Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
- When I entered I heard somebody speak
. a ringing voice. Such a voice is typical
. young age.
- Your aunt looks young
. her age.
- When she smiled, two pretty dimples appeared .
her cheeks.
- The newcomer was a short stout man, carefully dressed,
a round good-natured face.
- His thin face was dark and ended
a short beard that looked Spanish.
- Why are you shouting
the top
your voice? Cant you talk
a whisper?
- Jane was eleven years old, tall
her age, and very dark.
- The girl has a pretty face
brave brown eyes. She is
medium height and has a slender figure. Her elder sister Pauline is quite different
Complete the sentences with the suitable words. More than one answer is possible.
- Shes got blond
- Hes got very pale
- They have both got curly
- I would say he was medium
- Her brother has got very broad
- She doesnt like men with hairy
- Last time I saw him he had grown
- He has got very muscular
- Both men were very good-
- All of them have got dark
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
cool, lazy, rude, sweet, friendly, sporty, stupid, selfish, shy
| - He never gets angry or nervous, doesnt lose his temper even in a difficult situation. He is___________.
- She doesnt like to work. She just sits and watches TV. She is so_______________!
- She is sincere, she always smiles and talks to you. Shes _____________________.
- He doesnt know anything. And he doesnt want to study. Hes ________________.
- She really cares about other people. Shes always helpful. I find her very _________.
- He plays football, basketball, tennis and rugby. He goes jogging every morning. He is really very _____________.
- She only thinks about herself and never cares about others. Shes ________________.
- Its difficult for him to talk to some people, especially girls. Hes so ______________.
- She never says please or thank you. She is so _______________!
From these jumbled words, find combinations to describe people, as in the example. Some of the combinations are hyphenated. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Model: good-looking
5. WANTED! MISSING! Complete the gaps in these police posters.

Match these words with their opposites.
clever introverted
extroverted tight-fisted
rude courteous
cruel gregarious
generous kind-hearted
unsociable half-witted
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 2664