BORO-KRIPÂ KOILO KRISHNAMârkine Bhâgavata-Dharma
"Preaching Krishna Consciousness in America"
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupâda at Boston Harbor, September 18, 1965

C Dm Em F G Em Dm C C Dm Em F G Em Dm G
(F Am Dm C Am Dm Em // C Am F Dm C Am G) boro-kripâ koile krishna adhamer prati R Great mercy You showed this fallen soul o Krishna!
(Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am E // Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am C) ki lâgi ânile hethâ koro ebe gati R Why did You bring me here, please show your purpose now.
(C Am Bb C Gm ) boro-kripâ koile krishna Great mercy you showed Krishna...
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) âche kichu kârja taba ei anumâne R I guess You've some job in mind with this,
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) nahe keno âniben ei ugra-sthâne R or else why did You bring me to this ugly place?
(F Am Dm C Am Dm Em // C Am F Dm C Am G) rajas tamo gune erâ sabâi âcchanna R They all here are covered by the modes of passion and ignorance,
(Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am E // Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am C) vâsudeva-kathâ ruci nahe se prasanna R thus satisfied have they no taste for Vâsudeva talks.
(C Am Bb C Gm ) rajas tamo gune erâ Their modes are passion and ignorance...
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) tabe jadi taba kripâ hoy ahaitukî R If You then show Your causeless mercy...,
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) sakala-i sambhava hoy tumi se kautukî R will anything be possible, You are all full of wonder.
(F Am Dm C Am Dm Em // C Am F Dm C Am G) ki bhâve bujhâle târâ bujhe sei rasa R What will make them understand and pick up that mood?
(Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am E // Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am C) eta kripâ koro prabhu kori nija-bas'a R Be of this mercy Prabhu please, I give You the control.
(C Am Bb C Gm ) ki bhâve bujhâle târâ What will make them understand?
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) tomâra icchâya saba hoy mâyâ-bas'a R By Your will they all fell under the control of mâyâ...
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) tomara icchâya nâs'a mâyâr paras'a R As you wish they also may have the illusion clutch destroyed!
(F Am Dm C Am Dm Em // C Am F Dm C Am G) tava icchâ hoy jadi tâdera uddhâr R If You so desire that they may be delivered,
(Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am E // Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am C) bujhibe nis'caya-i tabe kathâ se tomâr R then decidedly they will comprehend that message of You!
(C Am Bb C Gm ) tava icchâ hoy jadi If it is what You desire..
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) bhâgavater kathâ se taba avatâr R As the Bhâgavatam talks You have descended,
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) dhîra haiyâ s'une jadi kâne bâr bâr R if heard in repeat they'll sober up the ones who hear them.
(C //Am Dm) s'rinvatâm sva-kathâh krishnah Hearing these words of Krishna Himself,
(Dm Em // Bm C) punya-s'ravana-kîrtanah R one finds virtue listening, singing;
(F G Am // F G Am) hridy antah-stho hy abhadrâni with from the heart the dirt collected,
(Dm Em// Dm Am) vidhunoti suhrit satâm R washed by the Wellwisher of the truthful
(Am C Dm//C Am C Dm) nashtha-prâyeshv abhadreshu All the bad as good as destroyed,
(Em F // G Bb Am) nityam bhâgavata-sevayâ R in regular service of the bhâgavata;
(F G Am // Am Dm F G) bhagavaty uttama-s'loke unto the Fortunate One praised in the verses,
(Dm Em // F Am) bhaktir bhavati naishthikî R becomes the bhakti irrevocable.
(F G Am G // Dm Em F Em) tadâ rajas-tamo-bhâvâh The effect then of passion, slowness,
(Dm C // Bdim Am) kâma-lobhâdayas' ca ye R lust, greediness and all of that;
(Dm Edim Gm C// Bb C Edim Am) cetu etair anâviddham the consciousness not spoiled by these,
(C Gm Am Gm // Am Edim Gm F) sthitam sattve prasîdati R gets happy fixed in goodness.
(C //Am Dm) evam prasanna-manaso The one whose consciousness is thus pleased,
(Dm Em // Bm C) bhagavad-bhakti-yogatah R by the Lord His bhakti-yoga;
(F G Am // F G Am) bhagavat-tattva-vijñânam sees the wisdom real to the Lord Supreme,
(Dm Em// Dm Am) mukta-sangasya jâyate R effectiv'ly freed in that company!
(Am C Dm//C Am C Dm) bhidyate hridaya-granthis' With the knot in the heart pierced,
(Em F // G Bb Am) chidyante sarva-sams'ayâh R and all the doubts cut into pieces;
(F G Am // Am Dm F G) ksîyante câsya karmâni with the end of his fruitive actions
(Dm Em // F Am) drishtha evâtmanîs'vare R is the soul sure seen as the master.
(S.B. 1.1 17-21)
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) rajas tamo ha'te tabe pâibe nistâr R From passion, slowness being delivered attaining then,
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) hridoyer abhadra saba ghucibe tâhâr R will the heart its troubles all be removed from them.
(F Am Dm C Am Dm Em // C Am F Dm C Am G) ki kore bujhâbo kathâ bara sei câhi R What will clarify that message, that I'd like to know!
(Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am E // Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am C) kshudra âmi dîna hîna kono s'akti nâhi R I'm so insignificant, small, fallen lacking in strength.
(C Am Bb C Gm ) ki kore bujhâbo kathâ What will clarify that message...
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) athaca enecho prabhu kathâ bolibâre R nevertheless You brought me Lord to speak this message,
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) je tomâr icchâ prabhu koro ei-bâre R now please do O Lord what You want to be done.
(F Am Dm C Am Dm Em // C Am F Dm C Am G) akhila jagat-guru! bacana se âmâr R O Master of all the Living You with what I say,
(Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am E // Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am C) alankrita koribâr kshamatâ tomâr R can make that represent so that each may well understand.
(C Am Bb C Gm ) akhila jagat-guru! O Master of all the Living...
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) tava kripâ ha'le mor kathâ s'uddha habe R by Your grace shown will my words become pure,
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) s'uniyâ sabâra s'oka duhkha je ghucibe R hearing which everyone's sad misery will vanish.
(F Am Dm C Am Dm Em // C Am F Dm C Am G) âniyâcho jadi prabhu âmâre nâcâte R If You brought me here to dance Lord, so make me dance,
(Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am E // Dm Gm Edim F Gm Am C) nâcâo nâcâo prabhu nâcâo se-mate R make me dance, make me dance, o Lord make me dance,
(C Am Bb C Gm ) kâshthera putula jathâ nâcâo se-mate R just like a wooden doll make me dance, make me dance that way.
(C Am Bb C Gm ) âniyâcho jadi prabhu If You brought me here to dance Lord...
(Em G Am F Gm Am // C Em Dm F G Edim Dm Bb) bhakti nâi beda nâi nâme khub daro R Not of bhakti, nor of knowledge given the wrong title,
(Gm Am Bb C D Edim C// Gm Am Bb D Dm Edim C F) 'bhaktivedânta' nâm ebe sârthak kor R named Bhaktivedânta now please fulfill the real purport.
C Dm Em F G Em Dm C C Dm Em F G Em Dm G
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