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English 8”, Ò.Ä.Êóçíåöîâà, Ï.Ã.Êîçëîâ, èçä. «Ìåêòåï», ã.Àëìàòû, 2012

Week Dates ¹ of lessons Themes Skills Home task
Vocabulary Grammar
Unit 1. A modern family in Kazakhstan and the UK.
  Step One. Me, My family and sports. To define students’ level of know of English Word formation, types of sentences (imperative, interrogative, negative) and questions (general, special, tag-question, alternative question) Revision of learnt material of the 7th grade
Step two. Me and My family. Vocabulary (country, homeland, city, hills, valleys, etc.) and pronunciation Present / Past Simple, construction there is/ there are To write 10 sentence on the theme ‘My motherland’
  Step three. Family values. Reading and speaking, Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses To ask 5 questions to the text
Step four. What is your name? Sightseeing, glacial, heavenly, mountains, monuments, park, etc. Present Perfect Continuous tenses To make the project “ Sightseeing in Kazakhstan”(slide show presentation)
  Step five. My favourite sport. Vocabulary (climate, landscape, population, rivers, waterways, etc.) and pronunciation   Past Simple tense To write a topic “ Geographical position of Kazakhstan”(15 sentences with the words from new vocabulary)
Step six. Sport in Kazakhstan and my life. Vocabulary (pollution, to threaten, oxygen, soil, oil, tankers, etc.) and pronunciation   Past Continuous tense To find information about ecological problems of our city
  Step seven. Family relations. Vocabulary (pollution, to threaten, oxygen, soil, oil, tankers, etc.)   Adjectives Prepositions of place To write an Essay on theme “Environmental protection”
  Step eight. Teenagers and their friends. Vocabulary “Kazakhstan is my Motherland Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Continuous, Present Perfect tenses, “there is/there are” construction, word formation To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
  Step nine. Sport stars. Vocabulary “Kazakhstan is my Motherland Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Continuous, Present Perfect tenses, “there is/there are” construction, word formation To do corrections
New technology (9 hours)
  Step ten. Living with an English family. Vocabulary (mass media, spectators, readers, newspaper, channels, etc.) and pronunciation Present/Past/Future Simple tenses Adjectives Adverbs To learn the new words by heart, to compile 10 sentences
  Step eleven. Family traditions. Radio, channels, to turn on/off, switch on/off Present/Past/Future Simple tenses   Ex.IV on p.137
Step twelve. Family traditions in the UK and Kazakhstan. Advertisement, newspaper, to express their opinion about advantages and disadvantages of TV Modal verb would/should+ Perfect Infinitive Ex.II, III on p.139 Ex IV (2) on p.141
  Step thirteen. Meals and meal times in the UK. to develop dialogical speech Questions (Past, Present Simple tenses) Ex III on p.142
  Step fourteen. The farmer and the apple tree. Network, social network, facebook, internet page, browser, admin, user, delay, Hardware, software, mouse, monitor, processor, printer, scanner, keyboard etc. Compound nouns   Ex V (2) on p.146 Ex II (1, 2) on p. 149-150
  Test yourself. Cell-phone, mobile phone, internet service, banking, etc. Present / Past Simple tense Ex IV on p. 151
+++++++++++++ To speak about favourite TV programmes in small groups Degrees of comparison of adjectives Ex II, V (2) on p.154
  Control test Vocabulary “ New technology Present/Past/Future Simple tenses Adjectives Adverbs Degrees of comparison of adjectives To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
Corrections Vocabulary“ New technology Present/Past/Future Simple tenses Adjectives Adverbs Degrees of comparison of adjectives To do corrections
Unit two. Outstanding writers and poets in Kazakhstan and the UK.
  Step one. Abai, a great Kazakh poet. Educational system, junior, primary, high, infant, college, etc.   articles and prepositions Ex.V on p.106
Step two. The importance of literature in our life. Secondary, high, college, university, institution, etc. revision of Present Simple Ex III, V on p.107-108
  Step three. William Shakespeare. Reading and interpretation   Conditional sentences Ex IV, VI on p. 110-111
Step four. Charles Dickens. Reading and interpretation Zero Conditionals Ex II, VI on p. 112-113
  Test yourself. School uniform, suit, hat, skirt, blazer, jacket, etc. First Conditionals Project work
Unit three. The Youth. Advantages, disadvantages, pros and cons, etc.   Second Conditionals Ex IV on p. 119
  Step one. Youth in today’s world. Speaking (dialogue speech) adverbs Ex II on p. 121
Step two. Youth organizations. Speaking (monologue speech) Present tenses Ex III, VII on p. 124-125
  Step three. Teenagers’ free-time fun. Go to school, make one’s bed, have breakfast, break, bell gone, classmates, courses, coach, trainer, etc. Present tenses Essay on theme “My day at school”
Step four. Music in your life. Comprehensive, private, boarding school Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs Ex III on p. 129
  Step five. Teenagers and their idols of music. Reading and speaking   “to be going to…” Ex IV on p. 131, to make a project in groups
Step six. Young people are music lovers. Writing and speaking Future Simple To revise grammar
  Step seven. Young people and types of music. Vocabulary “Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK” Present tenses, Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs, Future Simple, “to be going to…”   To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
Step eight. Teenage pastimes. Vocabulary “Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK” Present tenses, Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs, Future Simple, “to be going to…”   To do corrections
  Step nine. My plans for future. Wildlife, animals, plants, the Red Book, sea, ocean, rivers, fish,etc.   adjectives To compile 10 sentences with new words from active vocabulary on theme “wildlife”
Step ten. Young people’s pastimes and hobbies. Reading, speaking Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs Essay about favourite pets and animals
  Step ten. Young people’s pastimes and hobbies. Vocabulary (flora, green, forestgreenpeace) and pronunciation Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs To make slide show on the theme “Typical Kazakhstan plants”
Step twelve. Do you like poetry? Vocabulary (flora, green, forest, greenpeace Numbers To compile dialogues “Environmental protection” (1 student is a journalist, 2 student is a ministry of ecology)
  Step thirteen. The most important things in life. Mountains, hills, valleys, forests, dying, statistics, etc. Prepositions of place To read the text and get new information about wildlife of the USA and the UK, and find similarities/ differences
Step fourteen. The wisdom of life. Vocabulary (solar system, planets, the Earth, continents, ocean, etc.) and pronunciation   Prepositions of place To learn the new words and compile 10 sentences
  Test yourself. Reading and speaking   Complex object Get ready for discussion of the text (to make 5 questions) to make 5 “True” sentences, 5 “False” sentences
Unit four. Visiting famous museums and galleries in the UK and Kazakhstan. Nuclear, weapon, gun, war, wastes, pollutants, harm, diseases, environmental protection Past Simple To make slide show (Semey)
  Step one. Museums in our life. Vocabulary (flora, fauna, wildlife, etc.) and pronunciation   Articles To make a project work “Flora and fauna of my motherland”
Step two. Museums in Kazakhstan. Listening and speaking Definite and indefinite articles To make a presentation: group A “Flora and fauna of the USA”, group B “Flora and fauna of the UK”.
