A sense of humour/responsibility/duty3. meaning I In what sense are you using the word?
make sense be reasonable, understandable
in a sense (to some extent) в некотором роде
concern (v) 1. be of importance to smb
Don't trouble about things that don'tconcern you.
as far as smb is concerned что касается кого-либо
2.be concerned about/for smb/smth trouble, worry, bother
Please, don'tbe concerned about me. (n) anxiety
There is some cause forconcern but no need for alarm.
genuine 1. real, original, not false agenuine Rubens/signature
She was wearing a wonderful string of pearls, but it was hard to believe they weregenuine.
2. sincere, free from pretence, showing absence of hypocrisy
It was agenuine expression of gratitude that went beyond mere formality.
confirm 1. make opinion/feelings/rights, etc stronger
What you tell meconfirms my suspicions.
2. ratify, agree definitely
Please,confirm your telephone message by a letter.
confirmation (n)
We are waiting forthe confirmation of the news.
accopmplish (v) succeed in doing smth, finish successfully
He is a man who will neveraccomplish anything.
accomplished (adj) 1. skilled in smth anaccomplished dancer
2. clever, well trained in social arts
He was a charming andaccomplished host.
accomplishment skill in social or domestic arts
She was anaccomplished young lady.
Among heraccomplishmentswere dancing, singing, playing the piano, cooking, sewing.
attend (v) I. go to, be present at
attend a lecture/meeting
attend school/church .
2.(on, upon) wait on, serve, look after
He had the honour ofattending upon the Prince.
admit (v) 1.(in, into) let in; allow smb to enter
One hundred boysare admitted to the school.
2. acknowledge, confess
The accused manadmitted his guilt.
3. have room enough for
The theatreadmits only 300 people.
lean(v) (leant) 1. put in sloping position
lean backwards/out of the window lean on/upon smth/smb
He has a nasty habit ofleaning on his elbows on the table.
2. (fig) depend
He leans upon others for guidance. lean smth against smth rest against smth for support
He stopped working andleant the ladderagainst the wall.
withdraw (v) (withdrew, withdrawn) 1. move back or away
The Government hadto withdraw the troops.
2. take smth/smb from/out/away
The Central Bank decidedto withdraw the banknotes from circulation.
produce (v) 1. put forward to be looked at
The controller asked him to produce his railway ticket.
2. manufacture; grow; create
We mustproduce more food ourselves and import less.
3. bring about; cause
The bookproduces the sensation of happiness and freedom.
expect (v) 1. thinkor believe that smth will happen, anticipate
Will he be late? Iexpect so.
2. require, demand
Theyexpected me to work on Saturdays.
turn (v) 1. revolve; rotate
I The wheels of the carwere turning slowly.
2. change direction
Please,turn your eyes this way.
3. (to) divert
Please,turn your attentionto smth more important.
4. (into) change in nature
Frostturns waterinto ice. turn a deaf ear to smth refuse to listen to
Heturned a deaf ear to my request for help.
turn the corner/left/right turn against smb become hostile to
He triedto turn the childrenagainst their mother.
turndown 1. refuse to consider
turn down an offer/a proposal/smb
2. reduce the flame
He turned down the lamps. turn on/off switch on/off
When he comes home heturns on TV at once.
turn out prove to be
Everythingturned out to be alright.
command (v) 1. order
The officercommanded his men to fire.
2. be in control of
The captain of a shipcommands all the officers and men.
3. control, hold back
command one's temper/one's passions
4. deserve and get
He commands the sympathy of all who have heard the story of his sufferings.
command (n)
at the word of command when the command is given
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 888