Searching with Yahoovar eDs = document.getElementById('defaultsearch'); if(eDs&&'none'){ document.getElementById('eyebrow').style.display='block'; }'sethomepage'); YAHOO.Fp.hp=1; YAHOO.Fp.cp=0; YAHOO.Fp.checkToolbar = function(){ var cpre=/ CP=v=(\d+)&br=(.)/,cpv,cpbr,c=' '+document.cookie; if(c.match(cpre)){ YAHOO.Fp.cp=1; cpv=RegExp.$1; cpbr=RegExp.$2; if((cpbr=='i'&&cpv=lnfv){ if(YAHOO.Fp._ie)lcap=1 else lncap=1; } } if (lcap||lncap)return true; else return false; } if(yodelCheckFlash()) { document.write(''); loadYodel(); }
Yahoo, which was started approximately a decade ago at Stanford University by two graduate students, now ranks as one of the most popular Web search engines. You can search in Yahoo using either of two methods. You can search a categorized list of Web pages organized under 14 major categories, or you can enter a search query. Those methods are covered in detail in the following sections.
Searching by Category
Because Yahoo already has a long list of Web pages organized by category, you can search Yahoo by stepping through links along the established categories and subcategories. Here are the Yahoo categories:
Arts News and Media
Business and Economy Recreation and Sports
Computers and Internet Reference
Education Regional
Entertainment Science
Government Social Science
Health Society and Culture
Alta Vista

Most of the major search engines conduct searches by keyword, which by the way, Yahoo is also capable of doing, but AltaVista also allows you to modify your search parameters using its advanced search options. Using it’s search syntax, you can combine words to either expand or narrow your search. For example, suppose I want to search for eclipses, but I only want solar eclipses and not lunar eclipses. I could conduct a search using eclipses AND NOT lunar and my search would only give me a list of pages pertaining to solar eclipses.

Google has one of the largest databases of Web pages, including many other types of web documents (blog posts, wiki pages, group discussion threads and document formats (e.g., PDFs, Word or Excel documents, PowerPoints). Despite the presence of all these formats, Google’s popularity ranking often makes pages worth looking at rise near the top of search results.Google currently is the winning web search engine and so people need to learn to use it really well.Google alone not always sufficient, however. Less than half the searchable Web is fully searchable in Google. Overlap studies show that more than 80% of the pages in a major search engine's database exist only in that database. Getting a “second opinion” is therefore often worth your time. For this purpose, it’s better to use or Yahoo! Search.
Task 1.Retell the text
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 997