  Step three. Visiting museums. Speaking and interpretation   Indefinite pronouns To prepare the new information on the theme “The animals and plants from the Red Book”
Step four. The British museum. Listening and speaking Articles, “there is/there are”, to revise types of the sentences (imperative, negative) Essay “Saving nature”
  Step five. Art galleries. Listening, reading and speaking Modal verbs Make up the plan “Saving our nature”
Step six. Scientific museums. Reading and speaking   Construction “there is/there are” To make slide – show (The Aral sea)
  Step seven. Museums and galleries in London. mountains, hills, valleys, plains, rivers and waterways, etc. Articles, “there is/there are” Topic “What not to do…”
Step eight. Museums in Kazakhstan. Speaking and listening Present/Future Simple tenses To get ready for the control work
  Step nine. Values. Vocabulary “The flora and fauna Articles, “there is/there are”, Present/Future Simple tenses, Construction “there is/there are”, Modal verbs To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
Step ten. Museums in our life. Vocabulary “The flora and fauna Articles, “there is/there are”, Present/Future Simple tenses, Construction “there is/there are”, Modal verbs To do corrections
  Test yourself. Vocabulary (state, monarchy, presidential, parliament, congress, peers, speakers, parties, etc.) and pronunciation   “There is/there are” To answer the questions about the text
Unit five. Modern schools. Vocabulary (state, monarchy, presidential, parliament, congress, peers, speakers, parties, etc.) Compound adjectives and nouns To make diagram (to show differences and similarities of the social and political structure of Kazakhstan and the USA (1 group)/the UK (2 group)
  Step one. Schools we get knowledge in. Leader, queen, king, president, ambassador, ministry, etc.   Compound adjectives and nouns To compile 10 sentences; to make 5 questions
Step two. Schools in Kazakhstan. Leader, queen, king, president, ambassador, ministry, etc.   Compound adjectives and nouns To make project work: 1 group - “The Royal Family”; 2 group – “Outstanding political leaders of the USA”
  My Primary school. Speaking and listening   Adjectives To make slide shows “Traditions and customs …”
Step three. Secondary education. Literature, poet, poem, novel, writer, etc. Present Simple monologue speech Topic by heart
  Step four. Schools in our country. Reading and speaking Past tenses Slide – shows “My favorite poet/writer ”
Step five. Schools in Great Britain. Listening and speaking   Past tenses To make presentation “ Outstanding writers and poets of the USA and the UK.”
  Step six. Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan. Legend, fable, fairy-tales, hero, etc.   Reported speech To dramatize one of the famous Kazakh /English tales
Step seven. My school day. Reading and speaking   Past tenses To learn by heart one of Abai’s poems
  Step eight. Speaking about schools. Sonnets, globe, century, etc.   Past tenses Good reading of one of the sonnets of W.Shakespeare
Step nine. A day at school. Writing and speaking Past tenses To write Essay on the theme “Who is Shakespeare?”
  Step ten. Education. Listening and speaking   Past tenses Act out one of the scenes from the book
Step thirteen. Schools of future. masterpieces,   Past tense Topic by heart
  Test yourself. Writing and speaking   Revision of Present tenses Summary
Unit six. Mass media. Writing and speaking Revision of Past tenses To write Essay on the theme “My favorite book”
  Step one. Mass media in our life. Vocabulary “The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture Reported speech , Past tense, Adjectives, Compound adjectives and nouns To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
Step two. Radio and TV in my life. Step three. Adverts. Step four. Watching TV. Step five. Television and children. Step six. The internet services. Step seven. Computer. Step eight. What is hardware and software? Step nine. Bill Gates and computer. Step ten. Mobile phone. Step eleven. The internet. Step twelve. Mass media in Kazakhstan. Step thirteen. Mass media. Step fourteen. The media in my life. Test yourself. Grammar revision. Vocabulary “The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture Reported speech , Past tense, Adjectives, Compound adjectives and nouns To do corrections




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