axial skeleton?
3. Which of the two major skeleton parts comprises a larger number of bones: the appendicular skeleton or the axial one?
4. Name all the synonymous terms (there are 4) in English for the Ukrainian term «õðåáåò /õðåáòîâèé ñòîâï»?
5. What are the main functions of the spinal column?
6. Which section of the spine has the largest number of vertebrae?
7. What is the major functional difference between a ligament and a tendon?
8. Name 4 principal building blocks of a connective tissue.
9. What part of the bone might be called “the skin of the bone”?
10. Can a bone be considered as the most “permanent”, nonchangeable part of the human body?
11. Which bone cells are responsible for the removal of the dead or corrupted parts of the bone?
12. What happens to the bone when its hyaline cartilage stops reproducing itself? At what age does it usually occur?
XVII. Formulate questions to the underlined parts of the sentences. Have your group mates answer your questions:
1. The spongy bone of the femur, humerus, and sternum contains red bone marrow, producing red blood cells (which carry oxygen), white blood cells (which fight infection), and platelets (that help stop bleeding).
2. A bursa is a small fluid-filled sac made of white fibrous tissue and lined with synovial membrane.
3. Since the ligaments are highly elastic they increasingly lengthen when under pressure.
4. As muscles contract, tendons transmit the forces to the rigid bones, pulling on them and causing movement.
5. In the normal joint, very little synovial fluid (less than 5cc) exists in the cavity.
XVIII. Match the beginnings with the endings, read the sentences, write them down and use in your topic presentation:
1. Movement is ...
2. The human skeleton has...
3. The skeleton forms ...
4. The axial skeleton consists of ...
5. The vertebral column is made up of ...
6. The appendicular skeleton consists of ...
7. The skeleton is made up of many ...
8. Movement is brought about by ...
9. There are many kinds of ...
a) ...joints, immovable, partially movable and movable joints.
b)...a framework inside the human body and is made up of theaxialand appendicular skeletons.
c)...bones joined together; movement takes place at these joints.
d)...a characteristic of life.
e)...many bones called vertebrae and includes the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
f)...many functions, one of which is movement.
g)...muscles, tendons and ligaments at these joints.
h)...the cranium and vertebral column.
i)...the limbs and ribcage.
XIX. Identify any unknown words from the box before listening and then listen to the information twice. As you listen, decide if these statements are true, false or impossible to answer. Correct any false statements:
· There’s a little less than 600 muscles of various types in the human body.
· The majority of muscles in the human body are of the striated type.
· Visceral muscles found within arteries and veins are controlled consciously.
· Skeletal muscles‘ tissue possesses a characteristic smooth appearance.
· Skeletal muscles alone are responsible for movement of the upper and lower extremities.
· Cardiac muscle is not consciously controlled.
· Muscles responsible for the digestive system functioning belong to the voluntary group of muscles.
· Striated muscles form muscle layers rather than bundles.
· There’s only one nucleus in a smooth muscle cell as compared to the abundance of nuclei in a voluntary muscle cell.
· Every muscle system of a human body is infiltrated with a great amount of nerves and blood vessels.