Bother one's head/oneself about — be anxious about smth It's not important, don'tbother your head about it.occur (v) [a'k3:j
1. take place, happen
When did the accidentoccur?
2. come to someone's mind
It occurred to him that he could take another shop and put a manageing it.
circumstance (n) ['s3:kamstans]
1. condition in life, fact or detail
There is one importantcircumstance you haven't mentioned.
2. financial standing
be in reduced/straitenedcircumstances
be in easy/flourishing/goodcircumstances in/under the circumstances such being the state of affairs
embarrass (v) [im 'baerssj 1. make feel awkward or ashamed; cause discomfort or anxiety He was embarrassed by the question.
betray (to) (v)
1. give away Judasbetrayed Jesus to his enemy.
2. give sign, show
His facebetrayed his feelings.
manage (v)
1. control
Shemanaged the household and her naughty children.
He isthe managing director (the one who controls the business operations of the company).
2. succeed, cope with
I shan't be ableto manage without your help.
ignorance (n)
1. illiteracy, lack of learning or education It is riot stupidity, merelyignorance.
2. being not aware
If he did wrong, it was fromignorance. ignorant (adj) prudent (adj) careful, acting only after careful thought or planning
She wasa prudent housekeeper. prudence (n)
1. carefulness, care, caution, tact
I Junior employees have to exerciseprudence when they notice the faults of their superiors.
2. wisdom, common sense
Don showedprudence in not asking the teacher a lot of silly questions.
Ex. 1. Answer the questions.
1. What was Albert Foreman's position in the church?
2. What church did he serve in?
3. What were his duties at the church?
4. What was the dignified symbol of his office?
5. What problem did the vicar want to discuss with Albert Foreman?
6. What was Albert Foreman's attitude to the new vicar?
7. Why did Albert Foreman hand in his resignation?
8. How did Albert take his resignation?
9. What did Albert Foreman do before he was appointed to his ecclesiastical office?
10. How did he get to the unknown street?
11. How did the idea to set up in business occur to him?
12. What kind of business did he start?
13. How did Albert Foreman develop his business?
14. Was Albert Foreman's business successful?
Ex. 2. Translate the following words and phrases from the text.
His second-best;
much favoured;
disconcerting sensation;
insufficiently clad;
a succession of such gowns;
precede smb;
refectory table;
obsequious attitude;
single-handed butler;
butler with two men under him;
looked reflectively;
by good luck;
a dreadful come-down;
to move with the times;
run two shops;
a pretty rough idea;
a disarming smile;
were there for life;
a total abstainer.
Ex. 3. Translate the passages from English into Russian.
1. p. 74. From the beginning to " his bedroom."
2. p. 74. From "The vicar had been..." to " his fashionable congrega tion.
3. p. 75. From "They were elderly men..." to "...that was slightly troubled."
4. p. 76. From "But his thoughts..." to "...ambassador."
5. p. 77. From "The vergers of St. Peter's..." to "...sighed deeply."
Ex. 4. Translate all the Vocabulary entries and examples.
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1554